Chapter 72 Destined to have today
The armor was stained with blood, and Lu Bu was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

On the city wall in front of him, there were corpses of Guangling defenders lying all over the place.

Groups of soldiers climbed up the city wall, ran past Lu Bu, and rushed towards the retreating Guangling army.

The city fell, and the battle between the two sides advanced to the streets.

Fighting is happening on almost every street.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd down the city wall, Lu Bu walked along the street.

Many soldiers ran past him and killed the Guangling army who came to intercept him.

Walking between the fighting soldiers, Lu Bu didn't look at them at all, as if the battle had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Lu Bu was not paying attention to them, the two Guangling soldiers glanced at each other and followed quietly.

When they approached Lu Bu's back, they used all their strength to stab the lance out.

A strong wind blew up behind him, and two long spears stabbed at the back of the heart. Lu Bu didn't turn his head, and seemed to be fishing back casually with his left hand.

The two spears that were about to stab the back of the heart were caught in his hands, and he pulled hard, and the two Guangling soldiers who were attacking were flung to the front of him lightly like a bundle of silk.

The two staggered and fell to the ground.

Lu Bu walked past them, and the two Guangling soldiers were about to sit up.

With a swing of the halberd, a silver light flashed across their throats.

When Lu Bu walked over, the two Guangling soldiers were holding their throats and fell sideways by the side of the road.

Arriving at the Guangling Mansion, Lu Bu found that Zhang Liao had broken through here.

"Wen Hou." Zhang Liao ran over to meet him: "We have already occupied the official residence."

"Have you caught Liu Bei?" Lu Bu asked.

Zhang Liao shook his head: "No, we didn't see him when we came."

Before entering the city, Lu Bu had given an order to find Liu Bei no matter what.

But he didn't see Liu Bei's sign along the way.

Now even the government has not seen it, could it have disappeared out of thin air?
"Find it for me!" Lu Bu ordered, "Even if you dig three feet into the ground, find Liu Bei for me."

"I'll pass the order right away." Zhang Liao agreed, and then said to Lu Bu, "We didn't find Liu Bei, but we found another person."

Lu Bu looked at Zhang Liao suspiciously: "Who did you find?"

"Bring it up!" Zhang Liao ordered to the side.

Several soldiers rushed into the backyard, and after a while they found a group of men and women.

The man walking in the front was stooped, and he was probably in his early sixties.

Behind him was a group of brightly-clad men and women of various ages.

Pushed out by the soldiers, the old man froze for a moment when he saw Lu Bu, with a confused look on his face.

With all the memories of the past, Lu Bu certainly knew him.

He is Chen Deng's father, Chen Gui.

Liu Bei fled to Guangling, bringing unbelievable news.

For some reason, Lu Bu turned into a boy of seventeen or eighteen.

Of course Chen Gui and Chen Deng didn't believe it.

Seeing Lu Bu, from his appearance and demeanor, Chen Gui immediately recognized this Marquis Wen who had followed him in the past.

But he couldn't figure out why Lu Bu, who had passed his age, suddenly became a handsome young man?
At the beginning, the father and son colluded and betrayed Lu Bu when Cao Cao sent troops to Xuzhou, so that Cao Jun drove straight into the siege of Xiapi.

The enmity between Lu Bu and them was even deeper than the enmity with Liu Bei.

Seeing that it was Chen Gui, Lu Bu smiled, cupped his hands and asked, "Long time no see, how is Han Yu?"

"Wen Hou..." Chen Gui replied but didn't know what to say, and turned his face to the side again.

"When I saw my defeat and decline, Han Yu didn't miss the old feelings at all, so he gave me a drudgery." Lu Bu maintained a flat smile: "You may not have thought that I would be the one who broke through Guangling and captured you. "

"I was wrong at that time." Chen Gui sighed, "Please forgive me, Hou Wen."

"I am really generous." Lu Bu shook his head: "But I am not a good person who will easily forgive betrayers. From the day you betrayed me, you are destined to have today."

Lu Bu waved his hand: "Hang Chen Hanyu to the gate of the city to show the public, all men will be beheaded, and women will be sent to the army for the soldiers to enjoy."

The men of the whole family will be killed, and the women will be sent into the army to be abused by the soldiers. Chen Gui roared furiously: "If you have the ability, let my family members be released. What kind of heroes are you if you attack women, children, old and weak?"

"Whether I'm a hero or not doesn't matter to you." Lu Bu curled his lips: "I have always conquered the world, and my military achievements are piled up with bones. Han Yu should not be so naive as to think that all the soldiers who were killed were soldiers from the three armies. There are not many people, even if I kill them, I can’t be considered cruel.”

"Besides, I have enmity with you father and son!" Lu Bu showed a kind smile, then waved his hand: "Take it away!"

The soldier stepped forward, twisted Chen Gui and left.

After being forcibly dragged away, Chen Gui was still shouting: "Lu Bu, you killed innocent people, you will die a terrible death!"

The men and women who were dragged away after him also wept endlessly.

Many people even hated Chen Gui and his son. If they hadn't betrayed Lu Bu at the beginning, they wouldn't have ended up like this now.

Chen Gui and others were escorted away, while Lu Bu and Zhang Liao stood in the front yard.

The soldiers ordered to search for Liu Bei have already been dispatched, and the battle in Guangling City has not yet completely ended.

It was still night when the army entered the city, and the resisting defenders were not completely annihilated until the sun was three poles high.

The soldiers brought by Lu Bu turned the inside and outside of the government upside down.

Except for finding some people who were hiding, Liu Bei was not found.

Sitting in the front hall of the official mansion, Lu Bu was a little puzzled when he got news again and again that Liu Bei had not been found.

When the army entered the city, several city gates of Guangling were closed tightly. Liu Bei should not have escaped through the gates.

Since he couldn't get out of the city, why couldn't he be found after searching around?
Just wondering, Ji Ling walked in: "Housai Wen, we captured Chen Yuanlong."

Liu Bei was not found, but Chen Deng was captured. Lu Bu ordered: "Bring him in!"

Ji Ling walked to the door and shouted outside: "Bring people in!"

Two soldiers walked into the front hall, twisting the heavily tied Chen Deng.

Just like when Chen Gui first met Lu Bu, Chen Deng also had a look of astonishment.

Judging from his facial features and demeanor, it was Lu Bu who was sitting in the front hall.

However, that face is very young, just like a handsome and handsome young man.

"Chen Yuanlong, do you know where Liu Xuande has gone?" Lu Bu asked Chen Deng.

"How do I know him?" Chen Deng snorted coldly: "Leading the army to attack Guangling, aren't you afraid that Duke Cao will come to Xuzhou again?"

"The rebellion in Xuzhou has been defeated by me, so it's good if Duke Cao is here." Lu Bu smiled coldly: "Liu Bei cheated five thousand soldiers from Xudu, and I saw through his attempt to seize Xiapi. As a member of Duke Cao, you not only did not destroy but also Cover up and indulge, today I am here to quell the rebellion for Mr. Cao!"

(End of this chapter)

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