Chapter 87
Since coming to Xiapi, Zhao Yun has almost nothing to do.

Lu Bu didn't treat him badly, and gave him the title of a miscellaneous general after only one day.

Before the Battle of Xiapi, Cao Cao asked Liu Xie for the rank of General Zuo to Lu Bu.

As General Zuo, he still has the authority to seal two miscellaneous generals.

The fly in the ointment was that Liu Xie was in Xudu, so Lu Bu couldn't get an edict from him.

"It's a big deal for me." Hearing that he was going to Huainan to bring back Ji Ling and Yan Xiang's family, Zhao Yun smiled calmly: "It's just bringing some people back. I still don't believe that someone in Huainan would dare to stop me for such trivial matters!"

"Zilong can't be careless." Lu Bu told him: "Huainan is not our territory, and I killed Yuan Shu earlier, if they are strong enough, they can't wait to break through Xuzhou immediately. It's no secret that Yan Xiang and Ji Ling joined me, you It must be extremely dangerous to bring their family members."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it's nothing more than a fight." Zhao Yun said, "Since we're going, why worry about that? Just rest assured, Wenhou, and leave the work to me!"

"When Zilong comes back, I'll hold a banquet in person." Lu Bu stepped forward and took Zhao Yun's hands, "Except for Zilong, I can't find anyone who can go for me."

It was only in this era at the beginning, and Lu Bu was very disgusted by being held by someone.

Soap hasn't even been invented yet, so what's the point of a man touching a man?
The longer he lived here, the more Lu Bu got used to the etiquette of the Eastern Han people.

A man holds a man's hand to express intimacy, and this statement is gradually accepted by him.

With both hands held by Lu Bu, Zhao Yun nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, Hou Wen, I will fulfill my mission!"

Just as Lu Bu was about to say a few words of encouragement, there was a burst of shouting outside: "Where is Lu Fengxian? Let him out!"

Hearing the sound, Lu Bu chuckled, "Here comes the troublemaker."

"If Marquis Wen doesn't plan to see him, I'll just drive him away." Zhao Yun replied.

"It's Xiahou Dun who came here, he's a celebrity around Cao Cao." Lu Bu pouted, "Now we're not Cao Cao's opponents, so of course we can't be rude to him."

"Then let him shout outside?" Zhao Yun frowned.

Lu Bu said: "Zilong go back first, I will deal with it here. Xiahoudun is just a reckless man, even he can't handle it, how can I mess around in this world in the future?"

Knowing Lu Bu's abilities well, Zhao Yun didn't think Xiahou Dun would be his opponent.

"Since Wen Hou is not needed, I will resign first!" Zhao Yun resigned and left.

When he got out of the study, he saw a one-eyed strong man in fine clothes standing outside, and several guards stood in front of him, not allowing him to take a step forward.

The strong man had bulging veins on his forehead, obviously angry.

With just one glance, Zhao Yun can be sure that he is capable.

The fine clothes are loose, but still can't cover the stalwart of the body.

Although there is only one eye left, the remaining eye is as piercing as a knife.

The strong man stopped by the guards was none other than Xiahou Dun.

Zhao Yun came out and exchanged glances with him.

Xiahoudun stared with one eye, and there was an unfriendly expression in his eyes.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Although Zhao Yun was handsome, he was also a troublemaker. Xiahou Dun looked at him very unkindly, of course he would not be happy.

"Look what's wrong with you?" Xiahou Dun was not a good person either, he stared even wider with one eye: "Could it be possible to fight again?"

"Hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Hearing Xiahoudun yelling outside, Zhao Yun was already upset, he rolled up his sleeves: "Come on, come on, come on, if you don't get down today, neither you nor I will leave!"

As the two talked, they were about to start a fight, and Lu Bu who came out of the house hurriedly stopped them.

"Zilong, don't mess around." Lu Bu winked at Zhao Yun, and said, "Go and get the serious stuff done, I'm waiting impatiently."

Zhao Yun was ordered to go to Huainan to bring someone back, and Zhao Yun didn't want to waste any more time.

But how did he feel about Xiahou Dun's displeasure.

Especially the one eye on his face made Zhao Yun have the urge to pick out his other eyeball as well.

Lu Bu stood in the middle, Zhao Yun couldn't provoke Xiahoudun any more, so he gave him a hard look, turned his head and left.

Zhao Yun was about to leave, when Xiahou Dun was about to call him, Lu Bu asked with a smile, "Is there something important that General Yuan Rang came to see me?"

Xiahou Dun came here to question Lu Bu, why he had been avoiding him after returning to Xiapi for several days.

Thinking of the important business, he didn't care about entanglement with Zhao Yun anymore.

Not knowing that standing in front of him was Lu Bu himself, he looked at the open door: "Where is Lu Fengxian?"

"General Yuan Rang doesn't recognize me?" Lu Bu asked with a smile on his face.

"How could you not know me?" Xiahou Dun said, "Little General went to Xudu back then and it was very beautiful. Even Duke Cao looked at you with admiration."

"Actually, I have concealed something from Mr. Cao." Lu Bu said apologetically, "I am Lu Bu, and there is no Lu Nan in this world!"

Staring at Lu Bu in astonishment for a while, Xiahou Dun laughed loudly: "The little general is joking, it's not that I don't recognize Lu Fengxian. You say that because you don't want me to see him."

"The general is Cao Gong's emissary. If Xuzhou doesn't intend to offend Cao Gong, he must not belittle the general." Lu Bu said very sincerely: "Please invite the general into the room for this matter. I will speak slowly."

Lu Bu insisted repeatedly that he was the deity, Xiahou Dun looked at him suspiciously.

In my impression, Lu Bu has already entered middle age, but this one in front of me is young, no matter how you look at it, he will not be the same person!

He personally led Xiahou Dun into the study, and after he sat down, Lu Bu told the truth about his youth.

The truth that seems illogical on the surface is often regarded as a lie.

On the contrary, lies are easier to be accepted.

Staring at Lu Bu's face for a long time, Xiahou Dun smiled and waved his hands: "Little general, don't mess around, how could such a thing happen?"

"I'm telling the truth." Lu Bu said with a solemn expression: "I had a dream that day. In the dream, there was a god who said that I should assist Duke Cao in accomplishing great things. Since I am old, in order to make the I have done a lot of meritorious service, and I have deliberately reduced my age."

Using such a reason to explain becoming younger, even Lu Bu himself did not believe it.

But Xiahou Dun's expression changed a bit.

"Are you really Lu Fengxian?" Looking at Lu Bu, Xiahou Dun asked uncertainly.

Lu Bu immediately understood that Xiahou Dun really believed the reason for his nonsense.

It seems that in Xiahou Dun's eyes, Cao Cao really has the prestige enough to make gods and men show up to help.

"Like the general, I am a general of Duke Cao's department. Even if I tell the whole story about such an important matter, how can there be other things to hide?" Lu Bu looked innocent.

"Just treat you as General Lu." Xiahou Dun asked, "Why didn't you want to see me for several days when you returned to Xiapi?"

(End of this chapter)

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