Chapter 67 Crying into Guangling
It was Ji Ling who led the cavalry over.

Still far away from Liu Bei, Ji Ling shouted: "Liu Bei, leave, leave the head!"

Seeing Ji Ling, Liu Bei didn't bother to cry anymore, nor did he think of going to Xiaopei to find Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and urged the horses to gallop.

Mi Fang followed behind him with a few remaining guards.

Ji Ling came from the north, Xiao Pei came from the east, and the horn of Youyou came from the west.

Liu Bei could only flee to the south.

Without Guan Yu and Zhang Fei around, Mi Fang couldn't stop Ji Ling, so Liu Bei could only run away desperately.

But Ji Ling continued to chase after him.

The two sides chased and fled, and went south for more than 200 miles.

There was no chance to catch his breath on the road, and when Ji Ling stopped chasing, the exhausted Liu Bei swayed and fell off his horse.

Although Mi Fang and several guards were also exhausted, they hurried forward.

Holding the back of Liu Bei's neck, Mi Fang lifted him up and shouted, "Uncle Huang! Uncle Huang!"

After calling more than ten times in a row, Liu Bei opened his eyes leisurely.

"Water..." He licked his dry lips, begging for water from Mi Fang and the others.

"Bring the water quickly." Mi Fang shouted.

A guard hurried to the horse, took off the water bag and handed it over.

After receiving the water bag, Mi Fang moved close to Liu Bei's lips: "Uncle Emperor, the water is here."

After gulping down some water, Liu Bei recovered a lot of energy.

"Where have we been?" Lying in Mi Fang's arms, he asked weakly.

"It seems that we have reached the border of Guangling." Mi Fang asked, "Uncle Emperor, what should we do?"

"Is the prefect of Guangling Chen Deng?" Liu Bei asked.

"Exactly." Mi Fang replied: "Chen Deng joined Cao Cao at the beginning, but now the emperor's uncle betrays the Cao family, I'm afraid of him..."

"Chen Deng is a benevolent gentleman. Although he voted for Cao Cao, he will not harm me." Liu Bei said, "We might as well vote for him first."

Struggling to sit up, he said to Mi Fang, "Let's go to Guangling County Mansion."

When Liu Bei was in Xuzhou, Chen Deng did serve as an official under him.

Later, Lu Bu drove Liu Bei away, and Chen Deng secretly contacted Cao Cao to launch the battle of Xiapi, almost destroying Lu Bu.

Lu Bu had a feud with Chen Deng, but Liu Bei had some friendship with him.

In addition to abandoning his wife and running away, Liu Bei has another special skill which is to win people's hearts.

Every time he is like a bereaved dog, there is always someone willing to take him in.

Chen Deng is the prefect of Guangling, so of course Liu Bei will vote for him.

Chen Deng did not get the news that Liu Bei rebelled and Lu Bu surrendered.

Hearing that Liu Bei was coming, Chen Deng went out of the city to greet him in person.

Seeing Liu Bei from a distance, he bowed and said, "I've seen the envoy!"

"Yuanlong!" There were still more than ten steps away from Chen Deng, Liu Bei got off his horse and galloped over. Before he could speak, he was already crying loudly: "Hurry up and save me!"

Howling loudly, he threw himself down and bowed.

Chen Deng hurriedly stepped forward to help him up: "I heard that the envoy was in Xudu and was named Yuzhou Shepherd by Duke Cao. He led troops to Xiapi a few days ago. Why is he in such a situation now?"

Being lifted up by Chen Deng, Liu Bei said with tears all over his face: "Mr. Cao ordered me to attack Huainan. I led the army to Xiapi. I planned to stay there for a few days before leaving. I didn't expect that Lu Bu would make trouble. While our army was sleeping at night, I sent the soldiers to Xiapi. Kill them all!"

It was Liu Bei who suddenly launched an attack that night.

But when he said this, Chen Deng frowned without any doubt and said, "I heard that Lv Bu joined Duke Cao. I have long said that he is unreliable. He really did such a thing."

Liu Bei then talked about how he was defeated and retreated to Xiaopei from Xiapi.

When he talked about Lu Bu's siege, he specifically mentioned the siege towers that appeared outside the city.

"I saw that kind of weapon for the first time, I think I saw it somewhere." Speaking of the siege tower, Liu Bei said, "But no matter what, I can't remember where I saw it..."

"The envoy is so forgetful." Chen Deng said: "At the beginning in Xuzhou, a Daqin businessman sent a picture, which included a siege tower. The envoy also saw it at that time, only because Duke Cao attacked Xuzhou, so You can’t build without a pattern.”

Liu Bei slapped his forehead and said angrily, "Why didn't I think of that."

"When the envoy lost Xuzhou, could it be that Lu Bu got the design?" Chen Deng asked.

"Very likely." Liu Bei replied: "Xuzhou is in his hands, what can be hidden from him?"

"Lv Bu first showed his goodwill to Cao Gong, and then he did such a thing when he returned to Xiapi." Chen Deng said solemnly: "We must inform Cao Gong as soon as possible."

"Yuanlong, don't tell Mr. Cao." Liu Bei hastily stopped him.

Chen Deng asked suspiciously: "Lü Bu rebelled, Duke Cao will definitely send troops to attack, why did the envoy stop me?"

"Grandpa Cao gave me troops to attack Huainan." Liu Bei said, "The army was destroyed by Lu Bu in Xiapi before even reaching Huainan. Once Duke Cao knows, how can I not be questioned?"

"The matter has already happened. Could it be that the envoy has other methods?" Liu Bei refused to report to Cao Cao, and Chen Deng was immediately puzzled.

Staring into Liu Bei's eyes, he seemed to be trying to see through them.

Ever since Liu Bei claimed to be King Jing of Zhongshan, he had already practiced the ability to hide his eyes.

From his eyes, what Chen Deng saw was intense sadness.

"Lu Bu doesn't have many soldiers, but Guangling has some." Liu Bei said, "If Yuan Long is willing to lend me, I will definitely get rid of this serious trouble for Duke Cao."

"Use Guangling soldiers and horses to deal with Lu Bu alone..." Chen Deng frowned, but did not immediately agree.

Although Guangling has some soldiers and horses, Lu Bu is the most powerful general in the world after all.

It is as difficult as the sky to defeat Lu Bu with the strength of a local army.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Deng said: "Please don't worry, sir. Since we can't tell Duke Cao, we can think of other ways. With Guangling alone, we are indeed no match for Lu Bu. I have to contact some people to attack Lu Bu together." "

"Lao Yuanlong." Although he still felt unreliable, Liu Bei did not dare to stop him.

"Let's not talk here either." Chen Deng took a step aside: "Please, sir."

Liu Bei and Chen Deng entered Guangling City.

A few hundred steps away from the gate of Guangling, two strong men watched them enter the city, nodded to each other, and ran away quickly.

Jumping to the side of the two horses tied a little distance away, they untied the reins and got on the horses.

The two fast horses galloped away, leaving clouds of smoke and dust behind them.

After chasing Liu Bei into Guangling, Ji Ling stopped at the border.

He did not return to Xiapi immediately, but sent scouts to follow Liu Bei.

The low hills are full of lush trees.

Ji Ling sat on a big rock, looking towards the direction of Guangling County Mansion.

At the end of the road down the mountain, two fast horses came galloping.

He stood up abruptly, staring straight at the two galloping figures.

"General, the scouts are back!" The guard behind him pointed to the road.

(End of this chapter)

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