The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 77 Someone dares to block the way

Chapter 77 Someone dares to block the way

When he came to Zhongshan, of course Lu Bu would not take his Fang Tian painting halberd and ride a red rabbit horse.

The thieves impersonating Guan Yu saw that although he was born a heroic man, he was only a boy of seventeen or eighteen, so he didn't take him seriously.

Ordering the minions to come forward, he rushed to Lu Bu first with a big knife in his hand.

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Bu urged his horse forward.

Seeing that he was approaching, the leader swung his big knife and slashed at him.

Lu Bu didn't dodge or dodge at all, he made a smooth move, holding the handle of the broadsword tightly.

The hilt of the knife was grabbed by Lu Bu, and the leader of the thieves pulled it twice with all his strength.

Born as the world's most powerful general, Lu Bu is certainly not in vain.

Although the leader was born burly, in front of him, his strength was weak like a baby.

After tugging hard twice but failing to move the sword, he panicked.

Holding the handle of the knife with one hand, Lu Bu moved forward vigorously, and unexpectedly pulled the leader, including the man and the horse, to the front.

Unexpectedly, he had such supernatural power, and the leader was taken aback.

Just as he was about to let go of the broadsword, Lu Bu grabbed him by the neckline.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body being pulled up by a huge force.

Holding the leader high, Lu Bu slammed it on the ground.

The poor bandit pretending to be Guan Yu was not as capable as him, and was thrown to death by Lu Bu alive.

The bandit minions were rushing forward and stopped when they saw the leader was thrown to death.

Although it is not Guan Yu, the leader is also the most capable one on the mountain.

It was just a wrong body, and he was dragged off the horse by Lu Bu, and fell like a rotten persimmon.

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, the dozens of thieves who rushed up did not know what to do.

Lu Bu waved his hand: "Kill!"

Ten soldiers immediately stepped forward, wielding their swords and slashing and killing the stunned thief.

It wasn't until the soldiers rushed up that the thieves realized that they would definitely not be able to fight, and that it was more important to run for their lives.

The rest of the thieves turned around and ran away, followed by the soldiers to chop and kill.

The soldiers ran away after the thief, and Lu Bu looked left and right.

In a room not far from him, the door was pushed open a crack from the inside.

When his gaze swept over, the door was immediately closed again.

If it wasn't for this abnormal movement, Lu Bu would never have noticed that room.

The act of trying to cover up, but aroused his suspicion.

Riding to the door, he turned over and jumped off.

He raised his foot and kicked violently at the door, the door panel was kicked off the frame, and rolled and flew out.

As the door panel fell to the ground, Lu Bu saw several women in the room.

The three women clustered together were all beautiful, especially the youngest one, who was not inferior to Diao Chan in terms of beauty.

Diao Chan was Wang Yun's family concubine in her early years. Although she is unparalleled in beauty, she still has a trace of prostitution.

The woman in front of her was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

From her attire, Lu Bu could tell that she was probably Miss Zhen's family.

He didn't know how many ladies there were in the Zhen family, but he knew that one of them was named Zhen Mi, who was the goddess of Luoshui described by Cao Zhi later.

The three girls squeezed together, although the two next to them were also beautiful and beautiful, I still felt sorry for them, but compared to the youngest one, they were much paler.

His eyes fell on the girl, and Lu Bu walked over.

The closer he got, the tighter the three girls squeezed, as if they could become one and avoid being dragged away by him.

There are several other women in the same room as the three girls.

The women, dressed as servants and maids, were crowded together in another place.

"How many ladies are there in the Zhen family?" Lu Bu asked looking at the women.

No one responded, the servants and maids all lowered their heads, trembling with fright.

The three young ladies in a cluster also squeezed even tighter, and the youngest one even took a peek at him.

There was unconcealable panic in those clear eyes.

After glaring at the servants and maids fiercely, Lu Bu raised his voice and asked, "How many ladies are there in the Zhen family?"

After being asked again, one of the servants blurted out in horror: "There are only three..."

There were only three young ladies in the Zhen family, and Lu Bu immediately confirmed the identity of the youngest one.

She must be Zhen Mi.

On the way to Zhongshan, he hadn't planned to do anything to Zhen Mi, but the moment he saw the real person, Lu Bu changed his mind.

As far as he knew, Zhen Mi married Yuan Xi.

After the failure of the Battle of Guandu, she was snatched away by Cao Pi.

A few years later, Zhen Mi was no longer young, and was bestowed to death by Cao Pi, who loved the new and disliked the old.

A confidante with a bad life is nothing more than that.

Surrounded by the two sisters, Zhen Mi is like a peony blooming among the green leaves. .

Although the green leaves are beautiful, when they grow together with peonies, they lose their color virtually.

The delicate flowers were ruined by Yuan Xi and Cao Pi who didn't know how to take pity, so it's better to take them home and take care of them carefully.

Anyway, they came to Zhongshan anonymously, even if the Yuan family knew that Zhen Mi had been snatched away, they had nowhere to find her.

When the Yuan family found Zhen Mi's whereabouts, the Battle of Guandu should have erupted.

When the time comes, a fight with Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will not only occupy this beautiful girl, but also gain a lot of benefits from it.

Benefits and losses quickly flashed through Lu Bu's mind. It was certain that there were only benefits and no harm. How could he hesitate at all?
Zhen Mi is not only beautiful, but also fresh and refined.

Even if it would be risky to take her away, I'm afraid Lu Bu wouldn't care about it.

Either way, it's a dry thing, the difference is that it's earlier and later.

It would be best if the Yuan family didn't know, once it was found out that he was the one who took Zhen Mi away, they would try to drag Cao Cao into trouble too!
Walking in front of the three ladies, Lu Bu bent down and grabbed Zhen Mi's arm.

Zhen Mi let out a terrified cry as he held the tender, lotus-like arm.

Although there was fear and panic in the whisper, the voice was sweet and sweet.

Putting Zhen Mi in his arms, Lu Bu picked her up and walked out of the room.

The girl was snatched away face to face, but Zhen Mi's two older sisters only knew how to cry and were unable to respond at all. It was impossible for them to summon the courage to chase them out.

The servants and maids were even more clustered together, shaking like chickens that couldn't stop being killed.

Going out with Zhen Mi in his arms, Lu Bu got on his horse.

The ten soldiers who chased and killed the thief also came back one after another at this time.

Most of the culprits fled, only a few were killed, Lu Bu didn't bother to kill them all, and led everyone out of the Zhen family compound.

Zhen Mi, who was on the same horse as him, was trembling slightly, as if an electric current was flowing through her body.

After walking out of Zhen's house, Lu Bu saw a white horse standing outside the door.

On the horse is a robust young man in his early 20s.

He has a burly physique, but his appearance is handsome and graceful. In terms of beauty, he is not inferior to most women.

Someone blocked the way, and Lu Bu stopped his horse: "Who are you? Why are you blocking us?"

"Put people down, I'll let you pass." The young man said calmly, "If you dare to say no, don't blame me for being merciless."

(End of this chapter)

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