The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 68 I Have to Shoot You Chapter 1

Chapter 68

Lu Bu defeated Xiaopei, leaving a small number of soldiers and horses to guard it, and then returned to Xiapi with the army.

After winning, of course, a celebration is indispensable.

No matter how good the alcohol capacity is, it can't hold back everyone's toast one glass at a time.

The Battle of Xiapi wiped out the treacherous villains around Lu Bu.

Of course, singing praises at the celebration banquet was indispensable, but the flattery of everyone did not make Lu Bu feel comfortable.

After the banquet was over, Gao Shun sent Lu Bu back to the back residence.

Walking on the road, Lu Bu asked Gao Shun: "Do you think Chen Deng will take Liu Bei in?"

"I think it's probably possible." Gao Shun said, "When Marquis Wen captured Xuzhou and Liu Bei fled, Chen Deng surrendered to Cao Cao. He and Liu Bei had an unusual relationship before."

"As long as he dares to take Liu Bei in, I will dare to send troops to attack him." Lv Bu said with a smile, "If Chen Deng is destroyed, the whole of Xuzhou will be in our hands."

"Cao Cao ordered Marquis Wen to attack Huainan, isn't Marquis Wen planning to obey?" Gao Shun asked suspiciously.

"Of course Huainan is going to be fought, but Xuzhou is not stable, so how can I send troops?" Lu Bu said: "The capture of Huainan does not belong to us, and we have to hand it over to Cao Cao. Only by capturing Xuzhou is our territory."

"Wen Hou took Xuzhou, but surrendered Huainan to Cao Cao." Gao Shun frowned: "In this way, half of Xuzhou will be surrounded by Cao Cao's forces."

"More than half." Lu Bu asked, "Do you think Qingzhou will not belong to the Cao family in the future?"

"Qingzhou Zang Ba and Wen Hou have a good relationship, and Sun Guan and others rushed to help Xiapi." Gao Shun said, "Yuan Tan occupies half of Qingzhou again. It may not be easy for the Cao family to reach there."

"Although Yuan Shao in Hebei is stronger than Cao Cao at present, he is not Cao Cao's opponent at all." A somewhat drunk Lu Bu said: "Yuan Shao has a large number of soldiers and horses, but the deployment is not coordinated. It is not easy to deploy soldiers and horses from all over the world, and it is difficult to launch a war against the Cao family." All-out attack. Although Hebei has a lot of talents, Yuan Shao doesn't know how to make good use of them. The intrigue between the staff and the generals has long been revealed."

After drinking a lot of wine, when Lu Bu said this, Gao Shun didn't really believe it.

The Yuan family in Hebei and Gongsun Zan have been fighting for many years.

The once powerful Gongsun Zan has been forced to retreat to Yijing.

Once Gongsun Zan is defeated, the Yuan family's power will flourish.

Although Cao Cao fought many victories in the Yellow River Basin and annexed many forces, he was still much weaker than Yuan Shao who unified the north.

It is unlikely that the Yuan and Cao families will start a war. Even if there is a war, Gao Shun believes that the Yuan family has a better chance of winning.

However, what Lu Bu said was completely different from what he thought in his heart.

He didn't agree with it in his heart, but Gao Shun didn't say much.

As they approached the gate of the back house, Lu Bu patted Gao Shun's arm affectionately twice: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest."

"Wen Hou also rested earlier." Gao Shun agreed, and watched Lu Bu enter the back house.

The two maids were already waiting there.

Lu Bu came in, and the two greeted him.

"How did Madam Gan and Madam Mi arrange it?" Lu Bu asked as he walked in front of the maid.

"Report to Marquis Wen." One of the maids replied: "The two ladies don't want to be too far apart. Their residences are next to each other, and they can often move around on weekdays."

"It's fine to live together." Lu Bu asked, "Did the two of them behave unusually these days?"

"Wen Hou asked..." The two maids looked confused when asked.

"It's emotional instability, throwing things around, yelling, or looking for life and death."

The maids looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Isn't it noisy or disturbing, so you can live with peace of mind?" Lu Bu asked.

"The two wives are kind and never quarrel with us." The maid just now replied: "My wives also visit them from time to time."

Lu Bu didn't ask any more questions, but he was feeling emotional in his heart.

Liu Bei didn't talk about friendship, and discarded his wife as if he were wearing old clothes.

But he was lucky enough to marry such two people.

It's not easy to find such a virtuous woman without being abandoned by others.

"Go to Mrs. Gan." After thinking for a while, Lu Bu ordered.

The maid didn't dare to ask him what he was doing there, and followed behind with her head down.

It was getting late, and Mrs. Gan had already fallen asleep when Lu Bu arrived.

After receiving the notification, she hurriedly dressed and went out to meet her.

Lu Bu came suddenly, and Mrs. Gan ran out in a hurry before she had time to wash up.

The clothes were not neatly worn and looked a little messy.

After lying down, the loose hair was pulled into a simple cloud temple.

Without careful combing, her temples are fluffy and fluffy, as if wearing a big silk bag on the top of her head.

When she came in front of Lu Bu, Mrs. Gan bowed and said, "I've seen Wen Hou."

"Madam has already fallen asleep?" Lu Bu looked at her.

The neckline of the slightly messy clothes was slightly open, and under the cold moonlight, a corner of the holy snow mountain could be vaguely seen.

Mrs. Gan, who is already 25 and six years old, exudes the charm of a mature woman.

The moonlight swayed on his white face under the fluffy temples.

Under the clear light, the skin flows with a warm luster.

"Ma'am, please raise your head up." Lu Bu raised his hand when he was half drunk.

Mrs. Gan raised her head gently, showing a trace of apprehension in her expression.

Staring at Mrs. Gan, Lu Bu smiled, "What are you worried about, Mrs. Gan?"

"No..." Mrs. Gan lowered her head again, and replied softly, "I'm not worried about anything..."

"Liu Xuande escaped from Xiapi and went to Xiaopei." Lu Bu kept his gaze on her face, "I led the troops to attack and drove him out again."

Hearing that Liu Bei was kicked out of Xiaopei, Mrs. Gan's expression changed instantly.

The expression only changed briefly, but Lu Bu grasped the worry from it.

"Madam is worried about Liu Xuande?" Lu Bu asked.

Not knowing what his intentions were, Mrs. Gan dared not respond.

She lowered her head and asked softly, "Wen Hou came to see me so late just to talk about this?"

"Of course not." Lu Bu walked to his side and looked at her with his head sideways: "I told Liu Xuande outside Xiaopei City that the two wives were taken down by me, not only did he not worry at all, but instead ordered Zhang Fei to shoot me with an arrow. "

"Ah?" Hearing that Zhang Fei shot Lu Bu with an arrow, Mrs. Gan exclaimed softly and looked up at him.

There was only horror in his eyes but no worry at all.

"I thought Madam would be worried." Lu Bu pursed his lips, as if disappointed and said: "It seems that you still like to be Liu Xuande's woman."

"It's not..." Mrs. Gan quickly lowered her head: "I'm also worried about Wen Hou..."

"Words can deceive people, but eyes can't." Lu Bu smiled strangely, and put his arms around Madam Gan's waist.

She has never given birth to a child, and Mrs. Gan's figure is still enchanting.

Suddenly being hugged by him, Mrs. Gan exclaimed.

Lu Bu put his lips close to her ear and whispered, "Liu Xuande asked Zhang Fei to shoot me with an arrow. Since you still miss him, I have to shoot you once tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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