The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 83 It's a scheming bitch

Chapter 83 It's a scheming bitch
Two guards escorted the steward of the Zhen family to leave.

Zhang Shiping followed Lu Bu into the backyard.

Letting go of the girl in his arms, Lu Bu signaled her and several maids to leave first.

"Did the Zhen family find Shiping?" Lu Bu asked.

"They know that I lead the way for Wen Hou." Zhang Shiping replied: "If I don't recommend it, it will be hard to live in Zhongshan in the future."

"Shiping is a businessman, and the Zhen family is also a wealthy local family. What can they do to you?"

Zhang Shiping sighed: "Hou Wen doesn't know how powerful the Zhen family is..."

"Amazing?" Lu Bu smiled and shook his head: "Dozens of thieves can break into their houses, I really don't see what is so powerful."

"Wen Hou, have you ever thought about why the thieves have been in Zhongshan for a long time, so why did they attack that day?" Zhang Shiping asked.

Lu Bu looked at him in surprise: "Is there something else hidden?"

"The Zhen family nursing home is not here that day." Zhang Shiping replied: "They followed the mistress to sweep Zhen Yi's grave, leaving only a few people to watch the house, so that the thieves can take advantage of it."

"Sure enough, they are not afraid of thieves stealing, but they are afraid of thieves thinking about them." Lu Bu pouted, "The Zhen family has a big business, and they probably didn't expect that they would be targeted by thieves."

"They found me the day Wen Hou left Zhongshan." Zhang Shiping looked helpless: "I really don't want to lead them the way..."

"They asked you for a recommendation, but they didn't want to turn against me." Lu Bu interrupted him: "I will keep Miss Zhen's family. When this person returns, will the Zhen family make me feel better?"

Having already seen that Lu Bu was lying in front of the steward of the Zhen family, Zhang Shiping pretended to be surprised and asked, "Could it be that Marquis Wen really snatched Miss Zhen's family?"

Glancing at him, Lu Bu shook his head and smiled, "Shiping and I have known each other for a short time, so there's no need to pretend to be deceived by me."

Zhang Shiping smiled awkwardly.

"Please come here not to talk about these things, nor to question you." Lu Bu said, "I just want to ask, do you think it's easy to earn money for women in noble families?"

"Easy." Lu Bu didn't intend to make trouble for him, Zhang Shiping breathed a sigh of relief: "Women from wealthy families earn money too easily. In order to please their husbands, they don't even ask the price when they buy things. Increase the price, just buy it."

"Women have always been irrational in spending money." Lu Bu said, "If I can make a whole set of things for women, can you sell them?"

"That depends on what it is." Zhang Shiping is a businessman after all, and he wasn't sure if he could make a profit before seeing what Lu Bu said.

He also hopes that Lu Bu can make more goods that make money from women.

Although the ointment is in short supply, only a small number of people can afford it.

Looking at the world, how many wealthy families are there?
Making money from the women of these families, if the goods are single, there is really not much prospect.

"In the past two days, I will try to make something for women." Lu Bu said, "Xiapi is safe now, so don't go anywhere else, just wait here."

"I understand what Wen Hou means." Zhang Shiping agreed.

But he didn't think Xia Pi was safe.

When Xiapi was attacked by the Cao family, it was devastated and there were ruins everywhere.

After some days of reconstruction, many buildings have sprung up.

People who live in Xiapi City can feel that the city is changing almost every day when they wake up.

Xiapi could have gotten a respite through the truce.

However, Lu Bu went to Zhongshan to poke a hornet's nest.

If the Yuan family in Hebei knew that Zhen Mi was snatched to Xiapi by him, could they easily spare him?
Zhang Shiping resigned and left.

Lu Bu ordered the guards to invite Yan Xiang.

Although the steward of the Zhen family was sent out, there must be an explanation for this matter, at least to make the Zhen family shut up, not daring to say that he snatched the young lady to Xiapi.

When Yan Xiang came, Lu Bu was waiting for him in the study.

After taking his seat, Yan Xiang asked: "I heard that the Zhen family in Zhongshan sent someone here."

"The news spread really fast." Lu Bu grinned: "So Yan Gong also knows what they are here for."

"Wen Hou went to Zhongshan, congratulations on winning a strong general." Yan Xiang said, "I just don't understand why Miss Zhen's family is still being snatched away?"

"Does Lord Yan think I'm a hero?" Lu Bu didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Of course Yan Xiang wouldn't say he wasn't.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lu Bu said again: "Since ancient times, beauties in the country have been sought by heroes. Since I am a hero, of course I will like beauties. Yan Gong also saw it when I entered the city. Miss Zhen's family is beautiful, how can I Resisted?"

Lust is lust, and Lu Bu can still say it so grandly.

Yan Xiang was speechless...

"I invite Mr. Yan to come over to discuss how to deal with the people from the Zhen family." Lu Bu said, "Let them go back, and they will cause a lot of trouble in the future."

"Did Wen Hou already have a solution?" Yan Xiang had already thought of a solution, but he didn't say it directly, but asked Lu Bu.

"Of course there is a way." Lv Bu said with a smile, "But it has to be done by Lord Yan."

"I don't know what Wenhou wants me to do?"

"I want Yan Gong to betray me." Lu Bu said, "You go to the steward of the Zhen family and betray me, and this will be done."

The solution that Yan Xiang thought of was not what Lu Bu said.

He intended to spread the news, proving that Zhen Mi was taken away by thieves.

The Zhen family and Yuan Shao were not sure whether Lu Bu did it, and they couldn't find a reason to send troops to Xuzhou.

Now that Lu Bu has joined Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao's army has crossed the Yellow River, the first to be threatened is the Cao family.

But Lv Bu actually asked him to betray, and immediately made Yan Xiang confused.

"I sincerely serve Wen Hou." Yan Xiang got up and said, "If Wen Hou sees doubts, just use any method to try me!"

"If you don't believe in Lord Yan, how can I ask you to do such an important thing?" Lu Bu pressed his hand to him with a smile on his face: "Please sit down, Lord Yan, and I will tell you slowly."

Yan Xiang sat down again, and Lu Bu explained his plan.

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Yan Xiang couldn't believe that the person sitting in front of him was Lu Fengxian who was once rumored to be brave and foolhardy.

The strategy he intends to use to deal with the Zhen family can be said to be a trap every step of the way.

The person in front of me is not brave or foolhardy, she is just a scheming whore...

"Yan Gong understands now?" After talking about the strategy, Lu Bu smiled at Yan Xiang.

"Understood." Yan Xiang got up: "I'll follow Wen Hou's plan, and make sure the Zhen family follow Wen Hou's plan."

"Success or failure depends on Yan Gong!" Lu Bu stood up and saw him off in person.

After Yan Xiang left, Lu Bu returned to the room, thinking about the formula he used to make money from women alone.

(End of this chapter)

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