The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 98 Take you to the world of your dreams

Chapter 98 Take you to the world of your dreams

There were too many prisoners of war, and Lu Bu's gaze was only a symbolic sweep.

It was impossible for him to memorize anyone's facial features.

Yet every POW felt something.

They felt that Lu Bu's eyes had focused on their faces for a moment.

Many prisoners of war did not dare to meet Lu Bu's eyes, and lowered their heads one after another.

"I have something to ask you." After a while, Lu Bu shouted to the prisoners: "Who can tell me why you became soldiers? And why did you follow Yan Xi?"

No one responded.

There are more than 2 people in the place, but it is so quiet that even the sound of the wind can be heard clearly.

"Hou Wen asked, why didn't anyone answer?" Zang Ba frowned and shouted after waiting for a while.

Still no response.

No one knows what will happen if the answer is answered, and of course no one wants to be this early bird.

It's better for Sun Guan to do things simply.

He stepped forward and grabbed a prisoner: "You answer!"

The prisoner was trembling all over, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

His lips trembled faster than his body.

"Say it soon?" Sun Guan grabbed his neckline and lifted him up.

His heels were off the ground, only the tip of his toes touched the ground, and the captive almost peed in fear from Sun Guan.

"Don't embarrass him, just change someone else." Lu Bu nodded towards Sun.

His eyes wandered around the faces of the nearby prisoners again, and he finally locked on one who looked calm: "You come and answer me, why do you want to be a soldier, and why do you want to serve as a soldier?"

The prisoner was indeed more relaxed than the others.

He stood up slowly, and answered in a low voice: "There are wars everywhere, who can farm at home? If you don't serve as a soldier, you will starve to death. Yanxi can win every battle. If you don't go to him, who else can you go to?" ?”

"Presumptuous! How do you talk to Marquis Wen?" The prisoner answered the question, but Zang Ba stared at him fiercely.

"General Zang, don't worry about it." With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Bu patted Zang Ba's arm lightly, and pressed his hand on the prisoner who answered.

The prisoner squatted obediently.

Lu Bu's gaze once again swept across the crowd of prisoners of war: "Actually, no one answered and I know the reason. At the beginning, I was like you, only fighting for food. But after fighting for so many years, the more I was beaten, the more confused I became. "

He had no intention of attacking the prisoners of war, and more than 2 pairs of eyes looked over.

"You all know that I am quite capable on the battlefield, and the food is of course better than ordinary soldiers." Lu Bu went on to say: "At first I was very happy, I could fill my stomach, and I could be a moderate official. .But later, I found that it didn’t seem to be the case. I’m full, what will my children do in the future? Could it be that they are like me, selling themselves just to get enough to eat?”

It was not only the defeated captives who had never considered this issue, but also the soldiers under Zang Ba and Sun Guan.

More than 2 people were all at a loss, looking at Lu Bu in confusion, not knowing what he wanted to express?
"Now that you are not too old, you can still take up weapons and go to the battlefield. In ten or twenty years, when you are old, who will ask you to follow the army?" Lu Bu asked everyone present: " At that time, what will you rely on to fill your stomach?"

These words were like throwing a big stone into a pool of water, and the black crowd suddenly became turbulent.

The prisoners who were too panicked to look at him just now looked at each other with fear on their faces.

Lu Bu's problem is very real.

Young, they can sell their strength, and they can also sell their lives in exchange for a full meal.

But once they get old, what else can they use in exchange for food?
"Do you think this question disturbs you?" Lu Bu asked the prisoners with a calm smile.

Still no one responded, but the worry on the prisoner's face said it all!
"In war, people die." Lu Bu pointed to the corpses neatly arranged by the soldiers: "Who can tell me what they will get after they die?"

Still dead silence.

More than 2 captives had a question in their minds. Those who died in battle died as soon as they died. What else could they get?
"They won't get anything, they just died." Lu Bu's tone was very heavy: "Their wives, children, and children will no longer be cared for, and they can only live or die according to the destiny. People have to die, but they have to die It’s worth it! We are all soldiers, and the horse leather shroud is the best destination. But as a man, there is a responsibility on our shoulders. We had a great time in the horse leather shroud, but what about the family members who are still alive? Who will take care of them for us ?”

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Lu Bu, including Zang Ba and Sun Guan, but no one had figured out what he wanted to express.

"Having said so much, what I want to tell you is just a truth." Lu Bu shouted: "War is not to fill the stomach, but to change the world. Use our bloody fight to wake up the sleeping sky and let him open his eyes." Take a look at the people who are struggling in suffering! We may fall on the battlefield, but we must fight for our family, so that they will not be cold or hungry from now on! Decades later, when future generations stand When paying homage to us in front of the grave, they can proudly say that those lying here are our ancestors, and it is their fearlessness that made us live comfortably!"

Lu Bu drew a beautiful picture for everyone present.

In the picture scroll, there are iron horses and golden swords, and there are also peaceful and prosperous times.

Many people's eyes actually flickered with anticipation.

Growing up in this era, they used to only know how to fight to survive, but no one told them why they lived and why they fought!

"I can understand your feelings at this time." Lu Bu's tone became low and slow: "After being captured, life is in the hands of the former enemy, and life and death are all in the enemy's commander. Among you, some people should not Holding on to the hope of living, all you think about is how to be killed. Buried alive? Beheaded? Burned? Hanged? I have no less than a hundred ways to kill you, but I want to tell you that today I will not Someone was killed!"

Lu Bu announced his decision in public, and Zang Ba and Sun Guan looked at him in unison.

There were too many prisoners, and the two couldn't help worrying, so many people were kept, how to manage them with their small number?

The eyes of the prisoners who were worrying about life and death lit up.

No one wants to die as long as they can live.

"I'll give you two choices. One is to go back and live a good life, and the other is to take your family and follow me." Lu Bu shouted: "Whoever is willing to follow me, I will take you to the world of your dreams."

He then added another sentence: "Those who are willing to go home, I can only say that there will be no end in the future. I sincerely hope that you can escape the forceful arrest of others and live your life in peace and stability!"

(End of this chapter)

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