The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 89 Girls have the dream of marrying a hero

Chapter 89 Girls have the dream of marrying a hero

Xiahou Dun didn't agree to Lu Bu until he left the study.

Although the Qingzhou Army has poor equipment and few drills, its numbers are there after all.

The [-] Qingzhou Army was handed over to Lu Bu. If he had other thoughts, Xiahou Dun would not be able to bear the crime.

To send Xiahou Dun away, Lu Bu sent someone to invite Chen Gong.

Lu Bu told the details of his meeting with Xiahou Dun, and Chen Gong asked, "Wen Hou thinks he will hand over the military power of the Qingzhou Army?"

"Gongtai thinks he won't?" Lu Bu asked back.

"Xiahoudun has always been greedy for merit, and because of this personality, he was shot blind in one eye by General Cao Xing in the battle of Xiapi." Chen Gong said: "Wen Hou used credit to lure him, and it is really possible to succeed."

"It's not that it's possible, but it's definitely possible." Lu Bu said, "Xiapi will have to be taken care of by you for a while. I'm going to Qingzhou."

"Wen Hou really intends to meet Zang Ba and Sun Guan in person?" Chen Gong reminded: "Although they rushed to help Xiapi at the beginning, the power of the Cao family is growing day by day, and Wen Hou is also attached to the Cao family. Will they be the same as before?" It’s hard to say the same.”

"Don't worry, Gongtai." Lu Bu said, "Although I haven't seen the two of them for quite a while, I still have some confidence in them."

"Don't Wen Hou wait for Xiahou Dun to hand over the Qingzhou Army before leaving?" Chen Gong said, "With some capital in hand, it is easier for Zang Ba and Sun Guan to join."

"So what if we get the Qingzhou Army? Even if we have some capital, it is only given by others." Lu Bu lowered his voice: "If you get it and make it your own, it can be regarded as our capital."

"Although Cao Cao never waits to see the Qingzhou Army, he can send them to Marquis Wen..." Chen Gong said, "I'm afraid it's unlikely."

"Of course it's impossible." Lu Bu grinned: "It doesn't matter whether he sends it or not, it's important to bring it here first."

"Since Wen Hou thinks it's important to get the Qingzhou Army, why is he in such a hurry to see Zang Ba and Sun Guan?" Chen Gong was puzzled.

Lu Bu asked, "How much does Gongtai know about Xiahou Dun?"

Chen Gong shook his head: "I really don't know him very well, I only know that this person is greedy and reckless, although he is very brave, he is easy to deal with."

"Knowing so much is enough." Lu Bu said: "Xiahoudun is simple and greedy for merit. I used credit to seduce him. He didn't agree immediately. If I stay in Xiapi, let him realize that I am waiting to take over the Qingzhou Army. Things are not easy to handle. I am in a hurry to leave, and he will think that the Qingzhou Army is no different from not wanting to, but he will be busy seeing me."

Looking at Lu Bu suspiciously, Chen Gong was at a loss.

He didn't remember that Lv Bu and Xiahou Dun had a very deep relationship.

Lu Bu was able to analyze Xiahou Dun's personality, and set up a scheme to win the Qingzhou Army from him, even Chen Gong didn't expect it in advance.

"When is Marquis Wen going to leave?" Chen Gong asked.

"Leave early tomorrow morning." Lu Bu said, "Zilong will also go to Huainan to bring back the family members of Yan Xiang and Ji Ling. You can send someone to meet them then."

"How will Xiahou Dun deal with it when Wen Hou is not around?" Chen Gong asked.

"With Gongtai's ability, it is still difficult to deal with mere Xiahou Dun?" Lu Bu raised his eyebrows at him with a smirk.

Lu Bu's expression made Chen Gong sweat profusely.

The days of following Lu Bu are not too few, and he has never seen Wen Hou show such an expression.

Could it be that when people become younger, their temperaments also change?

After explaining some important matters to Chen Gong, Lu Bu returned to the backyard before evening.

He returned to the residence first but did not see Diao Chan.

From the maid, she learned that Diao Chan went to Zhen Mi's place.

Since returning to Xiapi, Lu Bu hasn't had a decent conversation with Zhen Mi yet.

Since Diao Chan went to her place, why not just sit down and see if Zhen Mi's thoughts have changed.

Zhen Mi lives in a small courtyard with two entrances.

There are some flowers and trees planted in the front and back yards, and the layout is very elegant.

When the maids in the courtyard saw Lu Bu coming, they bowed their heads and stood aside.

"Has Madam come here?" Walking into the back garden, Lu Bu asked a maid standing by the road.

"I was talking to Miss Zhen's family." The maid replied.

"Lead me there," Lu Bu ordered.

The maid led him to a side room.

When she came to the door of the wing room, just as she was about to report, Lu Bu waved her hand.

The door of the wing room was ajar, and standing outside the door could hear the people in the room talking.

Diao Chan's voice came from the room: "Could it be that my sister doesn't appreciate the benefits of your husband at all?"

"General Lu is nice to Madam, that's what it should be." Then Zhen Mi's voice came out: "I'm just an outsider..."

"My sister is wrong to say that." Diao Chan said, "If Husband treats you as an outsider, why is he willing to take you back to Xiapi?"

Zhen Mi didn't say a word.

Diao Chan continued: "I have been with my husband for many years. No one is more familiar with what kind of person he is than I am. My husband is affectionate and righteous. Even in times of crisis, he will never abandon us. Only such a man can be called a true hero. , what do we have to worry about when we marry our husband?"

"But I already have a marriage contract." Zhen Mi finally spoke: "If the Yuan family knows that General Lu has robbed me to Xuzhou, I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm. Although I am a daughter's family, I also understand some righteousness. Madam, please persuade the general to send me back to Zhongshan, so that the innocent soldiers and civilians in Xuzhou will not be implicated."

"If my husband cared about these things, he wouldn't have brought you to Xuzhou." Diao Chan came from a humble background, had seen a lot of worlds back then, and was much more tactful than Zhen Mi when she spoke and acted: "If my sister is really worried, why don't you stay here first?" Stay for a while, if there is really no problem, then consider marrying your husband, how about it?"

In the fight between Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, Zhen Mi already knew that he was extremely brave.

Lu Bu, who returned to his youth, is much taller than ordinary people, and his appearance is very handsome.

Every time she sees him as a young man, Diao Chan's heart will beat non-stop.

After all, Zhen Mi is at the age of Huaichun.

Every girl has the dream of marrying a hero.

Lu Bu had shown his heroic side in front of her, but she only heard the name of the second son of the Yuan family but didn't see him.

Therefore, the refusal to marry Lu Bu is nothing more than a little reservedness of the daughter's family.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, women's chastity was not very important.

However, a noble and innocent girl always hopes that she can be handed over to someone worth relying on for the first time.

That's exactly what Zhen Mi had in mind.

Seeing her hesitation, Diao Chan strikes while the iron is hot: "If my sister thinks it's okay, she can live here with peace of mind. If you need anything, just send someone to tell me."

Lv Bu who was standing outside the door could tell that Diao Chan had persuaded Zhen Mi for the most part.

He gently opened the door.

The sound of the door opening startled Diao Chan and Zhen Mi.

The two women looked towards the door almost at the same time.

Seeing that it was Lu Bu entering the room, Zhen Mi's pretty face flushed immediately.

Diao Chan got up to salute: "My husband came just in time. I am worried that sister Zhen's family will be bored by herself, so I come here to talk with her. I have something to do at this time, why don't my husband take my place?"

(End of this chapter)

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