Chapter 93 His luck is over
The most eye-catching symbol of Lu Bu is the horse he rides and the armor he wears.

The two sides were far away, and Zang Ba and Sun Guan saw him.

"It's Marquis Wen." Zang Ba said, "He really came!"

From Zang Ba's tone, faint excitement could be heard.

"In the battle of Xiapi, Wen Hou suffered heavy losses. He may have come here to ask for our help." Sun Guan's face was solemn: "We are still in trouble right now..."

"We'll talk when we see Marquis Wen." Sun Guan's reminder made Zang Ba feel cold.

Lu Bu also saw the two of them from a distance.

In the battle of Xiapi, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, led his army to rescue Lu Bu, but was killed by his general Yang Chou.

Then Yang Chou was killed by Sui Gu.

At that time, Cao Cao had already controlled the battle situation, and Suigu had nowhere to go, so he could only go to Hebei to join Yuan Shao.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan also led their troops from Qingzhou at that time, but were repelled by Yu Jin, Cao Ren and others.

Having all the memories of the past, and carefully reviewing the scene of the Battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu found that the man who had this body before he came to this era was not a failure.

At least in times of crisis, there are still a group of people who are willing to sacrifice their lives to save them.

The two sides are getting closer.

Relying on his inherited memory, Lu Bu recognized Zang Ba and Sun Guan who were riding side by side.

The one on the left with a somewhat ferocious face is Zang Ba.

Although he had a bad face, he was very loyal.

And the big face with Chinese characters on the right is Sun Guan who can easily give people the impression of being upright.

In terms of loyalty, Sun Guan is similar to Zang Ba.

It's just that he is definitely not as upright as his face on the battlefield.

Born in the Yellow Turban, Sun Guan was able to survive the chaotic era, and he also has his current status, not only because of his precise control of the battlefield, but also because of the crucial choice of foothold.

Lu Bu saw the two of them clearly, and Zang Ba and Sun Guan also saw him clearly.

Seeing Lu Bu's appearance, the two of them were stunned.

It has not been a day or two to know Lu Bu, and the Lu Bu in their impression should have passed middle age.

However, the one who walked towards them turned out to be a young general who didn't look like he was 20 years old.

When he came to the two people who were full of astonishment, Lu Bu greeted them with a smile on his face: "You two generals, what's the matter? Don't you know each other?"

"Your honor is..." Sun Guan just looked at him in astonishment, and Zang Ba, who had a relatively straightforward personality, blurted out his doubts.

It was impossible for them to believe that the person in front of them was Lu Bu.

People, there will definitely be changes.

It's just that they all grow old, and I haven't heard of anyone who can change from middle age to youth.

"After the battle of Xiapi, we haven't seen each other yet. I didn't expect the two generals to know each other." Lu Bu laughed: "I am Lu Bu from Jiuyuan. Don't the two generals believe it?"

Glancing at each other, Zang Ba asked, "How can you prove it?"

"Fang Tian painted a halberd and a red rabbit." Lu Bu smiled, "Can't these prove it?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I can understand that Wen Hou's appearance has changed." Sun Guan said: "But it's not like a young man."

"God bless me and make me a young man overnight." Lu Bu said with emotion: "Back then, I was over middle-aged, and the battle on the battlefield was no longer what I wanted. Now that I have returned to my youth, who else in the world is my opponent?"

What Lu Bu said was domineering, Zang Ba and Sun Guan looked at each other in astonishment.

"I came to see the two generals this time because I have an important matter to discuss." Lu Bu no longer explained why he became younger: "The two generals should take me back to the station before we talk about it."

God bless me, if it was placed in the era when he lived, he would definitely be regarded as mentally ill.

But at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was quite convincing.

Although still puzzled, Zang Ba and Sun Guan didn't ask any more questions.

It is not difficult to prove that this is Lu Bu.

The number one fierce general in the world, as long as he sees him fight with his own eyes, he can tell the truth immediately.

Secretly made the same calculation, Zang Ba and Sun Guan didn't ask any more questions.

The two accompanied Lu Bu back to the station.

When they came to the two camps, Lu Bu found that the size of the barracks was much smaller than he expected.

The soldiers drooped their heads, as if they were very listless.

Judging from the number of tents, there are no more than 3000 people here.

"I remember that the two generals have nearly ten thousand soldiers, and the soldiers are also mighty and majestic. How did this happen?" Lu Bu was very puzzled by the scene in front of him.

"Wen Hou doesn't know something." Sun Guan sighed: "At the beginning, when we rushed to help Xiapi together with Yanxi, we were ambushed by Yu Jin and Cao Ren. When we returned to Qingzhou, Liu Bei secretly joined forces with Yanxi to launch a sudden attack. Many soldiers followed Yanxi and left. Although the remaining ones are fighting hard, they are becoming more and more difficult to maintain. If there is no turning point, I am afraid that they will not be able to last for long."

Lu Bu asked, "Are you fighting Yan Xi?"

"The fight has been going on, and it has almost never stopped." Zang Ba said: "Rangxi has a large number of people, and he has the momentum to take advantage of the momentum to flatten Qingzhou..."

"It seems that his luck is really good." Lu Bu said with emotion.

"It's not just luck." Zang Ba's tone showed helplessness: "More and more people voted for him, and even the nearby thieves also voted for him when they saw that he was powerful. But the more we beat people, the fewer people we beat. Some soldiers fled quietly."

"I'm here, and his good luck will come to an end." Lu Bu smiled confidently: "When will Yan Xi launch another attack?"

"His army is just thirty miles away." Sun Guan replied, "Whether he comes to fight or not depends entirely on his ideas. It may come in three or five days, or it may come tonight."

"You must hold the initiative in your hands when fighting on the battlefield." Lu Bu said to the two of them: "If you are led by the nose like this, sooner or later you will be defeated and die."

"Of course we both understand this truth." Zang Ba shook his head: "But we have few people, but we have many people, so we can't kill ourselves by fighting less and fighting more?"

"Maybe it wasn't possible before, but it's definitely possible today." Lu Bu ordered: "Gather up the soldiers, and I'll take you to fight against Xi!"

Zang Ba and Sun Guan looked at each other in astonishment.

It wasn't a day or two for the two of them to know Lu Bu.

Although Lu Bu used to be very brave, he would not do such a seemingly crazy thing.

For a moment, they even suspected that Lu Bu was just an impostor.

"Why didn't the two generals give the order?" The two didn't respond, and Lu Bu frowned slightly, and his tone became a lot harsher.

"We both know that no one can match Wen Hou's martial arts." Sun Guan said, "It's just that we have to be cautious about this matter..."

"In the past, I would have been cautious not to fight." Lu Bu blocked his words: "Now that even the heavens are on my side, do the two generals still have doubts?"

Zang Ba and Sun Guan still had doubts about Lu Bu's identity.

He insisted on playing again and again, and the two had no choice but to agree.

Sun Guan ordered the guards: "Send the order, immediately regroup the army, and follow Wenhou to attack Yanxi!"

PS: Announce the group number again: Taboo King Pavilion (public group) 423442171.

(End of this chapter)

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