Chapter 99

Lu Bu's last sentence was undoubtedly a threat to the prisoners present.

Follow him, you can fight for your dreams, and even your family members can be properly arranged.

If he chooses to leave, he will not stop him, but it will have nothing to do with him from now on.

How can there be a perfect egg in troubled times?

Lu Bu said that those who are willing to serve him should bring their family members with them.

According to what he meant, he had no intention of staying in Qingzhou at all.

Once he leaves, others will definitely come here.

The prisoners who choose to go home may not live a stable life for a few days, and they will be caught by the people who take over here and marched into the army.

"Those who are willing to come with me, go to the master register to register how many people live in your family." Lu Bu shouted, "I will arrange people to bring your family members here, and return to Xuzhou with me."

Lu Bu's statement confirmed the speculation of the prisoners of war.

Immediately, many people expressed their willingness to take effect.

Someone took the lead, and those who were still hesitating followed suit.

It was the first time Zang Ba and Sun Guan saw the scene where the prisoners of war took the initiative to swear an oath to serve.

The two looked at the prisoners who were scrambling to join them in astonishment, and Lu Bu greeted them: "Two generals, please come with me."

Zang Ba and Sun Guan followed him to the side.

Lu Bu asked: "Which of the two is willing to stay here? Who is willing to go to Xuzhou with me?"

"Aren't Marquis Wen going to take us all to Xuzhou?" Sun Guan asked, both of them confused.

"There are so many prisoners of war, there must be someone left to practice." Lu Bu said: "Bring them to the battlefield now, they are just a group of rabble, with a large number of people but not much fighting power. What I want are elite soldiers, and only there are enough elite soldiers. Standing in troubled times."

"I don't think it's difficult for only one person to train these soldiers and horses." Zang Ba said: "After all, they have 2 people..."

"It's really hard to be alone." Sun Guan squeezed his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"Anyway, I don't have that ability." Sun Guan was also in trouble, Zang Ba quickly said: "Let me fight the war, let me take these people... tsk tsk..."

He smacked his lips twice.

"Then General Sun will stay here." Lu Bu made a decision immediately: "I will send Gao Shun here later, he is good at training soldiers, and you two will train these people for me together."

"Isn't Marquis Wen planning to bring them back to Xuzhou? He also wants to call their families here." Sun Guan asked, "Could it be..."

"Xuzhou has suffered years of wars, and the population has shrunk severely." Lu Bu said, "It's easy to cause trouble if you bring [-] strong people back. Most of their families are old and weak, women and children, and no one will pay attention to how many they bring back."

Only then did the two understand that Lu Bu had never thought of taking back [-] prisoners of war, but just wanted to take their families.

The family members went to Xuzhou, and the prisoners who had just joined the army stayed here. Even though they were active, they did not dare to do anything unusual.

Before training these people out, Lu Bu had cut off their retreat.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan admired him sincerely.

For the next few days, Lu Bu was in Qingzhou waiting for the families of the newly appointed soldiers.

Xiahoudun, who lived in Xiapi, hadn't seen him for several days in a row, and he was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Back then, Cao Cao accommodated the Qingzhou Army and left this mess to him.

The banditry of the Qingzhou Army, who was born as a Yellow Turban bandit, has not changed his nature and often caused some troubles.

The most terrible thing is that they took advantage of Cao Cao's defeat in Wancheng to loot everywhere, causing Yu Jin to send troops to crusade in front of Cao Cao.

At that time, Xiahou Dun was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Cao Cao was open-minded and did not hold Qingzhou Army accountable.

However, since then, the Qingzhou Army has become a hot potato in Xiahou Dun's hands.

It is useless to keep them, but to give them to Lu Bu, there are actually more than 3 people...

When Lu Bu proposed to borrow the Qingzhou Army from him, Xiahou Dun was in a very difficult situation.

After pondering for several days, he finally thought of a way.

The Qingzhou Army can be deployed by Lu Bu, and all orders must be given from him.

There is a gap in the middle, even if Lu Bu wants to play tricks, he will not have a chance.

When he planned to go to Lu Bu, he got a reply that Lu Bu had gone to Qingzhou.

After waiting for several days, Xiahoudun couldn't sit still seeing that the day to return to Xudu was getting closer.

He had already found out that Lv Bu was not there, and Chen Gong and Yan Xiang were taking care of Xuzhou's affairs, among which Chen Gong was the main one. He decided to talk to Chen Gong first, and implement the matter related to the Qingzhou Army.

When Xiahou Dun came to the government, Chen Gong was approving documents sent from various places.

Since Lu Bu defeated Guangling and killed Chen Deng and his son, and Liu Bei also fled to Hebei, all parts of Xuzhou have sworn allegiance.

In order to exterminate the Yellow Turbans, Emperor Ling issued an edict to allow the recruitment of rebels from all over the country, so that every county and county has local soldiers and horses.

Although the various places have sworn allegiance, Lu Bu has not yet been able to integrate the army and reduce the number of soldiers and horses in various places.

What Chen Gong approved was nothing more than documents related to government affairs sent from various places.

A guard came from outside the door: "Report to Chen Gong, General Xiahou, please see me."

Since Lu Bu left, Chen Gong sent people to monitor Xiahou Dun.

His every move is under control.

He had expected Xiahou Dun to come, so he put the official document aside: "Please come in and meet General Xiahou."

At the same time as the order was delivered, he also stood up.

Xiahou Dun walked in and greeted Chen Gong: "I've seen Gongtai!"

"General Xiahou!" Chen Gong stepped forward: "How come the general has time to come to my place?"

"It's not because I can't see Fengxian." Xiahou Dun sighed angrily: "I discussed with him before to attack Huainan and lend him the Qingzhou Army. We didn't make a decision that day, but we won't be able to see him this time."

"Wen Hou went to Qingzhou and said he was looking for Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others." Asking Xiahou Dun to sit down, Chen Gong said: "Although Yuan Shu is dead, Huainan is still a centipede that is dead but not stiff. Duke Cao ordered Wen Hou to attack Huainan and Xuzhou are short of soldiers and horses, so he is also very embarrassed."

"Give him the Qingzhou Army, wouldn't it be difficult?" Xiahoudun said, "I came up with an idea to crusade against Huainan, and Feng would issue the military order to me first, and then I would pass it on to the Qingzhou Army. In this way, Duke Cao will not blame him." Me, I can also help Fengxian a little bit."

"The general's kindness must have moved Hou Wen very much." Chen Gong smiled and shook his head: "It's a pity that in this way, the crusade against Huainan has no chance of winning."

"[-] Qingzhou Army, even [-] pigs, will kill [-] to [-] Huainan Army." Xiahou Dun was puzzled: "How can Gongtai say that there is no chance of winning?"

"The general has led troops for many years, so he should know that the battlefield is changing rapidly. The more direct the military order is, the greater the chance of winning." Chen Gong replied: "Since the Qingzhou army is handed over to Marquis Wen, the general will intercept one of them, so that Military orders are hard to carry out, so how can we fight battles?"

(End of this chapter)

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