Chapter 84

Lu Bu did not study medicine systematically.

All his knowledge of medicinal herbs comes from life.

He is handy in finding the right herb to save lives in the wild.

However, it is not so easy for him to use materials to prepare cosmetics and fragrances specially prepared for wealthy women.

Yan Xiang, who left the study, went straight to the building where the steward of the Zhen family stayed.

When he arrived at the gate of the building, he saw the steward of the Zhen family with his servants about to go out.

The servant was carrying the luggage, and it looked like he was about to leave Xiapi.

Yan Xiang was secretly glad that he didn't stay with Lu Bu for too long.

If these people are really let go, many things have not been arranged, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Your Excellency is leaving?" Yan Xiang led a few guards to block the door of the building.

Being tricked by Lu Bu, the steward of the Zhen family was not in a good mood.

He was about to have a fit, but when he looked up, he saw several guards in solid armor standing behind Yan Xiang, and his temper that had just come up was suppressed forcibly.

"Your Excellency knows me?" Yan Xiang saw him when the steward of the Zhen family entered the city, but he didn't notice Yan Xiang, so he didn't have any impression of the official in front of him.

"Are you in charge of the Zhen family?" Yan Xiang asked.

Looking at him suspiciously, the steward of the Zhen family asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't drive Yan Xiang under Lu Wenhou's command, I have seen the steward." Yan Xiang cupped his hands.

In terms of status, the steward of the Zhen family is just a steward of a rich man, while Yan Xiang defected to Lu Bu and was conferred an official position as an individual.

If it were an ordinary wealthy family, the steward would not be qualified to receive a gift from Yan Xiang.

But the Zhen family in Zhongshan is different.

The Zhen family is not only wealthy, but the Yuan family in Hebei has to rely on them for funding. The secular forces will look highly at the members of the Zhen family.

The steward of Zhen's family replied calmly: "Dare to ask why don't you block my way?"

Yan Xiang looked back, as if he was worried about something.

Seemingly sure that no one was following him, he whispered to the steward, "This is not a place to talk, please go back to your room and talk about it."

Yan Xiangshen's nagging appearance caught the attention of the steward of the Zhen family.

Assuming that he has something important to say, the steward of the Zhen family ordered the servants to go back first.

He personally led Yan Xiang to the room, and after he was seated, the steward of the Zhen family asked, "Don't come looking for me on purpose, what is it for?"

"Your Excellency may not have heard of me." Yan Xiang replied, "Before joining Wenhou, I was an aide in front of Yuan Gonglu's account."

"How could I never have heard of Biejia." The steward of the Zhen family said, "It is said that Yuan Gonggong is dead, so no one else cares much about who you put yourself under."

"To be honest, I am not willing to serve Lu Wenhou." Yan Xiang sighed: "At the beginning, General Ji Ling and I were protecting the Chuanguo Yuxi and planned to send it to Hebei, but we were stopped by Lu Wenhou halfway through Xuzhou. Under the circumstances, I had to change the festival."

Chuan Guo Yuxi symbolizes imperial power to a certain extent, the steward of the Zhen family's eyes lit up, but he didn't ask where Yuxi went.

"Marquis Lu Wen didn't dare to keep the jade seal, so he sent it to Xudu." Yan Xiang continued, "He went to Zhongshan a few days ago because he heard that Guan Yu was there. Who would have thought that there would be thieves breaking into Zhen's house, maybe Out of righteousness, I rushed in and drove away the thieves."

"I know what you said." The Chuan Guo Yuxi was sent to Xudu, and the steward of the Zhen family showed a look of disappointment: "Could it be that you came to me specifically to talk about this?"

"Of course not!" Yan Xiang lowered his voice: "I heard that your Excellency asked for a young lady, but Lu Wenhou asked someone to bring a maid of a similar age to meet him. I wonder if this is the case?"

Mentioning that matter, the steward of the Zhen family felt a little annoyed.

He sighed: "We got the news that the young lady is in the piss. But Marquis Lu Wen refuses to admit it, so what can I do?"

"May I ask if Ms. Zhen's family is thirteen or fourteen years old, born with a natural beauty that makes the world look pale?" Yan Xiang asked again.

Zhen Mi is famous for being unparalleled in beauty, so Yan Xiang's description is appropriate.

"Don't you ever meet Miss?" Yan Xiang asked something important, the steward of Zhen's family hurriedly asked.

"Wen Hou came back from Zhongshan, and I saw her." Yan Xiang said: "There were not a few people who saw her at that time, you can go to the market to ask, who doesn't praise Miss Zhen's beauty from ancient times to the present?"

"It seems that I was really played by Lu Bu." The steward of the Zhen family got up angrily: "Thank you for telling the truth, I will go back and report to the master, and ask her to make a decision."

Zhen Yi passed away a few years ago, and the person who took over the Zhen family is not yet of age, and now the mother of the Zhen family is taking care of all the affairs.

The master mentioned by the steward is of course Zhen Yi's wife.

"If you tell the master of the Zhen family about this, what will happen next?" Yan Xiang stood up and asked as the steward of the Zhen family was about to leave.

The steward of the Zhen family replied indignantly: "Master will definitely tell Yuan Gong that it is imperative for the Hebei army to attack Xuzhou."

"I'm afraid that the Hebei army will attack Lu Wenhou, and then they will find an excuse to destroy the Zhen family." Yan Xiang shook his head.

The steward of the Zhen family looked at him in astonishment: "What do you mean by your honor?"

"It is said that Marquis Lu Wen was not idle when he came back from Zhongshan." Yan Xiang said in a low voice, "Miss is pregnant now. Even if the Zhen family takes him back, so what? Could it be that the second son of the Yuan family will take advantage of it? son?"

Lu Bu said that Zhen Mi was once possessed by him, but the steward didn't take it to heart at the time.

Born in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, he has a deep-rooted cognition.

Women are born to serve men.

No matter how beautiful Zhen Mi is, she has to bear children for a certain man when she becomes an adult.

In the past, he thought that the man must be Yuan Xi, but unexpectedly, Lu Bu took the lead.

Sending Zhen Mi, who was favored by Lu Bu, to Yuan's house is not a big deal.

But if Zhen Mi had a child in her belly...

The consequences are really unimaginable!
Looking at Yan Xiang in astonishment, the steward asked in disbelief: "Don't you lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Yan Xiang said, "So when I came to see Your Honor, I just need to remind you of something."

"Please speak!" Already confused, the steward of the Zhen family sat down again.

"If your Excellency brings back the news that a young lady was pregnant by Lu Wenhou, even if it is not your fault, the master of the Zhen family will blame you." Yan Xiang said in a low voice: "How to deal with Lu Wenhou put it aside first. , we still think about how to get through this difficulty.”

The steward frowned, already in a state of confusion.

"Your Excellency, why don't you bring a message back first, saying that Miss did not come to Xiapi, but was robbed by thieves." Yan Xiang said: "If your Excellency is good at eloquent, you can also use the name of looking for Miss to get it from the Zhen family. Some money, after the young lady gives birth, I will find a way to rescue her. The money has been made, and the people have been taken, and it will be beneficial to you without any harm!"

(End of this chapter)

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