Chapter 75 Looks like Guan Yu

Zhang Shiping's request to see him must have something to do with Guan Yu.

Lu Bu told the guards: "Come here quickly, Mr. Zhang."

After the guard retreated for a while, he led Zhang Shiping to him.

"Wenhou." After seeing the ceremony, Zhang Shiping said: "Earlier, I saw someone who was very similar to Guan Yunchang, gathering dozens of minions in the Zhongshan area, making a living by looting houses, very crazy."

Hearing that Guan Yuxiao gathered minions to rob houses, Lu Bu was a little puzzled.

Guan Yu was arrogant and said that he would be a thief, but Lu Bu really didn't believe it: "Shiping saw that man's face clearly?"

"He is looting everywhere, how dare I get close?" Zhang Shiping said, "It just looks like him from a distance."

Lu Bu stared at Zhang Shiping.

Looking down at him, Zhang Shiping said again: "I have also met Guan Yunchang, that person is similar in skills to him, and he both uses big swords, and his physique looks very similar."

"It's just very similar." Lu Bu smiled and shook his head: "Shiping was uncertain once, and I ran hundreds of thousands of miles. If it wasn't for Guan Yunchang, I would have run for nothing!"

"Wenhou forgive me." Although Lu Bu said this with a smile, Zhang Shiping was still quite frightened: "I'll let someone inquire immediately..."

"It's already here, why don't you go and meet this man for a while." Lu Bu ordered: "Let your people keep an eye on him. We will look for him tomorrow morning."

Lu Bu didn't blame him, Zhang Shiping wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"How is the toothpaste selling?" He was still uneasy, but Lu Bu changed the subject and asked about toothpaste.

"The supply is in short supply." Zhang Shiping said, "I heard that Hou Wen entrusted others to do the work in other places, and I'm planning to ask Hou Wen for permission..."

"You are allowed to monopolize and make it big by one person?" Lu Bu interrupted him: "There will be a lot of toothpaste in the future, and you can't make it by yourself. Why don't you share some with others."

"What Wen Hou said at the beginning is really good. Women's money is indeed easier to earn." Zhang Shiping said: "Every time I took some from Xiapi, I was robbed of them when I arrived. I thought, since Wen Hou has many , might as well give it all to me..."

"Of course I can't give it all to you." Lu Bu grinned at him: "Do you know what it means to live with rare goods?"

Of course Zhang Shiping knew the meaning of these words.

But he couldn't associate toothpaste with these words.

Toothpaste is indeed in short supply, but not to the point of being crazy.

Looking at Lu Bu blankly, although Zhang Shiping didn't ask, there was doubt in his eyes.

"It is true that there are a lot of people who go to Xiapi to buy toothpaste, but everyone can get very limited." Lu Bu said: "Toothpaste has not been accepted by more people. Wait until more and more noble women know that there is such a thing." , I will of course prepare more for you. If you can’t get it from Xiapi, where will those merchants go to buy it?”

"But Wen Hou gave it to me..." Zhang Shiping suddenly understood, and after realizing it, he bowed to Lu Bu and said with gratitude: "I will buy more from Wen Hou at that time, and when they are sold out, of course only Come find me."

"It's good for you and me." Lu Bu patted his arm lightly.

"Hou Wen..." Logically speaking, Zhang Shiping should have resigned, but instead of leaving, he showed hesitation, as if he had something to say.

Lu Bu tilted his head and looked at him: "Shiping, what else do you want to say?"

"I know that Wen Hou is short of money." Zhang Shiping asked, "Why didn't you ask me? Although it is not as good as the Zhen family, it is still possible to pay for Wen Hou to support [-] to [-] soldiers."

"Toothpaste is a small business, why do you still do it?" Lu Bu didn't answer directly, but asked a rhetorical question.

"I am optimistic about toothpaste." Zhang Shiping replied: "If it goes well, it is likely to exceed the family fortune accumulated over the years."

"It's the same reason." Lu Bu smiled lightly, "I'm optimistic about you too! There's never been a reason in the world to just take benefits without giving them back. Now that I can't give you benefits, why should I take money from you?"

Zhang Shiping looked astonished.

He had heard people comment on Lu Bu.

Almost everyone said that Lu Bu was brave and foolish.

After contacting him several times in person, the impression Lu Bu left on him was completely different.

In order to seek his help, Liu Bei even went so far as to ask for his help.

Rejecting Liu Bei, Zhang Shiping faintly felt a little inexplicably refreshing.

I thought that Lu Bu would also seek help from him like Liu Bei did.

But after contacting him a few times, Lu Bu never mentioned it.

Unable to hold back, Zhang Shiping finally raised the doubts he had held in his heart for a long time.

Lu Bu's answer was beyond Zhang Shiping's expectation.

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, after a moment of stunned, Zhang Shiping realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly said, "Forgive me, I am the one who lost my composure."

Zhang Shiping was even more convinced at this time that Lu Bu was not as brave and foolhardy as the rumors said.

If it is said that the toothpaste was made by Lu Bu by mistake.

His answer just now was of great wisdom.

If Lu Bu said in a dignified manner that he would not ask Zhang Shiping for funding, he would inevitably be despised.

What is the difference between Liu Bei and Liu Bei?
But a hypocrite.

But if Lu Bu climbed up the pole and asked Zhang Shiping for help, he would also be despised.

As a hero, he actually asked the merchants to provide financial support.

In Zhang Shiping's mind, he would be as unworthy of friendship as Liu Bei.

But Lu Bu chose neither.

"It's still the same sentence." Lu Bu smiled slightly at Zhang Shiping: "Benefits are mutual. I won't ask for benefits from you before I can let you benefit."

"Take a good rest tonight, and tomorrow morning we will go find the Guan Yunchang you mentioned." Zhang Shiping agreed, and Lu Bu confessed, then turned and walked into the tent.

That night, Zhang Shiping stayed overnight in Lu Bu's camp.

After several days of traveling, Lu Bu was indeed tired.

After lying down for a while, he fell asleep.

It was not until dawn that Lu Bu, who was full of sleep, stepped out of the tent.

Soldiers dressed as ordinary people were busy lighting fires and cooking.

The smoke is rising, and the pottery pots on several bonfires have already overflowed with the fragrance of corn and rice.

"Wen waiting?" Lu Bu stretched himself outside the tent, and Zhang Shiping walked over.

He held a small clay bottle in both hands: "Wen Hou probably didn't bring toothpaste with him, but I have a bottle left here."

Glancing at the pottery bottle in his hand, Lu Bu didn't go to pick it up: "I've used Shiping's toothpaste, do I have to pay something?"

"No way!" Zhang Shiping grinned awkwardly: "I just want to ask Marquis Wen to urge the craftsmen to make more."

"I knew it was like this." Taking the toothpaste, Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "Arrange your people to lead the way after breakfast, so you don't have to go."

Zhang Shiping did not intend to follow Lu Bu to find Guan Yu.

Not letting him go, he was eagerly waiting, and quickly responded: "I wish Wen Hou all the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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