Chapter 95

Lu Bu rode alone among the enemy troops.

Looking around, I don't know how many enemy troops are coming up.

Knowing how powerful he was, Yan Xi of course didn't dare to step forward, but kept urging the soldiers to kill Lu Bu.

There are ten or twenty human heads hanging on the red rabbit's back.

An unknown number of corpses lay at Lu Bu's feet.

Those who dared to step forward were picked and killed by him on the spot. Although Yan Xi kept urging him, no one dared to step forward.

Seeing that he was too far away from Yanxi, it was impossible to rush to him again, Lu Bu shouted: "Mengxi, send your head down today, and I will come to pick it up next time."

With a shout, Lu Bu turned around and left.

The enemy soldiers who were blocking him hurriedly dodged, and unexpectedly gave him a way.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, Lu Bu rode his horse and galloped.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan saw that he was surrounded by the enemy army, and were wondering how to rescue him. They saw that the enemy army suddenly dispersed to make a way, and Lu Bu came galloping from it.

"Shoot the arrows! Let the arrows shoot him to death!" It wasn't until Lu Bu broke out of the encirclement that Yan Xi realized it and gave the order quickly.

The archers hurriedly drew their bows and nocked their arrows.

The arrow hit the bowstring, and then they let it down slowly.

Chitu was too fast, and by the time they set up their arrows, Lu Bu had already gone far.

Back in front of Zang Ba and Sun Guan, Lu Bu chuckled: "Zang Xi hid too deep, I didn't even rush to the front, but this battle also beheaded more than ten enemy generals, and all the heads were brought back. .”

Shaking off the heads on the horses, Lu Bu shouted: "Hang up all the heads and let the enemy have a look. If they dare to be arrogant with our army, this will be their fate!"

Several soldiers stepped forward and counted, and the heads he brought back were actually nineteen.

Some of them are very familiar with Zang Ba and Sun Guan's soldiers.

These people used to travel freely on the battlefield and took the lives of many soldiers.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu was killed on the battlefield alone.

The soldiers picked the heads on the long poles, erected them one by one, and inserted the long poles straight into the soil.

"Wen Hou is mighty!" Zang Ba shouted first.

The soldiers who had no fighting spirit followed suit.

Their eyes lit up, and their low morale rose again.

When they came here, the soldiers were like a group of plague-stricken chickens, their heads drooping, and they had no intention of fighting at all.

But at this moment, they were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

From the eyes of the shouting soldiers, Lu Bu could see the killing intent rising rapidly.

The shout of "Wen Hou Mighty" echoed in his ears, and Lu Bu pressed his hands.

The soldiers fell silent.

He turned his head and pointed at the army of Yan Xi on the opposite side, and shouted loudly: "Tell me, what's over there!"

"Enemy!" The question he asked made the soldiers feel at a loss, but they responded in unison.

"Wrong!" Lu Bu shouted: "In my opinion, there are only [-] heads over there, and they are just military exploits sent to you! The opposite side is just a mob, and our army is all warriors. Don't say that one is ten, even What can I do with one against a hundred? It is the time when the horn urges warriors to slaughter thieves on the battlefield. Will the soldiers be willing to march forward bravely with me and kill thieves together?"

"Yes!" The tidy response reassured Lu Bu a lot.

What he was worried about was not that Zang Ba and Sun Guan had too few soldiers, but that these people had no belief in fighting at all.

An army that has lost its courage before going to war, even if it has a large number, will definitely not be an opponent of a high-morale army.

"I said that I would take the head of Maoxi." Lu Bu continued to shout: "I just killed one, and I found that Maoxi was too deep. To take his head, I need someone to fight side by side. I want to kill the thief. Who will follow?"

"Me!" came another neat response.

Lu Bu nodded to Zang Ba and Sun.

When he was lecturing the soldiers, Zang Ba and Sun Guan's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they wished they could rush up to fight the enemy immediately.

Lu Bu looked at them, and the two rode forward: "Please wait for the order, we will follow to the death!"

"Handling!" After a fight, Lu Bu didn't feel any hardship at all, and shouted loudly, "Blow the horn and get ready to fight!"

Facing the rampant army, Lu Bu stood upright astride his horse and raised his halberd.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan stood on both sides of him, one on the left and one on the right.

Two thousand soldiers lined up behind them.

The horn sounded long and loudly.

With the sound of the horn, Lu Bu was the first to move forward.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan followed closely behind, and the soldiers marched forward in a neat formation.

After being hit by Lu Bu, Yan Xi only felt her heart speed up.

While watching a group of soldiers laying out the corpses in a row, Canxi heard the sound of horns in the distance.

Looking at the reputation, he saw Lu Bu leading the army approaching here.

The soldiers and horses under his command are more than ten times that of Lu Bu, but seeing him leading the troops forward, Yan Xi was suddenly annoyed!
I just came back...

Is bullying an addiction or something?
Cursing in his heart, Yan Xi shouted: "Command, the three armies line up and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Lv Bu single-handedly charged and killed the soldiers under Mao Xi's command.

When the order was issued, the soldiers did not dare to neglect and hurriedly lined up.

A strange landscape appeared on the battlefield.

Often when fighting, the side with more people will attack the side with fewer people.

However, this time, the overwhelming army of Qianxi formed a formation, nervously waiting for Lu Bu to launch an attack.

The 2000 men led by Lu Bu looked so thin in front of the army under the command of Yan Xi.

But every time they take a step forward, the large number of enemy troops will subconsciously retreat.

Of course, the soldiers of the rampant Xi army did not retreat in large strides, but just moved their heels back a little.

Even so, when Lu Bu came to a place only forty or fifty steps away from them, the more than 2 people still retreated three or four steps.

Before Lu Bu charged into battle alone, Yan Xi didn't see his face clearly.

This time Lu Bu was not in a hurry to launch an attack, and the distance between the two sides was so close that one could vaguely distinguish their faces.

Looking at Lu Bu from a distance, Yan Xi always felt a little strange.

Lu Bu looked a little different from the past, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Come here." Yan Xi beckoned to a soldier.

The soldier ran up to him quickly.

"Lv Bu came here last time, did you see his appearance clearly?" Yan Xi asked.

"I didn't see it very clearly." The soldier replied, "I can see some."

"What does he look like?" Yanxi asked.

"About seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and handsome..."

The soldier described Lu Bu's appearance from memory, but Yan Xi interrupted him: "Wait a minute!"

"What did you say?" He looked at the soldier suspiciously: "How old is he?"

"Seventeen or eighteen years old." The soldier was a little dazed.

Yan Xi also looked bewildered.

Lu Bu has already passed his age, he is obviously a middle-aged man, how could it be possible that he is only seventeen or eighteen years old?

(End of this chapter)

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