Chapter 76
When they came to Zhongshan, of course Lu Bu and others would not carry long weapons.

The 500 people were divided into more than a dozen groups, led by Zhang Shiping's men, and flew in the direction of discovering "Guan Yu".

Zhongshan belongs to the Yuan family, but it is not close to Yecheng.

The so-called mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and where the Yuan family's supervision is weak, bandits often run rampant.

Zhang Shiping's spies led Lu Bu and others to a small village.

It was almost noon, but the village was extremely quiet, not even a wisp of cooking smoke rose.

"Check it out." Lu Bu ordered around.

Several soldiers rode forward.

They first walked around the village and found no abnormalities and rode their horses into the village.

Not long after, soldiers came out of the village.

When they came to Lu Bu, the leading officer reported, "Qi Wenhou, there is no one in the village."

Lu Bu looked at Zhang Shiping's men: "Are you sure he's here?"

"It's here." The man said with a very sure tone: "It's still there in the morning, and I don't know where it is going. Don't worry, Wen Hou, we have someone watching all the time."

"How often do you communicate with the people watching here?" Lu Bu asked.

"At most two hours, someone will report back."

"Let's take a look at the village first." Lu Bu waved his hand.

The village was very quiet, not even a single person was there.

The houses made of adobe have traces of repairs.

When he came to the house in the middle of the village, Lu Bu jumped off his horse.

The house is divided into two rooms, one for entry and one for exit. The floor is very clean, apparently someone cleaned it only in the early morning.

All the signs seen in the village indicated that there were people living in the village.

But when the thieves are dispatched, some people will always be left to guard the lair.

However, there was no one left in this village, which made Lu Bu a little puzzled.

"Wen Hou, they walked from the west side of the village." Looking at the furnishings in the house, a soldier ran to the door.

Turning around and leaving the room, Lu Bu called everyone to the west of the village.

There is a path to the west of the village.

There are many fresh horseshoe prints on the road, and the people in the village should have left not long ago.

"Chasing to the west!" After confirming the direction of pursuit, Lu Bu ordered immediately.

The horseshoes were flying, and the 500 people gathered together seemed to be swept westward in a torrent.

What Lu Bu brought with him were veterans who had experienced many battles.

They not only have rich battlefield experience, many of them are also good at tracking.

More than 500 people galloped quickly after the horseshoe prints.

"Hou Wen, something is wrong." Just as they were moving forward, Zhang Shiping's subordinates shouted: "Going further is the Zhen Family Manor."

"The Zhen family?" Lu Bu reined in his horse: "How far is it?"

Zhang Shiping's men pointed forward: "It's only about ten miles away."

"Will the thieves harass the Zhen family?" Lu Bu asked.

"It's hard to say." Zhang Shiping's subordinates replied: "The Zhen family has a great career. In the early years, the head of the family, Zhen Yi, was the county magistrate of the Han Dynasty. Since Zhen Yi's death, only women, children, old and weak are left in the Zhen family. The thieves plan to attack them. Surprising."

"Ten of you follow me." Lu Bu beckoned to the side: "The rest stay here and wait for orders."

More than 500 people came here, but Lu Bu only brought ten people, and all the soldiers were astonished.

However, they were so humble that none of them dared to persuade Lu Bu, so they could only watch helplessly as he led ten cavalrymen away.

In addition to ten soldiers, Lu Bu also brought Zhang Shiping's men.

It takes a lot of time to walk for more than ten miles.

The horses were galloping, and they arrived near Zhen's house in a short while.

Lu Bu saw billowing black smoke from Zhen's house from afar.

Seeing the black smoke, Lu Bu twitched the corner of his mouth: "It seems that it really isn't Guan Yunchang."

Zhang Shiping's subordinates lowered their heads and replied: "Qi Wen Hou, we have investigated, and the thief leader and Guan Yunchang look very similar..."

"Although I don't know who he is, I'm sure it's not Guan Yunchang." Lu Bu said, "I don't doubt that Liu Bei and Zhang Fei did such a thing. However, Guan Yunchang is upright and proud, how could he be willing to be reduced to Thieves?"

Pointing at the Zhen's house billowing in black smoke, Lu Bu said, "Guan Yunchang would never do such things as robbing houses, setting fire to people and killing people!"

Swallowing, Zhang Shiping's subordinates did not dare to say anything.

Lu Bu shook the reins and shouted to the ten people who followed: "Come with me to kill the thief!"

Together with Lu Bu, Eleven rode fast horses towards Zhen's house.

The door of Zhen's house was wide open, and the cries of men and women could be heard from inside.

Riding his horse into the front yard, Lu Bu saw a group of people running towards him.

All the people in this group looked ashamed and terrified.

Seeing Lu Bu and the others, they stopped quickly and backed away with fear in their eyes.

"Is there a thief here?" Lu Bu asked.

His voice was loud, and this group of people was already full of fear, but when he asked him, they even shivered and huddled together.

From their attire, Lu Bu could tell that these were servants and maids of the Zhen family.

He didn't get a response, so he stared at him: "Say it quickly! Is there a thief here?"

After being shouted again, the crowded crowd knelt down one after another, and one of them replied tremblingly: "Yes... it is here..."

"Where is it?" Lu Bu asked.

"Backyard!" Those people answered with trembling voices.

Knowing that these people were scared out of their wits, Lu Bu didn't ask any more questions, and rode his horse into the backyard.

In the backyard, there were really a group of strong men chasing the servants and maids running around.

The thieves rushed into Zhen's house, not only looking for money, but also for life.

Every ten steps or so, Lu Bu and the others could see a corpse lying on the ground.

The ten sergeants who followed Lu Bu to the backyard not only wore weapons, but each of them exuded the heroic aura of a warrior who has fought many battles.

No matter how dumb people are, they can see that they are different from ordinary guards.

The thieves who found them reported to the leader immediately.

As he was advancing along the bluestone path, Lu Bu saw a group of people approaching in front of him.

At first, a person was wearing a green robe and an emerald green square scarf on his head.

This person has a rosy face and a burly physique. Except that his facial features are not like Guan Yu's, he does look a bit like him at first glance.

"Who is here?" Standing in front of Lu Bu and others, the leader of the thieves said with a big sword: "Guan is here to work, and everyone who has nothing to do with me get out of here!"

Lu Bu bowed his hands very politely: "Dare to ask this strong man, Gao's name."

"Telling the name of my general will scare you to death!" The leader didn't speak, but the minion next to him spoke first: "My general is Guan Yunchang, who has been famous all over the world in recent years!"

Lu Bu immediately understood that it was not Guan Yu who set fire to Zhen's house, but just a fake thief.

"I've seen Guan Yunchang, but he's not like you." Lu Bu chuckled, "If you claim that Guan Yun is not long, maybe I will believe it!"

The false identity was exposed by Lu Bu, and the leader of the bandits suddenly became angry: "Kill these bird people!"

(End of this chapter)

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