The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 74 Go to Zhongshan to catch Guan Yu

Chapter 74 Go to Zhongshan to catch Guan Yu
There are two corpses hanging from the head of Guangling City.

After hanging for a short time, although the body changed color, it did not stink and rot.

The ones hanging there are Chen Gui, Chen Deng and his son.

The people sent out to search for Liu Bei sent back news one after another, but none of them found his whereabouts.

The wing room in the backyard of the Guangling government.

Lu Bu sat in the room, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling sat on either side.

"Still no news?" Lu Bu asked the two of them after it was confirmed that Liu Bei had escaped from Guangling.

"No news." Zhang Liao replied, "It seems that Liu Bei flew with his wings."

"He must have used some method." Lu Bu said: "It is unlikely that he will be caught, but we still cannot let him go easily. We will send more people to search in Xuzhou, and we must find him."

"Understood!" Zhang Liao agreed.

Just as he was wondering where Liu Bei had gone, the guard outside the gate sent a report: "Qi Wenhou, someone has brought Guan Yu's whereabouts."

Guan Yu has followed Liu Bei for many years and is also a rare fierce general. If he can be captured and prevented from returning to Liu Bei's side, it is tantamount to cutting off one of Liu Bei's arms.

Lu Bu quickly asked, "Where is the man?"

The guard brought in a young man in his early 20s.

It can be seen from the attire that this person should be a follower of a merchant.

"Who are you? Where have you met Guan Yu?" Lu Bu asked.

"Reporting to Marquis Wen." The young man bowed and replied, "I am an attendant of Duke Zhang of Zhongshan. I accompanied him to Xiapi two days ago. I seem to have seen Guan Yu on the way."

"How many people are around him, and where are they?" Lu Bu asked.

"There are only two or thirty people around Guan Yu." The young man replied, "They went to Zhongshan, so they should still be there."

"Has Shiping sent someone to follow him?" Lu Bu asked.

"Someone has been sent to watch." The young man replied, "Knowing that Marquis Wen is at war with Liu Bei, Mr. Zhang asked me to come and report as soon as possible."

Lu Bu waved his hands: "You've been exhausted all the way, go eat some hot food first, and I'll ask you later."

The young men withdrew and Zhang Liao got up: "Hou Wen, I would like to lead five hundred troops to pursue Guan Yu."

"Zhongshan is the territory of the Yuan family in Hebei. Bringing troops in will definitely cause a lot of trouble." Lu Bu said, "A pursuit is definitely necessary, but we have to think about how to pursue it."

"I asked the soldiers to pretend to be civilians." Zhang Liao replied, "Even if they fought with Guan Yu in Zhongshan, the Yuan family would not be able to say anything."

"Compared with Wen Yuan and Guan Yu, who is superior in martial arts?" Lu Bu asked suddenly.

"He is about the same as me." Zhang Liao said, "If we fight alone, we should win and lose each other."

"I'm not 500% sure of defeating him. I'll definitely be worried if Wen Yuan goes." Lu Bu said, "Choose [-] troops for me, and I'll go to Zhongshan myself."

"Zhongshan is the territory of Yuan's family, and Yuan Shao is not so friendly to Marquis Wen." Zhang Liao persuaded, "It's better not to go there in person."

"Since I changed my appearance, there are not many people who can recognize me." Lu Bu said, "It's okay to go to Zhongshan in person now that you can move freely."

"But..." Zhang Liao wanted to persuade him again.

Lu Bu raised his hand to stop him: "I know your ability, but the opponent is Guan Yu after all. You only have a [-]-[-] chance of winning, and I will have a better chance."

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling glanced at each other, neither of them knew how to persuade him to stay.

In terms of martial arts, Zhang Liao and Guan Yu are about the same, and Ji Ling is weaker.

No matter which of them goes, there is no absolute certainty that they can defeat Guan Yu.

Speaking of it, only Lu Bu went there in person, and it was possible to capture Guan Yu.

"Wen Hou went to Zhongshan, what should we do if news of Liu Xuande comes again?" Ji Ling asked.

"Bring the army back to Xiapi first. Before I come back, don't easily provoke any forces." Lu Bu said: "If Cao Cao sends someone to Xuzhou and asks me where I have been, he will say that I will pursue Liu Bei. When Liu Bei is captured, immediately send troops to Huainan , to relieve Duke Cao’s worries.”

When it came to attacking Huainan, Ji Ling didn't say a word.

After all, he was once a general of Yuan Shu's army.

It really made him difficult to let him lead the army to attack his former colleagues and subordinates.

Zhang Liao had no scruples in this regard.

He asked Lu Bu, "Wen Hou really wants to attack Huainan for Cao Cao?"

"If we don't attack Huainan, Cao Cao will attack us." Lu Bu said, "With Xuzhou's troops, we are still no match for the Cao family. If we don't stabilize him first, will he let us live freely?"

Xuzhou has only a few thousand soldiers and horses, and counting the troops who captured Liu Bei, there are only six to seven thousand people.

Cao Cao had tens of thousands of troops under his command, not including the Qingzhou Army who had defected to him in the early years.

There is really no chance of winning against the Cao family with Xuzhou's military strength.

"Send some more scouts." Zhang Liao said, "Make sure where Guan Yunchang is, and then Marquis Wen leads the troops there, so we won't be caught in the air."

"Send out scouts at this time. It will not be easy to arrest Guan Yunchang after we confirm where he is." Lu Bu said, "I can send people after I'm on the road."

"Please be careful, Marquis Wen." Knowing that Lu Bu's mind had been made up, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling congratulated in unison.

Picking out five hundred elites and having them put on common people's clothes, Lu Bu led the team and left Guangling.

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling stayed in Guangling for a few days, and they withdrew their troops only when the officials from Xiapi were in place.

After leaving Guangling, Lu Bu led the team to Zhongshan.

Zhongshan belongs to the Yuan family in Hebei.

Cai Yan, Cai Yong's daughter, was married to Hedong Wei Zhongdao.

Due to the early death of Wei Zhongdao, Cai Yan had to return to Chang'an's natal family. Afterwards, Li Jue and Guo Si made troubles in Chang'an, and the Xiongnu Shanyu took the opportunity to enter the Central Plains under the name of King Qin.

It was also at that time that Cai Yan was kidnapped by Liu Bao, the Right Wise King of the Huns, and traveled to Hetao via Zhongshan, and never returned to the Central Plains.

In addition to Cai Yan who passed by here, there is another big family in the area who is well-known to everyone.

That is the Zhen family, the richest man in Zhongshan.

The Zhen family has been in business for generations, and the Yuan family in Hebei has to rely on them to support the army.

Yuan Shao even proposed marriage to Zhen Mi, the daughter of the Zhen family, for his second son Yuan Xi.

Although the two haven't met each other yet, their marriage has already been arranged, and they will get married soon.

Going to Zhongshan, Lu Bu really didn't want to have any interaction with the Zhen family.

The Zhen family has the Yuan family as their backer, and provoking them will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Passing through Xuzhou, Lu Bu divided the soldiers pretending to be ordinary people into more than a dozen waves and entered the Zhongshan area.

Along the way, he sent many scouts to investigate Guan Yu's whereabouts.

If you look for it without thinking, you may not be able to find it.

Fortunately, Zhang Shiping had a mind and made people stare at Guan Yu all the time.

Everywhere Guan Yu went, someone would report to Zhang Shiping.

Having been in business for many years, Zhang Shiping has even more eyeliners than local heroes.

Lu Bu had just arrived in Zhongshan when he got the news.

On the first night in Zhongshan, Lu Bu stood outside the tent, looking into the dark distance.

The guard trotted to the side: "Report to Wen Hou, Zhongshan Zhanggong is asking to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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