The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 86 Zilong is full of courage

Chapter 86 Zilong is full of courage
Yan Xiang asked what method was used to create momentum among rich and noble women.

Lu Bu said: "You and Gongtai are in charge of Xuzhou's government affairs, and you have a lot of contact with rich and noble families from all over the country. If your family members are in Xiapi, you can let them go to other people's houses more."

"I understand what Wen Hou meant." Yan Xiang suddenly said, "Women and women always have endless things to talk about. Even if they are not close to each other, they will discuss some topics that seem insignificant to us."

"At present, this method is enough." Lu Bu said: "Nowadays, the people are still poor, and the basic livelihood of the people is not well done. If we want to make money, we can only start in a small area."

After Xiapi rescued, Lu Bu thought of many ways to make money.

However, none of these options are feasible.

brewing?There is not enough food to eat, what to use to make wine?

Sell ​​food, horses?Not only does Xuzhou have no surplus, but it also needs to purchase from other places. Can't it be bought and sold at a high price?

Compared with many places, Xuzhou does have an advantage.

It faces the sea to the east.

Relying on the sea, even if there is a famine in the interior, the people on the seaside will not go hungry.

However, in an era when transportation conditions were very backward, no matter how abundant seafood was, there was no way to transport it to the mainland.

To develop these industries, Lu Bu still has many problems to solve.

To make wine, he had to solve the food problem first.

To sell grain and horses, he has to deal with the reclamation of wasteland, the improvement of grain varieties, and the promotion of animal husbandry.

As for the return of product transportation, the involvement is even more extensive.

It is not only necessary to solve seafood preservation, but also to deal with road transportation and other links.

Xuzhou is waiting for prosperity, and all the avenues are blocked. Lu Bu can only start with the simplest one.

The Mi's family was searched, and the Zhen's family in Zhongshan sent a generous amount of money, and the financial crisis was temporarily relieved.

What to do with the money is what matters most.

Taking money to strengthen the army will undoubtedly improve Xuzhou's self-protection ability.

But then, the subsequent development will be stretched.

If all the money is invested in agricultural business, it will be difficult to see benefits in the short term, and the combat effectiveness of the army will not be improved much. Once a powerful enemy comes, a dilemma similar to the battle of Xiapi will appear.

It takes money to raise an army, and it takes money to develop a place.

It is especially important to develop industries with small capital and large profits only relying on what is snatched and sent by others.

Most men use money rationally.

On the contrary, it is a woman who looks fine, but has no worries when spending money.

Especially women from wealthy families.

No need to work, just think about how to dress up and look beautiful every day.

Their money is especially easy to earn.

It is a sustainable way to make money from the back houses of wealthy people to feed the army, and invest the rest of the money in local development.

After receiving Lu Bu's instructions, Yan Xiang thought for a while and said, "Although my family members are not here, I can arrange for others to do it..."

"Huainan is adjacent to Xuzhou, and it's not too far from Xiapi." Lu Bu said, "Can you rest assured that your family members stay there?"

"So what if you don't feel at ease?" Yan Xiang replied, "I sent someone back to investigate. Although Yang Hong had some issues with me, he didn't embarrass me and General Ji's family."

"Come on!" Lu Bu called out the door.

The guard pushed the door and entered.

"Please come over to General Zhao, I have something to tell him to do." Lu Bu told the guards.

Watching the guards leave, Yan Xiang asked suspiciously: "Wenhou is going to..."

"Zilong is highly skilled in martial arts and full of courage." Lu Bu said, "I plan to let him go to Huainan and bring you and General Ji's family back."

Lu Bu planned to let Zhao Yun go to Huainan to save people, Yan Xiang asked in astonishment: "Why didn't you let General Ji go? He has followed Yuan Gonglu for many years and is very familiar with Huainan..."

"General Ji's relatives are also in Huainan, so the so-called care will cause chaos. If he is allowed to go, it will probably spoil the big things." Lu Bu said: "It is very appropriate for Zilong to go."

Yan Xiang knew that Lu Bu was right.

It's just that he wasn't familiar with Zhao Yun, and he didn't dare to believe that the general who had just voted in Xuzhou could bring his family out smoothly.

"After returning home, seriously think about how to create momentum for the goods." Lu Bu said, "When General Zhao brings your relatives to the Pi, the follow-up matters will be much more troublesome."

Although Lu Bu personally said that Zhao Yun had killed more than a hundred rounds with him.

Without seeing it with his own eyes, Yan Xiang still didn't quite believe it.

He always felt that it was not safe to entrust the life of his family to someone he had only known for two days and was completely unfamiliar with.

But Lu Bu had already sent someone to invite Zhao Yun.

Nothing else can change the result.

Lu Bu asked him to go back and think about how to create momentum for the goods, how could Yan Xiang fail to realize that the order to evict customers was issued.

After resigning and leaving the study, Yan Xiang glanced back.

At the beginning, Yuan Shu and Lu Bu had good times and bad times. They had alliances and attacked each other.

Although Yan Xiang had never met Lu Bu at that time, the Lu Fengxian in his impression should be a person who is indecisive and often indecisive.

The one in the study has no sloppy personality at all.

Ever since he was intercepted by Lu Bu and had to swear allegiance, Yan Xiang increasingly found that this Wen Hou was very different from the one he remembered.

Today's Lu Bu is resolute and resolute. Every time he sees him, Yan Xiang sincerely feels that a hero should have such domineering aura.

However, when it was his turn, involving the life and death of his family members, Yan Xiang was not so relaxed.

Can Zhao Yun take on the heavy responsibility?
With a big question mark deep in his heart, Yan Xiang sighed and walked along the bluestone path.

The guards led Zhao Yun to come, but Yan Xiang had already gone back.

Zhao Yun walked into the study: "Wenhou looking for me?"

"There is something that needs you to do, but I don't know if you are sure." Lu Bu looked at Zhao Yun.

In terms of martial arts, Zhao Yun is indeed inferior to Lu Bu.

However, when meeting others, he has never been at a disadvantage.

"Just order Wenhou if you have something to do." Zhao Yun said proudly, "If it can't be done, then punish me."

"I'm not doubting Zilong's ability, it's just that this matter is really dangerous." Lu Bu squeezed his chin, showing a hint of hesitation in his expression: "Why don't I go in person."

The days of contact with Zhao Yun are not long, but Lu Bu has figured out his temper.

Although he is humble and easy to get along with his colleagues, but there is a kind of arrogance in his bones.

If you want him to accomplish great things, the best way is to stimulate him first.

Zhao Yun was really fooled.

He frowned slightly: "I know martial arts are not as good as Wen Hou, but there are really few people in this world who can scare me. Before I said anything, Wen Hou thought I couldn't do it, so why did you call me here?"

"Don't be angry, Zilong!" Lu Bu said with a smile on his face, "I plan to invite you to Huainan, and bring Ji Ling and Yan Xiang's family members back to Xiapi."

(End of this chapter)

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