Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 126 Medicine of unknown origin

Chapter 126 A Medicine of Unknown Origin (Part [-])
It's nearly twelve o'clock.

As the night darkened, the impetuousness and haste of the day faded away. Under the bright lights, there was a sense of laziness and confusion everywhere, especially in places like bars, where the night was more exciting.

The lights in the bar were a bit dim, and they were covering their faces, or they were depressed to get rid of their sorrows, or they were depressed to get drunk. In an inconspicuous corner in front of the bar, Tan Huiyu picked up a glass of wine and handed it to her mouth, and suddenly raised her head After pouring it in, the spicy alcohol slid down the throat, burning hot and burning all the way to the stomach.

"Waiter, give me another glass!" She put the glass on the bar, her voice was already full of drunkenness.

There were a lot of people like her coming to get drunk in the bar, and the waiter didn't pay much attention to it. He picked up the bottle and poured her a glass of wine before going to another place.

Tan Huiyu squinted her eyes, looked at the waiter's figure, and tightened her hand holding the wine glass.

Even a little waiter looks down on her now?
Liu Quan's case has been closed, but she still has to stay in that ghostly place of EH and continue to be looked down upon.

At first, she was only told to come over to assist in the investigation.

Later, she said that her ability needs to be honed and honed, so she was allowed to stay. She said that there are many talents in EH, and many people want to get in but can't get in. Let her seize the opportunity.

Later, he simply didn't even bother to perfunctory her.

Up to now, she has been completely abandoned, and even the Tan family is blaming her, saying that she has offended the Jiang family by not being good-looking.

She gritted her teeth and raised her head to take another sip of strong wine.

"The Tan family spent so much effort to train you, just to let you get drunk in this kind of place when you encounter a little setback?"

From the side, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Tan Huiyu turned her head abruptly, seeing the man standing beside her, her face turned pale instantly.

The person who came was Tan Xingze, her sister's eldest son and the heir of the Tan family. He was obviously her junior, but he never showed due respect to her. Every time he looked at her, he looked like he was looking at a clown.

"What are you doing here?" Tan Huiyu bit her lip secretly, "Look at my joke?"

She is so depressed now, this man must be making fun of her in his heart, just like her contrived sister!
Tan Xingze had no expression on his face, as if it had nothing to do with him, "Because you provoked the Jiang family, Jiang Xuhan is now suppressing the Tan family everywhere, and the company lost several big deals in just a few days because of this, even returning to Yancheng The plan to come here was also disrupted, your grandfather asked me to tell you, apologize to Jiang Xuhan's fiancée as soon as possible and ask for her forgiveness, otherwise..."

He didn't continue to say the following words, but Tan Huiyu also knew that it meant to drive her out of the Tan family.

Tan Huiyu sneered, "Apologize? I didn't do anything wrong, why should I apologize?"

Tan Xingze's face remained unchanged, his hands were in his pockets, he looked down at Tan Huiyu, and said in a cold voice, "It's up to you if you don't apologize, anyway, grandpa just asked me to pass on a message, and what you want to do has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the bar.

Tan Huiyu was a little startled looking at his back, that's it?Shouldn't he force her to apologize?

After all, if Jiang Xuhan got serious, the Tan family would definitely not be able to last long.

That's right, he wants to take this opportunity to drive her out of the Tan family!
The Tan family had no sons in her generation, only her and Tan Huijun's two daughters.There is no sisterhood in a wealthy family. She and Tan Huijun have been competing openly and secretly since they were young, just to inherit the Tan Group in the future.

Tan Huijun has always been at a disadvantage against her, neither in terms of brains nor means is her opponent.

Seeing that the Tan Group was about to be acquired, she met Elaine at that time. On the day he and Fang Cui'er got engaged, she became a joke in the circle and lost the Tan Group that was about to be acquired.

But she still holds [-]% of the shares in the Tan Group. Tan Huijun has been fighting with her for half her life, and she wants to use this opportunity to snatch the shares from her and give them to her son!
Oh, do you really think she is being taken advantage of?

Tan Huiyu tightly clutched the wine glass in her hand, and the veins on the back of her hand bulged.

Tan Huijun, Tan Xingze, Eve Farber... Let's wait and see!
She picked up the handbag, opened it, and took out a medicine bottle from it, the dark light in her eyes flickered on and off.

This bottle of medicine was delivered to her room by a hotel staff member when she returned to the hotel this evening.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was in it, and she didn't know who brought it over.

However, after the hotel staff gave her the medicine, she received a call.Phone numbers are blocked and voices are processed through a voice changer.

"Miss Tan, have you received the medicine?"

Tan Huiyu's heart tightened, "Who are you? How do you know my number?"

"You don't need to know who I am, as long as you know that the medicine in your hand can deal with Eve Farber."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Just because we have a common enemy, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend, we can benefit from each other."

Tan Huiyu sneered, "Mutual benefit? You just sent the medicine here, even hiding your name and phone number, but you asked me to take the risk to prescribe the medicine. If I was found out, I would be unlucky!"

"Miss Tan doesn't need to worry. The medicine is not poison, it's just a medicine that can make Eve Farber's condition worse. You won't be at risk of being discovered."

"Illness? You fooled me, she doesn't look sick!"

"Heh, she suffers from PTSD. You just need to mix the medicine into the water she drinks, and she will turn into a lunatic in a short time. Think about it, is this better than killing her? Of course , you can also choose to throw away the medicine, as if nothing happened, I will not force you."

The man hung up the phone after speaking.

Tan Huiyu originally wanted to throw away the medicine. Although she hated Fang Cuier and her daughter, she never thought of harming anyone.

But for some reason, when she stood in front of the trash can on the street, she hesitated, and finally put the medicine back in her bag.Fortunately, she didn't throw it away, otherwise, she would definitely regret it now!
Putting the medicine bottle back in her bag, Tan Huiyu twitched the corners of her mouth, showing a sinister smile, grabbed her handbag, stood up and left the bar.

At the side of the bar, right next to where Tan Huiyu was sitting just now, a woman with exquisite makeup raised her head, waited until Tan Huiyu was far away, then followed her out, lowered her head, and pressed a call.

"it's me."

The woman's voice was soft and innocent, "That woman has taken the bait, maybe there will be something tomorrow, you have to be ready."

Then, the woman walked to a black supercar parked by the side of the road, opened the door, started the car skillfully and drove onto the main road, and quickly disappeared into the night.


The next morning, Eve had an afternoon class. After breakfast, she went to the office first.

In the autopsy room, Qin Jinhui was still examining the bones of the body more than 50 years ago.

Eve walked over, looked at him, and then at the bones, "How is it? Have you reached a conclusion? Did this person commit suicide or homicide?"

Qin Jinhui raised his eyes and said with certainty: "Suicide."

"Oh?" Eve raised her eyebrows, "What is the basis?"

This is the time to test him!
Qin Jinhui hooked the corners of his lips and said: "According to the photos provided by the police, the body was found in a deep pit in an old mining area. When it was dug out, he held a gun in his right hand across his heart. If he committed suicide Yes, then at the moment of death, the hand should fall next to the head, not the heart."

A hint of admiration flashed across Eve's eyes. Her observation skills were good, but not enough.

She nodded and asked again: "This can only be used as an auxiliary reference, because the deceased may have committed suicide by standing beside the deep pit, and the posture changed when he fell down when he died. Is there any other more powerful proof?"

Qin Jinhui chuckled, "Impossible, the deceased was killed in the pit."

Eve looked up at him without saying a word, waiting for his next words.

"I have checked the bones of the deceased. Except for the injury caused by the falling of the occipital bone, there is no trauma to other parts. If he fell into the pit after death, there must be other injuries on his body, and it is impossible to have any traces. None. In addition, the gunshot wound on the head of the deceased, the bullet entered from the left side of the jaw, and then shot out from the right side of the skull. If it was suicide, it should have been with the left hand, but the gun was in his right hand , which means that after killing him, someone put the gun on his right hand to make the illusion of suicide."

After some analysis was well-founded, Eve nodded with satisfaction, "You've done a good job, if you continue like this, you will soon surpass me."

Qin Jinhui was slightly taken aback, and a bright smile appeared on his face, like a child who was praised by the teacher, a little embarrassed, but couldn't hide his inner excitement, and was a little at a loss instead.

He shook his head, "How is that possible? You are the best forensic doctor I have ever seen. I probably will not be able to catch up with you in my whole life."

"Don't belittle yourself. You just lack experience. Get more exposure and accumulate more. Within five years, you will be able to have my current achievements."

Qin Jinhui smiled, didn't answer, took off his gloves with closed eyes, and said, "I'll make you a cup of coffee."

The corner of Eve's mouth twitched, and just about to say no, Tan Huiyu walked in with a cup of coffee, put it on the computer desk with a gloomy face, and said through gritted teeth, "Director Zhou asked me to make the coffee for you. !"

Eve raised her eyebrows and looked at Qin Jinhui, and asked him with her eyes: Why is this fish still here?

Qin Jinhui shrugged, who knows?
"I delivered the coffee, don't turn around and report that I didn't work hard!" Tan Huiyu gave Eve a hard look, and walked out in high heels.

The sound of high heels echoed in the autopsy room, sharp and hurried.

Eve: "..."

Looking at her like this, it is estimated that it was Jiang Xuhan's handwriting, and only he can do it by asking the chief forensic doctor in the forensic bureau to come here to be her assistant.

Shaking her head amusedly, she picked up the coffee and took a sip.

She didn't see that after Tan Huiyu walked out, she looked very nervous, her forehead was sweating all the time, and her hands hanging by her sides were trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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