Chapter 94 Invincible in the world

Zang Ba and Sun Guan summoned the soldiers.

Looking around the loose array, Lu Bu realized that his previous prediction was too optimistic.

There are no more than two thousand soldiers in formation, and all of them look tired.

Many people even looked sick.

Originally, he planned to say something to them, but after seeing such a scene, Lu Bu didn't want to say anything anymore.

Looking around in front of the array, Lu Bu told Zang Ba and Sun Guan, "Let's go!"

Zang Ba shouted: "Cheer up and let's go!"

The soldiers who had been frightened and disabled for a long time were trembling all over when they mentioned the battle, so how could they cheer up.

Some people puffed out their chests, but soon became listless.

Thirty miles is not too far for a high-spirited army.

But for an army without fighting spirit, such a small distance is equivalent to trekking thousands of mountains and rivers.

The morale of the whole army is very low, and it is not wise to draw scouts from the army.

Lu Bu arranged for several guards who came here with him to act as scouts.

After the army traveled more than ten miles, the guards sent out returned one after another.

"Reporting to Wenhou, Yanxi learned that our army is going to march, and led the army to welcome us." Back to Lv Bu, the guards reported back one after another.

"We're trying to find bad luck for him, but he came first instead." Lu Bu calmly smiled, "Since he's here to die, I'll take his head and give it to you as a sacrificial flag!"

Zang Ba and Sun Guan looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

Rang Xi is gaining momentum, with nearly [-] soldiers under his command.

Among the [-] troops, take the head of the main general...

How can it be?

Still dubious about Lu Bu's identity, the two of them will inevitably think that he is too arrogant.

Lu Bu turned his head again and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Soldiers, after encountering the enemy, all you have to do is line up to cheer for me. I'll go and get the head of Zhanxi to show off!"

Having been beaten to death by Yanxi long ago, many people in this expedition are biting the bullet to keep up.

Lv Bu, who had just arrived in Qingzhou, had never seen the momentum of Yanxi's army.

He actually shouted that he only asked the soldiers to line up to cheer, and go alone to take the head of Yanxi.

Although the soldiers didn't respond, they were slandering in their hearts: What an insolent general, he talked so full of words, it would be embarrassing if he didn't dare to step forward.

Lu Bu didn't care about failing to boost morale.

Leading the army to move on, he didn't raise his hand to signal the soldiers to line up until he saw a black line in the distance.

The black line that appeared in the distance was the soldiers of Yan Xi's troops.

Seeing the enemy, Zang Ba and Sun Guan rode their horses and galloped to both sides.

"Array, array, prepare to defend against the enemy!" While galloping at high speed, the two sent orders for the soldiers to array.

Rang Xi was also a leader of the Yellow Turban in his early years.

He has a different personality from Zang Ba and Sun Guan.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan are loyal and righteous, but Zang Xi is good at drilling.

Whoever is stronger will be attached to him.

When Lu Bu took Xuzhou, Ma Xi had made friends with him.

When Cao Cao attacked Xiapi, he took advantage of Zang Ba and Sun Guan's sending troops to help him from behind, and almost wiped out their power from Qingzhou.

The enemy army is coming, although the soldiers are terrified, they can only prepare in order to survive.

After many years of fighting on the battlefield, they are very clear that once the two sides go to war, turning around and running may not necessarily survive.

Lifting the shield and holding the spear, many soldiers were still trembling slightly due to nervousness.

Fang Tian pointed his halberd obliquely behind him, while Lu Bu stood at the front of the formation on his horse.

The enemy army was getting closer and closer, and stopped two or three hundred paces away from them.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan's soldiers were so thin compared to Zang Ba's and Sun Guan's troops.

Under the banner of the commander-in-chief of the opponent's formation, a fat general stood on the carriage.

Since Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty crusade against the Xiongnu and practiced cavalry on a large scale, the chariots that were once in vogue have gradually disappeared on the battlefield.

I don't know where Yanxi got such a car, and put it on the Chinese army standing on it happily.

Mang Xi is obese, but that chariot complements him perfectly.

Seeing Yanxi, Lu Bu was about to step forward with a painting halberd in hand.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan hurriedly stopped him.

Sun Guan said: "Hou Wen, the enemy's army is ten times larger than mine, so don't dare to play tricks!"

Pointing at the enemy army on the opposite side, Lu Bu smiled calmly: "What did you see?"

Looking at the enemy, Zang Ba replied: "Of course what I saw was the enemy..."

"But what I saw was not." Lu Bu said, "I only saw [-] human heads, that's all."

The [-] army on the opposite side actually turned into [-] heads in his mouth...

Zang Ba and Sun Guan suddenly didn't know what to say.

They are different from Gao Shun and Zhang Liao.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao belonged to Lu Bu's trilogy. Although Zang Ba and Sun Guan had followed him, they were more often like cooperative alliances with each other.

If Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were here, and Lu Bu did whatever he wanted, they would definitely try to stop them.

But Zang Ba and Sun Guan are inconvenient to do that.

The two of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say, when Lu Bu rushed out.

The horse galloped, and he shouted loudly: "Today I will show you what it means to be invincible and invincible in the world!"

Lu Bu's figure gradually faded away, and Zang Ba shouted angrily: "It's just nonsense, even if it's really warm, the enemy army has 2 people, and they go in alone, how can they come out alive..."

Zang Ba didn't finish his sentence, he swallowed the second half of what he wanted to say, his mouth opened slightly, showing endless astonishment on his face.

Sun Guan also widened his eyes, with a look of disbelief.

The two thousand soldiers in the formation were still very nervous just a moment ago. When Lu Bu rode out, they stood upright one by one with their weapons in their hands, looking at the enemy formation in amazement.

The red rabbit horse is a rare good horse. It spreads its four hooves and gallops at a high speed, and the distance of two or three hundred steps is reached in no time.

He didn't expect that Lu Bu would rush up alone, and Yanxi's army was still in formation, and he had already reached the front of the formation.

Flying the halberd, Lu Bu swept all the way. Although he failed to reach Yan Xi, he managed to create a free passage among the enemy troops.

Several enemy generals stepped forward, who could be his opponents, and they were picked off by him one after another.

Lu Bu's armor, weapons, and horses are like his signature, and of course Gan Xi can recognize him.

"Lu Bu! He's Lu Bu!" Due to the short distance, Yan Xi recognized him as Lu Bu without seeing his face clearly, and shouted strangely: "Kill me, don't let him run away!"

Wielding a halberd, Lu Bu picks and kills the enemy who dares to step forward, and he can also take advantage of the moment of leisure to cut off the head of the enemy killed by him.

Every time he picked up a human head, he took advantage of the situation to grab it, and then hung it on the horse's back.

In just a few moments, there were more than a dozen human heads hanging on Chituma's body.

Every head is an enemy general who was beheaded by Lu Bu's formation.

More and more enemy troops rushed up, and after being picked and killed, they only dared to surround Lu Bu with weapons, but none of them dared to step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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