Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 145 Acting like a baby and being cute and suing black

Chapter 145 Acting like a baby and being cute

"Or, like your father, you can't afford to lose?"

Eve said it calmly, but the smile on the corner of her lips carried obvious sarcasm, evil charm and madness. If you look closely, it is almost [-]% similar to Jiang Xuhan, with the same wanton flying, the same unrelenting Anyone can see it.

Qin Jinhui's eyes darkened, but what Li Hao noticed was the meaning in her words, did Eve know Yan Yunying's father?

And there are grievances?
It's no wonder that this Yan Yunying has been targeting Eve everywhere since he arrived, with hostility inside and out.

On the opposite side, Yan Yunying gritted her teeth after hearing Eve's words, and watched Eve's eyes shoot out resentment. If eyes could kill, Eve would have been poked in pieces by now.

"Eve Farber! I don't allow you to insult my father!" Yan Yunying roared angrily.

Eve chuckled, "Did I say something wrong? Back then, your father was overshadowed by my father's talent, and was pushed out of the altar to take the second place. Out of jealousy, he challenged my father to compete, and it happened that there was an accident in Yancheng. For a bizarre murder case, he sent a letter of challenge to my father, but my father didn't accept it. He even broke the news to the media privately, saying that it was a showdown between him and my father, to see who could solve the case first.

This is nothing at all. For my father, as long as the case can be solved and justice can be given to the deceased, that is the most important thing.

However, what should never have happened is that your father saw that my father had found the key evidence, and he couldn't afford to lose, so he played tricks on the corpse to mislead my father.It's also a good thing my father wasn't fooled, otherwise, letting the murderer go, letting the dead complain to death, and what's more, wronging other innocent people and causing unjust imprisonment, it would be an irreparable loss and injury!
Afterwards, your father was revoked by the Forensic Medicine Association, and he will not be able to obtain the qualification for life. So, today you want to seek justice for your father? "

As soon as these words came out, Yan Yunying's face became very ugly.

This is her father's lifelong shame!

What did Eve say just now?Justice?

That was simply a disguised form of mocking her father for overreaching himself, and secretly stumbling over his professional ethics when he couldn't afford to lose. This kind of thing, no matter in anyone's opinion, deserves it. The word "justice" is like a slap in the face. on her face.

Yan Yunying gritted her teeth and said nothing. Eve spoke too lightly. For such a life-long bet, she spoke without any fluctuations, as if it was just a fight between children.But they don't know that the bet between them is not only related to their personal future and honor, but also the reputation of their families behind them.

Her father was almost kicked out of the Yan family because of the previous incident, and she and her mother have always suffered a lot of stares at the Yan family. The reason why she chose to be a policeman was to save face for her father, and secondly, For revenge.

Elaine is a forensic doctor. As long as she becomes a policeman, she will naturally have the opportunity to meet him in the future. At that time, she will always find the opportunity to pick out his faults and ruin his reputation.

Unexpectedly, instead of meeting Elaine, he met his daughter.

She was thinking at the time, this is better, Elaine is not easy to deal with, his daughter is just a fledgling girl, it is much easier in comparison, it is only natural for fathers to pay their debts, no wonder she is rude!
But I didn't expect that this girl was even more ruthless than her. It really is like a father like a daughter, with the same sinister intentions!

Yan Yunying only felt chills in her heart.

"Captain Yan, don't be impulsive!" Behind him, Deputy Captain Yao urged anxiously, "This matter concerns your future, so you must not agree to it!"

Li Hao also came to his senses at this time, on the one hand, he disdained Yan Yunying's father's insidiousness, and on the other hand, he was angry at Yan Yunying's shamelessness. His father had the nerve to blame others for what he did wrong, and wanted to take Eve's knife. I don't want to take the risk, I have never seen such a shameless person.

He sneered, "Why, Captain Yan doesn't dare?"

Yan Yunying grew up watching the cold eyes of the Yan family. What she hated the most was being looked down upon by others. At this time, being so aroused by Li Hao, her mind became hot, "Anyone who dares not, just bet!"

"Captain Yan!" Deputy Commander Yao frowned and shouted in disapproval.

"Shut up!" Yan Yunying turned her head and glared at him, but she calmed down after agreeing.

Even though she doesn't understand forensic identification, she can tell that this case is full of bizarre things. Firstly, the head of the corpse is missing, so the identity cannot be determined. Secondly, there is no clue where the corpse was found. Furthermore, you can tell from the autopsy process just now. , Eve and Qin Jinhui didn't get any clues.

In this way, let alone a week, even if they were given a month, they would definitely not be able to solve the case!
Thinking of this, Yan Yunying raised a smile, "Since Ms. Eve is so interested, I will accompany you to the end. As I said, everyone present today is a witness. After a week, Ms. Eve should not rely on You are Jiang Xuhan's fiancée and don't admit it!"

As she spoke, she raised the phone in her hand, the screen was on, and it was clearly recording!

"I recorded the audio, if you talk back, don't blame me for handing over the recording to the media!"

"I won't," Eve smiled, "I hope you won't either."

She looked calm and fearless, which was very dazzling in Yan Yunying's eyes. She immediately snorted coldly and led Deputy Team Yao out of the autopsy room.

"Virtue!" Li Hao snorted through his nose at her back, then turned to Eve with an expectant look on his face, "Eve, do you dare to bet her like this, have you discovered some important clues?"

Eve shook her head, "No, it can be said that she has no clue."

"Ah?" Li Hao was a little dumbfounded.

no idea?

"Then you still dare to bet with her? What if you lose? Are you really going to resign?" Li Hao became anxious, "Oh, it's all because of my bad mouth. If I hadn't said on the spur of the moment that we would definitely be able to If the case is solved, she won't tell the bet logically, it's all my fault!"

As he said that, he wished he could slap himself. Qin Jinhui kept saying that he was simple-minded and easy to be controlled by others, and it seemed he was right.

Qin Jinhui glanced at him, and said coolly: "You know it too!"

"Who told her to mess with me when I'm in a bad mood!" Eve smiled, and after venting, she felt much more at ease, and she patted Li Hao's shoulder, "It's okay, we won't Will lose. Later I will analyze the cervical spine, if the cervical spine stops, the incision marks will come in handy."

Qin Jinhui frowned, "What you need now is rest."

I can't even stand still, my hands are shaking slightly, how can I work?

Just as Eve was about to say that she was okay, a figure came in at the door, wrapped in a cold air.

Seeing the person coming, Eve's heart skipped a beat.


She completely forgot that there was a bigger problem - Jiang Xuhan!
Jiang Xuhan walked straight up to Eve, and said in a low voice, "How did you promise me?"

Eve rubbed her nose, "I'm not off work yet..."

"It's almost nine o'clock!" Jiang Xuhan poked the watch on his wrist, gritted his teeth, "What time do you want to get off work? You don't want your legs and hands anymore, do you?"

Eve shrank her neck from his yelling, and said in a low voice with some grievances: "I just made a bet with someone. If I can't solve the case in three days, I will resign, and I will never be able to do forensic medicine again. That's why I did this." Desperately, you have to support me!"

The corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched when he heard this, did he hear correctly?
That cold and lonely Eve is actually suing her! ?

What is not to be judged by appearances, this is it!A person who usually looks so proud has a darker heart than anyone else!
He glanced at Jiang Xuhan, and sure enough, seeing the other person's face darken, he asked coldly: "Who is so bold to bully you?"

"Yan Yunying!"

"Who?" First Young Master Jiang said that he had never heard of it. How can a cat and a dog bully his women?Don't want to live anymore, don't you?

Eve talked about the grievances and grievances of the two families, and finally concluded: "So I just want to protect my father's dignity, and also to protect your face. I can't let others laugh at you and say that you are the president of the Jiang Group. You actually married an idiot as your wife, I am fighting for you!"

Jiang Xuhan: "..."

Qin Jinhui: "..."

Li Hao: "..."

shameless!Too shameless!
What does it mean to turn right and wrong, Eve perfectly interpreted it in just a few minutes.

Obviously, it was her eldest lady who agreed to the bet because she was upset, but she could still talk nonsense in a serious manner, saying that it was for the sake of Jiang Xuhan's face!

Now who in Yancheng doesn't know her reputation, what else needs to be proved?
Jiang Xuhan didn't poke her, on the contrary, he was coaxed by her righteous and sweet words, and squeezed her cheek angrily, "You! When did you become so willful? But, it's good to be willful, This way you won't be bullied for nothing. As for the bet, I will make it clear to the Yan family that my Jiang Xuhan's woman can also be bullied by Yan Yunying?"

Eve shook his arm, "Don't, wouldn't that make her think I'm afraid of her! Don't worry, I'm confident that I can solve the case within three days, so just promise me, okay?"


"Jiang Xuhan, Hanhan, Ahhan..." Eve simply used all of them coquettishly and cutely, and her usual image was completely different.

Li Hao on the side was dumbfounded, maybe this guy is possessed by a ghost?
Jiang Xuhan was amused by her shameless appearance, and finally let go, "It's okay if you want me to agree, you must strictly abide by the working hours, and you are absolutely not allowed to work overtime."

Eve thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes, but I have to stop taking the medicine for three days."

When Jiang Xuhan heard this, his face darkened immediately, "Absolutely not!"

Eve didn't continue to act coquettishly this time, but said seriously: "Jiang Xuhan, I know my own condition best, even if I don't take the medicine, it won't affect my condition. This case is not simple. Judging from my experience, The murderer will definitely not stop with this one case, if he is not caught as soon as possible, more people will be killed."

Jiang Xuhan pursed his lips and stopped talking, judging by his face, he would never agree easily.

Eve sighed, "Well, Xiao Ye said, if I get irritable, let me not suppress myself, I promise you, if I really can't help it, I will try my best to abuse Yan Yunying, is that okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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