Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 146: Learning Is Bad

Chapter 146
"I promise you, if I really can't bear it anymore, I will try my best to abuse Yan Yunying. Is that okay?"

When Li Hao and Qin Jinhui heard this sentence, they looked at each other, and they couldn't explain it.

Originally, Jiang Xuhan said that he was afraid that she would be bullied, and Li Hao had a feeling that Feng Da had misheard when he said that someone bullied her.

Come on, that's not the way to protect a calf, is it?
With Eve's skills, let alone Jiang Xuhan behind her, who can bully her?It's fine if she doesn't bully anyone.

While complaining in her heart, Eve said this.

It's okay to abuse, but try to abuse...

Inexplicably, he has already begun to sympathize with Yan Yunying. Who do you think it would be bad to offend? Want to offend such a couple with even darker hearts?
But then again, when did this girl become black?Could it be that he was spoiled by Young Master Jiang?

Li Hao was thinking about it, while Jiang Xuhan looked down at Eve, feeling depressed, "Every time I promised well, but which time did I not get myself? In short, I still say that, no!"

Eve had nothing to do, and tried hard to recall the moves of the little sisters in the forum. Suddenly, she put away the smile on her face, turned her face away, and simply stopped talking.

Jiang Xuhan: "..."

This is playing petty temper with him! ?
This little girl has always made some unexpected little moves recently, but she usually follows him and coaxes him. She is used to her obedient obedience, and now she is suddenly awkward with him, which is a bit fresh and makes him feel better. better.

This is what a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl should look like, isn't it?Unlike before, even though he was obedient, it always gave him the illusion that Eve didn't treat him like a boyfriend, but like a son, protecting and pampering him as much as possible, for fear that he would be hurt. A little bit of grievance.

Therefore, when Eve put on a cold face and a willful look, Jiang Xuhan smiled instead, and coaxed: "I'm not worried about you, it's not like you don't know how terrible your disease is when it gets serious , amnesia and self-mutilation, and now it’s finally under control, what if you stop taking the medicine and it gets serious again?”

Eve: "..."

She was worried that he would feel uncomfortable if she did this, but he actually seemed to be enjoying it!
Sure enough, as the Internet said, men are strange creatures, and they should not be pampered too much, otherwise they will make their tails stick to the sky and even forget their last names.

Young Master Jiang didn't know that his happiness today was the end of his good life.In the future, when Eve quarreled with him countless times and firmly believed that men cannot be manipulated, he really wanted to go back in time and beat this convulsed self to death.

Now Eve is still on the verge of being tempted. She raised her chin slightly and turned her face away, but she secretly looked at Jiang Xuhan from the corner of her eyes, and she pursed her lips tightly without saying a word.

Jiang Xuhan was a little helpless, and reached out to hold her hand.

Eve thought about it for a second, then withdrew her hand and didn't let him touch it.

Jiang Xuhan: "..."

The little girl is quite temperamental, but she is much cuter than her previous cold appearance.

Even if his little girl spoils her like a queen, he would be willing, he thought so, and leaned over to hug her cheekily, "If you are worried about the impact, then you can reduce it, right?"

A smile flashed across Eve's downcast eyes, but it didn't show on her face, and said in a flat voice, "No."

First Young Master Jiang was upset, "You're pushing an inch!"

"I have to make an inch of it." Eve raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Let go!"


"I don't want you to worry about it. I'm leaving the hospital and going home! You go back, Xiaofeng will send me off."

"Are you making trouble with your own body?" Jiang Xuhan frowned.

Eve turned her face away again, "You don't have to worry about it anyway!"

Jiang Xuhan felt like he wanted to vomit blood, but suddenly felt that it was better to be that well-behaved little girl.

The atmosphere was so deadlocked.

Li Hao murmured softly at the side: "What's wrong with her today, she's so weird?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." Qin Jinhui folded his arms around his chest and said with some joy.

Li Hao raised his eyelids and glanced at him. He was so obvious that he was not afraid that First Young Master Jiang would take his anger out on him!

However, young master Jiang is so coaxing, it has completely refreshed his three views.

On the side, Qin Jinhui suddenly moved, walked up to Eve, and said with a relaxed smile, "Xiaofu, let's go, I'll take you home, I just have some doubts and want to discuss it with you, let's talk about it as we walk .”

Before Eve could speak, Jiang Xuhan turned his head and looked at him with gloomy eyes.


Who allowed him to call her that?

Qin Jinhui ignored his cold eyes, and said to Eve, "As for the cervical spine incision you mentioned before, the prerequisite is that the murderer keeps the tools and the police can find them, otherwise it doesn't make much sense."

Eve's thoughts were suddenly drawn away by him, and she frowned and pondered for a moment, "Whether it is meaningful or not, we must find out the clues that can be found first. The stripes on the incision indicate that the crime tool is toothed or jagged. Blade, I'll go over it all under a microscope."

"Leave the insects to me, and I will identify their types as soon as possible."

"it is good."

When talking about work, Eve was about to start again, Jiang Xuhan's face changed several times, and finally, he said in a gloomy voice: "Qin Jinhui, come out with me."

After saying that, he turned and walked out of the autopsy room.

Qin Jinhui looked at his back, shrugged, and said to Li Hao, "Help Xiaofu pack her things."

Li Hao was already a little numb. Regarding the sudden change in the painting style of the three, he gave up on himself and didn't go into it. He nodded mechanically.

When Qin Jinhui walked out, Li Hao approached Eve and said in a low voice, "You said, will Young Master Jiang beat up Senior Brother Qin?" Qin Jinhui's provocation just now was Guoguo, he didn't believe that Jiang Xuhan could bear it. live.

Eve glanced at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? Jiang Xuhan is not an unreasonable person, so he won't beat people for no reason!"

Li Hao: "..."

Outside, Jiang Xuhan looked at Qin Jinhui with a cold and indifferent face, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what kind of thoughts you have about Xiao Fu, you'd better stop thinking about it now, otherwise, EH won't tolerate you. "

Qin Jinhui smiled lightly: "Do you not trust her or yourself? She and I are just a relationship between a superior and a subordinate. Is there anything wrong with me sharing the work for her?"

Jiang Xuhan's face suddenly darkened again.

Qin Jinhui said calmly: "Do you really understand her temperament? Or do you think that if she loves you, she should tolerate everything about you, including that you want her to make concessions at work? You clearly know what work means to her , and want to selfishly deprive her of her only ideal of interest? This is not love, but imprisonment!"

Jiang Xuhan gritted his teeth, but did not speak.

He doesn't understand Eve's temperament?

Then Qin Jinhui is very clear?How long had he known Eve?He even had the nerve to talk about it in front of him!

Qin Jinhui added: "It's true that she pampers you very much, but that doesn't mean she will indulge you without a limit. The clay figurine still has some temperament, not to mention she is such a stubborn person. She is a soft-hearted person. If you keep forcing her like this, even if she agrees to you face to face, who can guarantee whether she will secretly change the medicine behind your back? For the situation after taking the medicine, countermeasures should be taken, don’t you think, Mr. Jiang?”

Jiang Xuhan choked, and subconsciously glanced in the direction of the autopsy room.

I have to say, what he said is quite right. Eve might really play tricks with him if he is in a hurry. After all, this is not the first time.

"Do you think people are always so thorough? Or is it just her?" Jiang Xuhan suddenly asked.

Qin Jinhui hooked the corners of his lips, and didn't answer directly. He just said softly: "Mr. Jiang, don't forget which line of work I am in. Psychology is also a compulsory course. Although I am not as proficient as Han Xingyu, compared to ordinary people, I Confidence is much higher.”

Jiang Xuhan took out the cigarette case, took one and bit it, but didn't light it.

Should he be thankful that Eve understood her heart and chose him before meeting Qin Jinhui?

Such a man, apart from his family background, is no worse than him. He may even be more useful than him when Eve is in danger. At least, he is not afraid of blood.

He didn't speak for a while, and Qin Jinhui said from the side: "Mr. Jiang has a high position and authority. You may think that Eve doesn't have to work so hard. It's good to be Mrs. Jiang with peace of mind. Anyway, the Jiang family doesn't need her achievements. It’s the icing on the cake. However, for her, this is not just a job, it’s the only thing she loves that reflects her own value, and it’s also a dream that she has determined to realize since she was a child. I hope that Mr. Jiang can respect her choice.”

Jiang Xuhan took down the cigarette and threw it in the trash can, "I see."

But he was thinking in his heart that he never thought that Eve would be at ease as Mrs. Jiang. Their identities meant that they would not be able to live a mediocre life, but he didn't need to tell Qin Jinhui about this.

Qin Jinhui raised his eyebrows slightly, and followed Jiang Xuhan back to the autopsy room without saying anything.

In the room, Li Hao had already packed things for Eve, Jiang Xuhan walked over and picked up the backpack and put it on his shoulder, then turned to Eve, with a gentle tone, "Are you still angry?"

"No." Eve puffed her cheeks, like a sulking little mouse.

Jiang Xuhan laughed, "He still said no, his face was swollen like a balloon. Don't be angry, I promise you, can't you?"

"Really?" Eve's eyes lit up and she smiled.

"Really. But there is one thing, you have to keep Xiaofeng by your side. Also, don't hold back your anger. No matter who the other party is, just vent your anger. I will take care of it. There is no need to wrong yourself, you know? "

Eve nodded, "I promise you."

She could hear the love and helplessness in his voice, and knew that it was not easy for him to make such a concession.

"Then go back, I haven't had dinner yet, you want to accompany me." Jiang Xuhan looked at her pitifully, and even half-squatted down, begging for love.

Eve's heart was soft, and she raised her hand to stroke his head, "Okay."

As soon as the words fell, the person was picked up by Jiang Xuhan and strode out of the autopsy room.

Behind him, Li Hao and Qin Jinhui: "..."

Dog food is always so caught off guard!

(End of this chapter)

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