Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 125 Sour, Too Sour

Chapter 125 Sour, Too Sour (Part [-])
The scene of yesterday afternoon is still vivid in his memory.

The scene was chaotic, with body parts and fragments everywhere, surrounded by villagers and a large number of reporters, and there was a chorus of voices.

Everyone is in a state of mental tension and becomes numb after a long time, and can only focus on the work at hand.

And Eve spent a long time looking for the corpse there, how could she still have the energy to notice so many details?Moreover, she was able to find this cigarette butt in a pile of ruins, and judged so many in an instant. How did this person's brain grow?

Such a brain should come to them to be a criminal investigation expert, some kind of forensic doctor... It's not right, if there is no such forensic doctor, it will be difficult for them to solve the case.

Anyway, as long as he hugged this thigh well, he wouldn't be afraid of unsolved cases.

Officer Liu slapped the table and stood up, "Okay, I'll send someone to bring those migrant workers back for questioning immediately."

Eve shook her head, "If you go now, you probably won't find anyone."

"Then what should we do now?" Police Officer Liu was discouraged, and he had the urge to slap himself, but if he was more careful and went to the construction site to investigate, he would find that those people were lying.

If those people were really the murderer, then the murderer slipped away from under his nose. How would he explain to the dead?
Eve's fingertips landed heavily on the table, and she clenched her fists, "Officer Liu doesn't need to get discouraged so quickly, those people won't be far away, you just need to send someone to watch the survivor in the hospital secretly, and we'll come and catch the turtle. "

Half an hour later, Police Officer Liu sent Eve out of the police station. He stood at the door and watched the girl leave, unable to recover for a long time.

"Boss, what are you looking at? Sister-in-law is going to deliver food today?" A police officer came over and looked in the direction he was looking. There was nothing on the main road except cars.

Officer Liu: "..."

Don't bother me, I have to take my time.

It was getting late, and Eve went home directly after leaving.

Walking into the room, Elaine and Fang Cui'er were sitting in the living room looking at something, discussing happily while reading, of course, only Fang Cui'er was happy, Elaine's face looked a little dark .

Seeing Eve come in, Elaine's not-so-good face finally changed from cloudy to sunny, showing a loving smile, "Xiao Fu is back, let's make dinner."

Uncle Chen responded, turned around and left.

Eve was stunned. They haven't eaten yet, so they're waiting for her?
Thinking of this, Eve pursed her lips guiltily, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, I've been busy with work and haven't called you all these days."

"What kind of apology should I make? Work is important." Elaine was a little helpless at first, but when she saw her face showing shame, she suddenly felt distressed. She got up and patted her arm and said, "Mom and Dad can understand that the work of forensic medicine is like this. We have to do it for you." When the deceased seeks justice, there must be no carelessness."

Eve breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. It seems that her parents thought she was staying in the office and working overtime.


She took Elaine's arm and walked towards the restaurant, suddenly asked: "How do you know I'm coming back today?"

Elaine coughed lightly and stopped talking. Fang Cui'er next to him glanced at him with a smile, and said, "It's not Hanhan, he called us in the afternoon and said that your work over there has come to an end, tonight You can go home, let us prepare some delicious food for you to make up for it."

Eve was taken aback for a moment, feeling sweet in her heart.

Elaine looked down at the sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, alas, as her daughter grew up, she began to pretend to be another man in her heart.

He put away the taste in his heart, and suddenly asked: "Xiaofu, do you really like Jiang Xuhan?"

Eve raised her eyes, and said frankly in her blue eyes, "Well, I like it, I like it very much."

Although he knew the answer a long time ago, Elaine still felt a sense of disappointment when he heard his daughter say that he liked him without hesitation. He sighed, "Since you like him, then Dad has nothing to object to, but there is One point, if that kid dares to bully you in the future, you must tell Dad, and I will clean him up for you."

Eve blinked and said bluntly: "No dad, I think he is more likely to be bullied by me."

Elaine: "..."

Is it really okay to just protect him like this if he is not married yet?What drug did that brat Jiang Xuhan give his daughter to make her suddenly identify with him so wholeheartedly?
pissed him off!

The three of them entered the restaurant.

After the servants served the meal, Fang Cui'er looked at Eve, smiled, and said suddenly: "I heard from Xiao Feng that Liu Quan's case involved the Fallen Angel Organization, and you managed to capture one of their core members, Xiao Feng. Fu, your killer whales are much better than ours, and mom is proud of you."

Eve was taken aback, tightened her hands holding the chopsticks, and pursed her lips, "No mom, I'm still too tender compared to Dad and you seniors."

Several times, she almost ignored the key evidence, if not for Qin Jinhui, she might not be able to catch Sam.

The case of Wang Siwei is also the same. She was calculated without knowing it, didn't see the flaws inside, and almost got herself involved. She couldn't even imagine that if she didn't find out in time, it would cause harm to the killer whale. How much damage.

Fang Cui'er patted her hand, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you were selected after going through various trials, and mother believes that you will be able to do better."

Eve pressed the table with one hand, nodded, hesitated for a moment, and after a while, she looked up at Elaine and Fang Cui'er, and said in a deep voice, "Dad, Mom, there is something I want to tell you first."

The two froze for a moment, and noticed that what she said was talking, not discussing.

They looked at each other, and their expressions became serious, watching Eve waiting for her next words.

Eve took a deep breath, "In the next period of time, I need to lure the enemy with my body. It may be dangerous, but I can guarantee that I will not act recklessly. If it doesn't work, I will get out in time. I hope you can support me I."

Elaine frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"I can't say yet, because I'm not sure if that person is the one I'm looking for, but one thing is for sure, my life will not be in danger."

Fang Cui'er could understand, she nodded, "If you think it's necessary, then do it, but if you need help from your parents, you must say so, don't carry it by yourself."

Elaine pondered for a moment and sighed, "Your mother is right, as long as you think it's right, you can let it go. Just remember, we will always be your solid backing."

"Yeah." Eve breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Elaine seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "Does Jiang Xuhan know about this?"

"I know, we have already discussed countermeasures."

Elaine: "..."

I was discussing countermeasures with that stinky boy, and when I got to them, I just let them know...

Elaine looked at her calm little face, and thought sadly in her heart, the female university is not allowed to stay!
The 17-year-old girl is still in high school, living a carefree life and enjoying life. My daughter finished her studies early and began to come into contact with another world that ordinary people can't even imagine.Even in her childhood, she spent uninterrupted learning and special training. She has seen too much of the dark side of human nature since she was a child, so compared with her peers, she can cherish people who are good to her and love her more. Hope to maintain goodness and light in the world.

That kid from the Jiang family, to be honest, if you don't look at the fact that he stole his daughter, he is indeed an impeccable man.

Looking at it now, the two of them may really be destined.

Recalling the day when her daughter's first kiss was lost, Elaine felt sorry for her again. Why didn't she lock the door so that brat ran in and saw her daughter who had just turned one month old?

As a result, it gradually became the current situation step by step.

That being the case, that's all.Simply, the Jiang family also watched Eve grow up, needless to say they doted on her.

It is also a happy event.

After dinner, Elaine went to the study to deal with the documents, Fang Cui'er and Eve walked towards the yard together, intending to take a walk to digest food.

The night was getting darker, and the house was exceptionally quiet.

Eve turned her head to look at Fang Cuier, pursed her lips, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I made you and Dad worry."

"It's okay." Fang Cui'er patted her head, "The parents you are experiencing now have also experienced it. We can all understand that when you are in your position, you have to find something to do. You have done a good job in this."

"Yeah." Eve pursed her lips and smiled.

Fang Cui'er glanced at her quietly, "Xiaofu, do you have something else to hide from us?"

The smile on the corner of Eve's mouth froze. Sure enough, she knew her daughter, Mo Ruomu, she had hidden it from Elaine, but she still couldn't hide it from Fang Cuier's eyes.

In early October, there was already a hint of coolness at night, accompanied by the refreshing fragrance of flowers and trees, the two walked on the edge of the flower bed, and the patchwork rose flowers bloomed quietly under the street lamps, exuding a delicate fragrance.

Eve met Cui'er's eyes calmly, and said slowly, "Mom, I suffer from PTSD."

Fang Cui'er was taken aback, "How could it be?"

Her daughter, she knows best, is colder and more rational than Elaine, and compared to their current orca members. No matter what happens, she can calmly deal with it. How could she have PTSD?

Eve looked at her and paused every word, "Mom, don't worry, I will be fine, but it's PTSD, I have you and my father, I have Jiang Xuhan, I have so many elders and partners who care about me, I will be fine .”

Fang Cui'er frowned at her, seeing that she was not going to tell her the reason for her illness.

However, Jiang Xuhan should know the reason, right?

After a long time, she let out a long sigh, "I finally understand your dad's mood, sour, so sour!"

As soon as Eve guessed, she knew she had misunderstood. She touched her nose but didn't explain.

Who made him the person she cares about the most now, so it's okay to take one more blame, right?

(End of this chapter)

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