Chapter 69 Make Liu Bei cry again

Liu Bei fled to Guangling, but Chen Deng was also interested in his affairs.

He didn't know what happened, but he sent messengers to seek help that night, but he didn't send anyone to Xudu.

Lü Bu was just the opposite. He didn't ask any forces for help, but sent a few messengers to Xudu to report what happened in Xuzhou to Cao Cao.

On the second day after the messenger set off, the city gate of Xiapi was opened wide, and Lu Bu led the soldiers to Guangling.

Only Zhang Liao and Ji Ling accompanied Lu Bu on the expedition.

Gao Shun was ordered to stay at Xiapi.

The Xuzhou area is not very stable yet, Guangling is different from Xiaopei.

When Liu Bei fled back to Xiaopei, he had no troops under his command.

The soldiers and horses defending the city are just improvised civilian husbands.

Facing the soldiers under Lu Bu's command who have gone through many battles, they simply have no ability to resist.

But Guangling is different.

In the battle of Xiapi, Chen Deng took the lead in attacking Lu Bu, which caused the Cao family's army to advance eastward.

Soldiers who have been on the battlefield and practice frequently are of course different from improvised civilians.

In order to avoid falling into a protracted war and leaving Xiapi empty, he left Gao Shun in charge of defense, and he felt more or less secure.

Chen Deng contacted everywhere and heard that Lu Bu led the army to attack Guangling, but no one came to help.

The news that Lu Bu joined the Cao family had already spread in Xuzhou.

When he attacked Liu Bei, Cao Cao ignored him and didn't even send a single person to Xiapi to criticize him.

Some well-informed people also got the news that Yu Jin led Cao Jun to send rations to Lu Bu.

At the same time, Liu Bei's army was kept outside Xiapi City.

The situation is complicated, and it is not sure what happened, and none of the prefects of the counties is willing to stand in line rashly.

When Liu Bei came to Guangling, Chen Deng also had doubts.

In particular, Liu Bei prevented him from reporting to Cao Cao, which made Chen Deng even more puzzled.

He didn't completely believe in Liu Bei, but Chen Deng still chose to be an enemy of Lu Bu.

At the beginning, he was the first to attack Xiapi. Perhaps Lu Bu hated Liu Bei more than he hated him.

When Liu Bei came to Guangling, no matter how he stood in line, the relationship with Lu Bu could no longer be reversed.

Sooner or later there will be a battle with Lu Bu.

Instead of choosing to capture Liu Bei, it is better to defeat Lu Bu with him.

Even if he was wrong in the end, as long as Liu Bei is taken down again, Cao Cao will not say much.

After all, Cao Cao was not unscrupulous towards Lu Bu.

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Deng put Liu Bei into Guangling.

He planned to contact the surrounding counties and fight Lu Bu to the death in Guangling.

Thousands of calculations were made, but Chen Deng made a mistake.

The county guards are not stupid, so how could they not see something weird from this incident?
The reinforcements contacted by Chen Deng did not come all the way, but Lu Bu came first.

Lu Bu captured many prisoners when he wiped out Liu Bei.

This expedition he still did not bring those people.

Liu Bei has always been good at deceiving people's hearts, and the loyalty of soldiers transformed from captives is not too high.

Bring them to Guangling, once Liu Bei finds an opportunity, it is very likely that the backyard will catch fire.

As a precaution, Lu Bu decided to take only [-] soldiers from the direct line to attack Guangling.

Arriving outside Guangling City, Lu Bu ordered the army to station.

The soldiers set up marching tents, while he rode his horse towards the city wall.

Just like when he attacked Xiaopei back then, when he came to the top of the city where the arrows could not hit, he shouted loudly, "Is Liu Xuande here?"

On the top of the city, Chen Deng and Liu Bei stood side by side.

Seeing Lu Bu, Liu Bei knew he was coming to humiliate him.

Chen Deng stood aside, Liu Bei was unwilling to respond, and was afraid of being underestimated by Chen Deng.

But he also knew that if he responded, Lu Bu would definitely say some difficult words.

"Is Liu Xuande here?" Lu Bu outside the city called again.

Liu Bei looked at Mi Fang.

Mi Fang understood, stepped forward and said: "Uncle Huang, you can talk if you want to talk? If you have anything to tell me, I will tell him."

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to thank the emperor." Lu Bu smiled and said, "That day the emperor left the two ladies in Xiapi. It’s fine if it falls into my hands, if it falls into the hands of some rough man who doesn’t know how to pity and cherish jade, wouldn’t he suffer a great crime. Although I’m very reluctant, I still invite the two ladies to sleep with me for a few days.”

Lü Bu was drunk that day and asked Mrs. Gan to attend her bed.

It's a pity that Mrs. Gan has menstruation.

When he sobered up the next day, he was busy dispatching troops to attack Guangling again, and unexpectedly neglected Madam Mi's side.

The two wives haven't really attended the bed until now, and they yelled at Liu Bei just to make him feel confused.

Although Liu Bei said that women are like clothes.

But when his woman was put to sleep, he would definitely not be happy in his heart.

He would rather Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi be killed than to serve other people.

On the top of the wall, Liu Bei's face was livid, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Is Xuande still planning to kill me with a cold arrow?" Liu Bei glared at Lu Bu angrily, but he laughed loudly: "To tell you the truth, Xuande, if you hadn't shot me with a cold arrow last time, I wouldn't have thought of going back and shooting the two ladies. It is also thanks to Xuande's reminder to hug a beauty."

Lu Bu not only showed off that he had put the two wives to sleep, but even said such embarrassing things.

Liu Bei gritted his teeth, wishing he could rush out and eat him alive.

"Your Majesty, don't pay attention to him." Seeing that Liu Bei's expression was not good, Chen Deng tried to persuade him.

"By the way, there is one more thing I have to tell you." Lu Bu turned around and took two steps back, then turned his head again: "Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have already been executed, and from now on you will lose two strong generals by your side. I I planned to spare them, but they wanted to die. Since they can't be used by me, I have no choice but to ask his brothers to go to Huangquan together."

Lu Bu attacked Xiaopei, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei escaped with manpower.

The two of them separated from Liu Bei, and Liu Bei who fled to Guangling didn't know what happened to them.

In the battle of Xiaopei, Lu Bu besieged the city like a bucket.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were able to rush out, firstly because of their bravery, and secondly because they were lucky not to meet Lu Bu halfway.

Lu Bu knew that the two had escaped, but Liu Bei didn't know.

Hearing that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had been killed, and thinking that there would be no more useful generals by his side in the future, Liu Bei felt depressed for a while, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Uncle Emperor!" Liu Bei vomited blood, and Mi Fang quickly stepped forward to support him.

Chen Deng turned his head to look over.

Gently pushing Mi Fang away, Liu Bei covered his face with his hands and wept loudly.

Chen Deng knew exactly what Guan Yu and Zhang Fei meant to Liu Bei.

Holding Liu Bei's arm, Chen Deng comforted him and said, "Don't be sad, sir. Lu Bu is just outside the city. You and I will work together to take his head as a memorial to the two generals."

"Killed my two virtuous younger brothers!" Chen Deng didn't persuade him, but Liu Bei wailed even louder after persuading him.

Liu Bei's wail was heard on the Guangling city wall, and Lu Bu turned around and left contentedly.

Back at the barracks, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling came to meet him.

"Wen Hou is really capable, and made Liu Bei cry again." Zhang Liao grinned and held Lu Bu's horse with his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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