Chapter 88 It's Nothing

Xiahoudun probably believed his identity, and Lu Bu knew that he would have to deal with Cao Cao in another way in the future.

When asked why he went back to Xiapi and avoided seeing him, Lu Bu put on a bitter look: "General Xiahou doesn't know, there are so many things going on in Xuzhou, I really can't get out."

"Can't get out?" Xia Houdun frowned: "Since you are so busy, why do you still have time to go to Zhongshan?"

"It's really not that I want to go to Zhongshan." Lu Bu said: "Mr. Cao ordered me to destroy Liu Bei. I first fought with him in Xiapi and forced him to Xiaopei. Then I led the army to attack Xiaopei, but Liu Bei took advantage of it. Luan fled to Guangling."

"Defeated Liu Bei one after another, but still failed to capture him?" Xiahou Dun sneered: "Is Liu Bei too good at escaping, or is General Lu not good at arresting him?"

"Is it possible that General Yuan Rang doesn't know about my ability?" Lu Bu sighed, "I have known Liu Xuande for many years, but I never thought that he would be so good at escaping. No matter how dangerous the situation is, he can escape successfully. If the general doesn't believe it, the next You can try it yourself.”

Lu Bu asked him to try it himself, and Xiahou Dun's complexion suddenly turned bad.

Liu Bei has wandered around the world for so many years, and there are more than one or two people who want to kill him.

Yet each time he narrowly escaped death.

When it comes to escaping skills, there is really no one who will be Liu Bei's opponent.

Asking him to try to kill Liu Bei is nothing more than giving him a good look.

"Don't talk about Liu Bei." Xiahou Dun changed the topic: "Mr. Cao ordered you to lead the army to attack Huainan. Why hasn't there been any movement?"

Speaking of the crusade against Huainan, Lu Bu sighed with a sad expression on his face: "Although Yuan Shu is dead, his son is still there. Huainan is still not a mess. Liu Biao of Jingzhou is eyeing Huainan again. I heard that Jiangdong Sun Ce also has plans to enter Huainan. There are many powerful enemies, I have no money and no soldiers in Xuzhou..."

"Are you planning to go back on your word?" Xiahou Dun frowned.

"I promised Duke Cao, how can I go back on my word?" Lu Bu said, "I just want to attack Huainan, I still have to make some preparations."

"What else should I prepare?" Lu Bu was obviously delaying, Xiahou Dun's face was even worse than before.

"When marching and fighting, the soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are moved." Lu Bu said: "I have no food, no money, and no soldiers. Huainan alone has nearly [-] troops, not to mention Jingzhou and Jiangdong. With such a small number of people going to fight, I am afraid that Huainan has not been captured, and I have already been wiped out."

After the Battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu's soldiers and horses suffered too many losses.

Counting the captives he newly recruited and reorganized after defeating Liu Bei, the army is only 6000 people.

Among the 6000 people, there are still many old and weak soldiers who are weak or too old or too young to fight the enemy and can only barely stay in the city.

"It's been a few days since I came to Xiapi, and I know the difficulties you have here." Xiahou Dun's expression improved a little: "However, Cao Gong's military order has been issued, so we can't be so exhausted all the time?"

"It takes time to recruit soldiers and horses to raise food." Lu Bu said hesitantly, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Seeing a turning point, Xiahou Dun asked.

"In the battle of Xiapi, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others were driven to Qingzhou by Duke Cao, and they still had some troops under their command." Lu Bu said, "I will go to Qingzhou personally and persuade them to join Cao Gong, and the soldiers and horses will also be defeated." It's half way through."

"Why is it only half?" Xiahou Dun was taken aback: "Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others have tens of thousands of horses. If they are willing to come, it must be enough."

"Ten thousand people?" Lü Bu shook his head with a smile, and asked Xiahou Dun, "May I ask how many troops are there in the Qingzhou Army under the command of the General?"

"More than 3 people." Xiahou Dun asked suspiciously, "Why are you asking this?"

"I heard that when Duke Cao reorganized the Qingzhou Army, there were 30 troops. How come there are only more than 3 people in the hands of the general?"

"The Qingzhou army is all from the Yellow Turbans, and the 30 people include the elderly, children and women." Xiahou Dun said: "All of them are only 5 strong and strong, and more than half of them are disabled. It is not easy for me to pick 3 people. "

After the Qingzhou Army joined Cao Cao, the only time it played a role was when Cao Cao attacked Tao Qian.

After Tao Qian's death, the Qingzhou Army made no further achievements.

Cao Cao almost forgot about them, and even Xiahou Dun, who was ordered to lead the Qingzhou Army, felt that they were dispensable.

"General Yuan Rang, do you think it's good for the Qingzhou Army?" Lu Bu asked suddenly.

"Bandit nature is hard to change." Xiahou Dun said: "I once brought them to Xuzhou, burning, killing, looting and doing everything. In the battle of Wancheng, they actually took advantage of Duke Cao's defeat and did a lot of evil things in Qingzhou. Public resentment boiled over."

"Since it's so useless, why hasn't Mr. Cao dismissed them?" Lu Bu pretended not to understand.

"Qingzhou is in such a mess. If they are disbanded, why don't they go back and become thieves." Xiahou Dun was obviously very dissatisfied with the Qingzhou Army: "There are so many people, we can't kill them all."

"Since it's useless..." Lu Bu held his chin and said hesitantly, "It's better to use the waste."

"How to use waste?" Xiahou Dun looked at him suspiciously.

"Mr. Cao ordered me to attack Huainan. I have insufficient soldiers and horses. I can persuade Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others, but they are still not enough." Lu Bu said, "Why don't Yuan Rang lend me the Qingzhou Army? Once used..."

"3 horses, just borrow if you want?" Xiahou Dun waved his hands again and again: "No, no!"

"Didn't you say that they are all useless?" Lu Bu said, "Since they are useless, they are bothering and disturbing. It is better to let them go to battle and kill the enemy, so as to share some worries for Mr. Cao."

"This matter is no small matter. I have to report to my lord before I can make a decision." Although Lu Bu voted for Cao Cao, he had a bad record of capriciousness after all. Xiahou Dun dared not easily agree to handing over 3 horses to him.

"If Yuan Rang doesn't believe me, then don't make it difficult." Lu Bu pouted, and said indifferently: "I just want to send the Qingzhou Army that you think is useless to the battlefield. They are dead or alive. Yuan Rang shouldn't be too concerned. Caring. It is best if you can make contributions, even if you can’t, die more on the battlefield, and cause less trouble for Duke Cao in the future.”

Xiahou Dun stared at Lu Bu for a long time: "You really think so?"

"I just borrowed it for use, and I didn't ask for your soldier talisman." Lu Bu said, "Could it be possible that Yuan Rang is still worried that I will abduct the Qingzhou Army?"

"I think it's time to report to my lord..." Xiahou Dun still hesitated.

"Report to Duke Cao, even if we win, it's just a well-planned conquest." Lu Bu said, "If the two of us do this secretly, Yuan Rang's credit..."

Looking at Lu Bu, Xiahou Dun was also thinking about whether he should do this or not.

(End of this chapter)

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