The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 71 Take advantage of their sleep and kill them

Chapter 71 Take advantage of their sleep and kill them
Throughout the night, Lu Bu's barracks did not stop.

Every once in a while, the horn will sound.After some time, the war drums in the army will be beating loudly.

Knowing in advance that it would be very noisy at night, the soldiers who were sleeping had their ears and eyes plugged with rags.

Although I still hear voices, it is indeed much better than doing nothing.

At first Lu Bu was not used to the loud horns and drums.

In the middle of the night, he was so sleepy that he finally fell asleep.

The sky was bright, and the tents were illuminated by the sun, showing a translucent appearance. Lu Bu opened his eyes.

The guards outside heard the sound, turned and entered the handsome tent.

The guards helped Lu Bu put on his armor.

After tidying up, Lu Bu left the tent.

Zhang Liao came up to welcome him: "Hou Wen, did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay." Lu Bu replied, "I fell asleep in the middle of the night, and the horns and drums were beating together. It was indeed too noisy."

"The defenders have been tossed hard at night." Zhang Liao said, "Every time our army blows the horn, they have to be on guard."

"Have you been guarding all night?" Lu Bu asked.

"General Ji and I took turns watching." Zhang Liao replied, "General Ji went back to sleep in the middle of the night."

When he came to the edge of the barracks and looked at the city wall in the distance, Lu Bu asked again, "How long has it been since you blew the horn?"

"A little less than half an hour." Zhang Liao asked, "Could it be that during the daytime..."

"Of course." A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth, "We just want to make them sleep restlessly."

"Command!" He told Zhang Liao: "Every half an hour, horns and drums will be fired. Before attacking the city, we will exhaust the defenders. Once they slack off, Guangling will be ours."

"I'll go right away." Understanding Lu Bu's intention, Zhang Liao turned and left.

The military order was issued, but after a while, the drums and horns sounded together again.

Zhang Liao was about to go back to Lu Bu when Ji Ling chased him.

The circles under his eyes were dark, he obviously didn't sleep well.

"General Wen Yuan." Calling Zhang Liao to stop, Ji Ling asked, "What is Hou Wen doing? You don't stop all night, and you come early in the morning?"

"Wen Hou is so noisy, at least our soldiers have a chance to sleep." Zhang Liao said: "Every time the horns and drums are sounded, the enemy has to be on guard, which is much harder than ours."

"It's been raging all night, did Marquis Wen say when to attack?" Ji Ling said, "I've come to Guangling, so I can't just waste my time like this?"

"I don't know what Wen Hou is going to do." Zhang Liao replied, "If General Ji wants to ask, just go and see Wen Hou."

Accompanying Zhang Liao to Lv Bu's side, Ji Ling asked, "Wenhou, when are we going to attack? We've been making noise all night, listening to the horns and drums, I feel very uncomfortable."

"Don't talk about you, even I feel very uncomfortable." Lu Bu said: "Compared with us, Chen Deng on the opposite side is having a harder time. When the horns and drums are sounded, should he fight or not? If he fights, most likely no one will attack." If we don’t want to fight, won’t they be caught off guard if our army launches a sudden attack?”

Both Zhang Liao and Ji Ling are generals who lead troops all the year round.

If they were defending the city, the horns and drums would sound outside the city, and they would also order the soldiers to take precautions early.

But any person who has been doing something for a long time but cannot wait for the result will become slack and careless.

Lu Bu's arrangement is nothing more than a way to tire the enemy.

Once the defenders are exhausted, even though there is not much difference in strength between the two sides, the siege will become handy.

Throughout the day, Lu Bu's army would still blow horns every half an hour to beat the drums of attack.

On the top of the city, Chen Deng has a panda eye.

All the soldiers beside him were like eggplants beaten by frost, their heads drooping and their spirits drooping.

No wonder the defenders were like this. Every time Lu Bu's army blew their horns, they had to respond.

After staying up all night and all day, how can people still have energy.

"Yuanlong!" With a greeting, Liu Bei took Mi Fang up the city wall and came to Chen Deng's side.

Like Chen Deng, Liu Bei and Mi Fang also had dark eye circles, very much like pandas.

"The envoy is here." Chen Deng greeted feebly.

His brain was in chaos, and his tongue was a little stiff when speaking.

"Yuan Long hasn't slept yet?" Liu Bei asked.

"Lu Bu blows the horn and beats the war drums every once in a while. Although every time it is an illusion, he still has to deal with it. How can he have time to sleep?" Chen Deng said: "In case he fails to deal with it one time, he suddenly leads the way." When the army arrives, Guangling will be gone."

"Why didn't Yuanlong let the soldiers go to sleep in turn?" Liu Bei said, "Even if Lu Bu led the army to kill, some of the soldiers defended against the enemy, and the other half rested."

"Take turns to sleep?" Chen Deng said: "There are so many things in the city that need to be taken care of, and Lu Bu is watching outside the city, who should I let go to sleep?"

"But it's going on like this..." Liu Bei hesitated to speak.

"We'll talk about it at night." Looking out of the city, Chen Deng felt a chill in his scalp, and his vision was blurry.

When people are too sleepy, the brain's response will become extremely slow.

Although Liu Bei had dark circles under his eyes, he still slept for a while after all.

Chen Deng has been guarding the top of the city, and he didn't even close his eyes once.

Even if you let him lie down anywhere, he can fall asleep right away.

The night fell again, and the city of Guangling was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Most of the soldiers who hadn't slept all day and night were too sleepy to straighten their backs.

After sleeping for a while during the day, Lv Bu, who was full of energy, stood outside the barracks holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling stood beside him.

Behind them is a mass of soldiers in black.

The soldiers did not light the torches, and it was dark from the top of the city, and the people and the night were integrated into one.

"Hou Wen, let me do it." Lu Bu stared at the city wall under the night, and Zhang Liao whispered.

"The enemy army is already sleepy like cats, so am I still afraid of them?" Lu Bu smiled slightly, and ordered Zhang Liao: "Order, no one should make a sound when charging."

"Pass down the military order." Zhang Liao turned around and said, "No one is allowed to make a sound during the attack."

The more than 3000 soldiers held their breath and concentrated, waiting for Lu Bu's order to charge.

Looking back, seeing that the soldiers were getting ready, Lu Bu pointed forward holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and rushed out.

The soldiers charged like a tide.

Looking from the city wall at night, the charging Lv Bu army was like a surging black wave rolling towards Guangling City.

The city guards were already very sleepy, and they didn't notice anyone rushing up at first.

It wasn't until Lu Bu led the soldiers to rush to only thirty or forty steps away from the city wall that they were discovered by the defenders on the top of the city.

"Lü Bu is here! The whole army is defending against the enemy!" On the top of the city, the horns sounded, and the defenders immediately became a chaotic mess.

(End of this chapter)

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