The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 70 Don't let them sleep peacefully

Chapter 70 Don't let them sleep peacefully

Liu Bei's wail came from the head of Guangling City.

Lu Bu got off his horse and looked back, "Why do you think Liu Bei is crying?"

"If I were him, I would feel like dying after being so stimulated." Ji Ling said, "What Wen Hou said would make Liu Xuande more sad than sending troops to attack Guangling."

"The army has already settled down, when is Marquis Wen going to attack the city?" Zhang Liao asked.

Looking at Guangling City, Lu Bu smiled slightly: "Let Liu Bei cry first, it's not easy to cry, and it's easy to hold back troubles. I'm a more understanding person. If I occupy his woman, I won't let him cry again. Isn't it too inhumane?"

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling chuckled.

Ji Ling has been in contact with Lu Bu before, and although he doesn't know much about him, he can feel that Lu Bu is very different from the past.

It was Zhang Liao who felt the deepest.

Since the Battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu has completely changed himself.

It can be seen at a glance that middle age turns into a teenager, but there are other deeper changes.

Although Lu Bu was not as short-sighted as the outside world preached, his strategic vision was indeed much worse than it is now.

Although he took Xuzhou from Liu Bei at the beginning, Lu Bu didn't get much benefit.

Especially after Cao Cao's crusade, he almost wiped him out!

If it weren't for his sudden change in temperament, leading a cavalry to attack Cao Jun's food and grass at night, Xiapi might have disappeared long ago.

For a long time, Zhang Liao felt very confused.

He doesn't know where the future is going.

Lv Bu used Wei Xu and others to make great use of them. He knew that he and Gao Shun were capable, but he refused to appoint important positions.

It wasn't until one day that Lu Bu suddenly invited him, Chen Gong, and Gao Shun to discuss how to deal with the rebellion of Wei Xu and others, that he really became the core of Lu Bu's power.

Zhang Liao didn't know that Lu Bu, who asked him to discuss dealing with Wei Xu and the others, was no longer the person he was familiar with.

Liu Bei wailed for a long time, and was finally persuaded by Mi Fang and Chen Deng to leave the city.

Several guards escorted Liu Bei back to Guangling government.

Chen Deng and Mi Fang watched Liu Bei go away, then turned to look at Lu Bu's army outside the city.

Lu Bu ordered to be stationed, but the army had no intention of attacking the city.

"There are only a thousand troops in Guangling, and there are no brave generals in the city." Chen Deng said with a frown, "If Lu Bu launches an attack, he might not be able to defend for long."

"Looking at his formation, there are only 4000 to [-] people." Mi Fang said: "Our army only needs to defend to the death. It will not be easy for him to break through Guangling."

"I heard that Lü Bu didn't spend much effort in defeating Xiaopei." Chen Deng said, "Xiaopei had stationed a lot of soldiers and horses. Breaking through there is much more difficult than attacking Guangling."

"It should be like this, but the emperor's soldiers and horses are all broken in Xiapi." Mi Fang replied: "Xiaopei's defenders are all improvised peasants, many of them don't even know how to use lances, how can it be Lu Bu opponent?"

Looking around, he continued, "Guangling's defenders are different. The soldiers here are all veterans brought to the battlefield by the prefect. Although there are not many of them, they are rare and elite. Lu Bu wanted to take this place, but he didn't take it away." Xiao Pei is so easy."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Chen Deng's mouth, and he didn't say any more.

Although Mi Fang's analysis was reasonable, Chen Deng didn't think the matter was really as simple as he said.

Lu Bu did not give the order to attack, and Chen Deng always felt that he was planning something.

After observing for a long time, Chen Deng did not see any unusual arrangements by Lu Bu.

Lu Bu, who was stationed outside the city, sat in the commander's tent.

Zhang Liao, Ji Ling and several lieutenants sat on both sides of the commander's tent.

All eyes fell on Lu Bu's face.

"Everyone has dealt with Chen Deng before." Lu Bu's eyes swept over everyone's faces: "You all know his skills. Can anyone tell me how our army can break through Guangling?"

Including Zhang Liao and Ji Ling, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Wen Hou." After a long while, no one suggested a way to break Guangling, Zhang Liao got up, "Chen Yuanlong is not a man with a vain reputation. He still has some skills, and the defenders of Guangling are all veterans who have gone to the battlefield. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to defeat Guangling."

"What's not easy?" Ji Ling stood up: "I also know Chen Yuanlong. He is indeed a little talented, but he has no great talents. There are no strong generals in Guangling, and the defenders are no more than a thousand. Our army only needs to build offensive troops. The city tower, General Wen Yuan and I will lead the troops up to the city!"

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling disagreed, but Lu Bu didn't intervene.

The school lieutenant who belonged to the two also supported his general in a hurry.

After they argued for a while, Lu Bu asked, "Can I have a word?"

Everyone quickly shut up.

"It is imperative to attack Guangling." Lu Bu said, "Chen Deng will not die, and I will never be safe. It's just that this time I don't want you to lead troops to attack the city, but I will go into battle myself."

"Siege is nothing compared to other things." Zhang Liao quickly persuaded: "In case there is something wrong with Wen Hou..."

"Breaking Guangling and killing Chen Deng is for the sake of gaining prestige. Of course, I have to lead the troops to attack the city." Lu Bu said, "As for the two generals, there are more important things for you to do. In Xiaopei, we let Liu Bei go. Now he is useless, no matter who sees him, he will be killed without mercy!"

Knowing that Lu Bu couldn't be persuaded, everyone had no choice but to agree.

It was still early when the army arrived.

Lu Bujun did not make any moves throughout the afternoon.

When night fell, Chen Deng, who was guarding the city for a moment and did not dare to leave, felt his eyes dry.

The spirit was too tense, and he was always on guard against Lu Bu's siege. In just one afternoon, Chen Deng felt exhausted.

The night is like a black veil covering Guangling.

A torch is lit every few steps on the city wall.

The flames fluttered and whirred in the evening wind.

The light from the torch could not reach Lu Bu's army outside the city, but instead completely exposed the city wall to Lu Bu's eyes.

"Lü Bu doesn't come during the day, maybe he will come at night." Walking on the city wall, Chen Deng shouted: "Cheer up, don't let the enemy take advantage of the loopholes."

All the defenders held their heads high and their chests straight, looking directly at the camp of Lu Bu's army.

At the edge of the camp, Lu Bu looked at the city wall of Guangling, which was illuminated black and white by the torches.

"Wen Hou." Zhang Liao came behind him: "The night is dark, isn't it..."

"No!" Lu Bu said, "pass on the order. The horn will be blown again and again tonight. Let's make the defenders nervous first."

"Just blow the horn and not attack the city?" Zhang Liao looked puzzled.

"Harassing others to sleep, is it possible that you have to go up and pinch them in the face?" Lu Bu said with a smile: "The enemy and our soldiers are full of energy tonight. Once the battle starts, our army that is besieging the city will definitely suffer. Let them sleep in fear all night. Don’t realize it, wait until tomorrow to wait for an opportunity.”

Zhang Liao immediately understood what Lu Bu meant: "I'll pass the order right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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