Chapter 73 Dress Up as a Woman

It has long been heard that Lu Bu has already joined Cao Cao, so Chen Deng helped Liu Bei because he wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of him.

Guangling City was destroyed, and there was no hope of turning the tables. Lu Bu mentioned that it was for the rebellion of the Cao family, which happened to give Chen Deng a chance to speak.

Pretending to be surprised and looking at Lu Bu, Chen Deng asked, "Wen Hou really betrayed Cao Gong?"

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you?" A seemingly kind smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth.

"Ah!" Chen Deng sighed, "Why didn't Wen Hou say it earlier, the two armies are fighting to this point, I know that Liu Xuande actually betrayed Duke Cao..."

"Pretend, keep pretending!" Chen Deng looked annoyed, but Lu Bu smiled lightly.

Looking at him in astonishment, Chen Deng asked, "What does Marquis Wen mean?"

"It's no secret that I joined Duke Cao. Liu Xuande was ordered to crusade against Huainan, but brought soldiers to Xiapi. Don't you think it's suspicious?" Lu Bu suppressed his smile: "In my opinion, it's not that you don't know Liu Xuande. Rebellion, but I came to hunt down rebellion. So obstructing the army is nothing more than targeting me."

"Why did Marquis Wen say that?" After being told by Lu Bu, Chen Deng pretended to be surprised and replied, "I really don't know..."

"It doesn't matter whether you know or not, and it doesn't matter why you obstructed the army." Lu Bu smiled again.

He didn't seem to intend to pursue it, Chen Deng heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you Wen Hou for not pursuing this matter."

"Don't pursue it?" Lu Bu pouted, "I'm afraid you're overthinking it."

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Chen Deng asked, "What is Marquis Wen planning?"

"You betrayed me before." Lu Bu said, "This time I came to capture Liu Xuande, but you closed the city gates to obstruct it. Counting new and old grudges together, is it possible that you still think you will survive?"

"You know it's a misunderstanding, but Wen Hou wants to kill me?" Chen Deng asked.

"I knew it was a threat, why didn't I kill you?" Lu Bu smiled coldly, and told Ji Ling, "Send Taishou Chen to the city to reunite with his father!"

Ji Ling winked at the two soldiers.

The soldiers stepped forward, twisted Chen Deng's arms and lifted him up.

"Lü Bu, you dare to kill me?" Being twisted by the soldiers, Chen Deng shouted angrily, "Don't you be afraid of Duke Cao..."

"Protect Liu Xuande and prevent the army from arresting the thief. This alone is enough to kill you." Lu Bu sneered, "Why wouldn't I dare?"

With a straight face, Lu Bu waved his hand: "Take it down."

Two soldiers dragged Chen Deng and took him down.

Turning her head to see Chen Deng being dragged away, Ji Ling took two steps forward: "Hou Wen, I searched everywhere, but I didn't see Liu Bei."

"Didn't you see it?" Lu Bu asked, "Did you find it in the house?"

"I searched every household one by one, but I still can't find him." Ji Ling replied: "Liu Bei seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

Lu Bu was a little annoyed that he failed to catch Liu Bei.

The souls who have passed through from later generations still know a little about this period of history.

Although there are many heroes rising in troubled times, only Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Jiangdong Sun Quan achieved great things in the end.

As long as Liu Bei is killed, there will be fewer heroes to dominate one side in the future.

Taking refuge in Cao's family was just a stopgap measure, and Lu Bu knew very well that there would be a battle between him and Cao Cao in the future.

Without Liu Bei, he will have more opportunities.

I planned to intercept and kill Liu Bei in Guangling, but I didn't expect to break through the city and find no one.

"Send someone out of the city to look for it." Lu Bu said, "I still don't believe that he can fly!"

Ji Ling retreated, and it didn't take long for several teams of cavalry to rush out of Guangling City.

Lu Bu broke the city, and Liu Bei escaped from Guangling under the escort of Mi Fang.

Liu Bei's skin is fair, and he was in charge of Xuzhou for many days. Recently, Lu Bu made dumplings in Xiapi. There are not many people who don't know him.

In order not to be recognized by others, he asked Mi Fang to help him shave his beard, put a woman's hair in a bun, changed into a peasant woman's attire, and escaped from the city among the rioters while Lu Bu's army was fighting with Guangling's army.

I never thought that Liu Bei would pretend to be a woman. Even if the soldiers sent by Lu Bu had turned the world around, they would not be able to find him.

Of course it was impossible for Liu Bei to ride a horse while following the rioters.

Wearing women's clothes and running all the way, Liu Bei stumbled and ran for more than ten miles before he dared to stop and look back.

Running too fast, Liu Bei bent over, panting heavily.

"Uncle Emperor!" Following behind him, Mi Fang also bent over and panted heavily: "I have run so far, it seems that Lu Bu will not be able to catch up."

"Not here." Looking forward, Liu Bei said, "We have to find a place where we can hide."

Mi Fang didn't say a word, when it comes to running away, Liu Bei has much more experience than him.

It may not be possible to follow Liu Bei in other things.

You can never go wrong by following him when you run away.

Their throats and eyes were dry while they were running, and the two of them didn't bring any water. After panting for a while, they felt a little more comfortable and continued to walk forward.

"Also!" Walking in front, Liu Bei said to Mi Fang: "If you go to a place with people, don't call me Emperor Uncle, but call me Madam."

Mi Fang's head was full of black lines.

Although Liu Bei is not as burly as Lu Bu, his body shape has nothing to do with being petite.

It's okay to pretend to be a woman and get out of the city among the mob.

If he was stopped by someone for questioning, he would easily show his feet. It didn't seem to make any sense whether he was called the emperor's uncle or his wife.

Following Liu Bei up a hill, Mi Fang looked down the hill.

A cloud of smoke billowed up on the road in the distance.

Dozens of fast horses came galloping.

"It seems to be chasing soldiers." Seeing the team of cavalry, Mi Fang said: "It's fortunate that Uncle Huang brought me here, otherwise I would have been chased."

After running all the way, Liu Bei was already out of breath.

Sitting slumped on the ground, he gasped heavily.

His throat was so dry that smoke was about to come out, and there was no clear spring on the hillside, so he could only endure his thirst.

Hearing that the pursuers were coming, Liu Bei sat up quickly.

Sitting on the ground and looking down the mountain, Liu Bei also saw the team of pursuers.

The galloping pursuers were fast.

After a while, he ran down the hillside and went further.

"Uncle, what should we do?" Mi Fang asked.

Of course Liu Bei knew what he was asking about.

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei said, "Guangling was also captured by Lu Bu. We can't stay in Xuzhou anymore. Yuan Shu is dead, and Huainan will fall into Cao Cao's hands sooner or later. It's even less safe to go there. The only one who can compete with Cao Cao now is Hebei Yuan Shao."

"It is said that Yuan Shao is narrow-minded and self-willed." Mi Fang said with some worry: "Uncle Huang, go vote for him..."

"It's definitely not possible to vote for him directly." Liu Bei said: "I recommended Yuan Shao's eldest son Yuan Tan as Xiaolian back then. We detoured to Qingzhou to meet Yuan Tan first and asked him to introduce him to Yuan Shao. Because of the face of the eldest son, Yuan Shao will never reject us. outside the door."

"The Yuan family is so powerful that even Cao Cao dare not provoke him. What can Lu Bu do if the emperor's uncle has gone to Hebei?" Mi Fang said, "I would like to follow the emperor's uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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