Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 199 Xiao Fu Turns On Sticky Mode

Chapter 199 Xiao Fu Turns On Sticky Mode ([-]rd)

Jiang Xuhan withdrew his gaze, took her hand and sat on the beanbag beside him, casually took the cigarette from his lips and put it aside, hugged her to his lap, took the towel in her hand, and gently covered her She wipes her hair.

He said casually: "You don't like the smell of cigarettes, it's not good for your health, so if you quit it, quit it."

Eve let out a low "Oh", with a hint of joy in her voice, leaning her head against his chest, her whole body was a little lazy, as if she had no bones.

"Sleepy?" Jiang Xuhan kept his hands on his hands. Seeing her defenseless appearance, he was amused and distressed, "Wait a minute, I'll dry your hair for you before going to sleep, otherwise you will catch a cold easily."

"No." Eve hugged his arm, rubbed against his arms, lowered her eyes, her eyelashes trembling, "Let me just lean on it for a while."

The little person curled up in his arms, like a well-behaved kitten, which made Jiang Xuhan feel so sweet in his heart, stretched out his hand to touch her little face, and pressed down to kiss her smooth and white forehead.

Feeling the tightness of the hand holding his arm, Jiang Xuhan lowered his head and looked at the fingers on his arm that were as cold as jade. The floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the room were not closed, and her body was a little cold, which could be felt through the clothes.

Jiang Xuhan frowned, and wanted to get up to close the window, but the person on his body snuggled up to him and refused to get up.

Glancing at the top of her hair helplessly, he picked up the coat that was casually placed on the side of the sofa and covered her body, changed his posture, held her hand and put it to his mouth and breathed, "Is it still cold? "

"You won't be cold if you hold me." The girl's muffled voice came from his arms.

The man's body was warm, and the familiar mint fragrance in his nostrils instantly calmed her restless mood.

From an angle she couldn't see, Jiang Xuhan's eyebrows were a little cold, and a hint of hostility flashed in his eyes, but his voice was very gentle and soft, with a smile: "Why is the great forensic doctor acting coquettish all of a sudden today?"

Eve didn't speak, and held his hand tightly, as if afraid that he would disappear at any time.

Jiang Xuhan was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, sighed lowly, put down the towel and hugged her tightly, and asked in a low voice, "Thinking about Lucifer?"

Eve's head was a little blank, and it took a while to realize what he was talking about, and nodded, "Do you think I really met Lucifer back then?"

It was obviously a serious topic, but Jiang Xuhan's tone was careless, he let go of her, and combed her wet long hair with one hand, "What if you meet it, so what if you don't?"

"If so, did he really hypnotize me and erase my memories of those days? What is the purpose of doing this? What happened in those days? Don't you want to know?" Eve said on the cheek Rubbing his shoulder, biting his lower lip.

"If you bite again, you'll bleed." Jiang Xuhan separated her lips and teeth with his slender fingers, and sighed, "I don't want to know anything about those things before, I just want to know when you will marry me, and how many children we will have in the future .”

Eve: "..."

This person is really, no matter what time, he is still so dishonest.

Neither of them spoke anymore, the autumn night wind made the shadows of the trees whirling outside.

After a while, Jiang Xuhan slightly pushed her away, and leaned forward to get closer to her, "Let the past be the past, even if you really met him, so what if you were hypnotized by him? You are still you, these ten years Your experience will never be fake, and the relationship between us is not fake, only Lucifer, he is the short-lived passer-by in your life, you shouldn't be entangled in these things."

He was too close to her, which made her a little uncomfortable and wanted to turn her face away.But in the next second, looking into his pitch-black eyes, she was attracted by the little stars inside, which made her unable to crawl out for a while.

Sometimes she would feel that she was also quite superficial, and she was often obsessed with his beauty and couldn't extricate herself.

After finally looking away, Eve gathered her thoughts and understood what he meant.

No matter what Lucifer did to her, no one else knew except the two of them.Since Han Xingyu said that no one except Lucifer could unlock his hypnotism, unless Lucifer is found, it may be difficult to figure out what happened back then.

The crux of the problem still lies in Lucifer.

If the person is dead, the people from the Fallen Angel Organization and Han Xingyu will naturally not hold her back; if she is not dead, and if he is found, those people will naturally focus on him.

Therefore, in fact, it is not a big problem for her to recover the memory of those few days.

Many times, for some things, forgetting may be a better way.After all, Lucifer had nothing to do with her in the first place, not in the past, not now, and never in the future.

"I see." Eve put her arms around his waist, "Until I find evidence, I won't think about it anymore."

The girl's well-behaved and sensible appearance made her heart soften like a puddle of water, Jiang Xuhan couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her.

Such Eve moved him a little.

Thinking back to the beginning, when she was soft and cute, she was still a little bun, and she looked so small in his arms.

Later, when the little guy became sensible, he no longer let him be kissed and hugged casually, and when he grew up, he would even avoid him, either indifferent or full of impatience.

It's been like this for ten years, how could he have thought that she would have such a side?
If those who were left out in the past were just for this day, then he should be grateful for those in the past. Compared with the present happiness, that little price is simply not worth mentioning.

After a long time, Jiang Xuhan let go of the girl in his arms, seeing her tightly closed eyes, he couldn't help laughing.

this can fall asleep...

Not knowing whether to be funny or angry, Jiang Xuhan hugged her up, walked to the bed, put her down gently, covered her with the quilt, and walked out lightly.

After closing the door, the gentleness on his face disappeared. Standing by the window of the living room, he called Gu Beiye, his eyes drooping, and his voice was deep: "Are you in the room?"

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"Wait for me, I'll go there."


Eve didn't sleep well this time.

She had a dream, a bizarre dream.

In the dream, a little girl was walking in a pine forest with a backpack on her back. There was no one around, and it was eerily quiet.

As she walked, the girl suddenly stopped and frowned.

She smelled a familiar fishy-sweet smell, the smell of blood, and there was a lot of it.

The girl who is not tall, about seven or eight years old, is not only not afraid of the sudden smell of blood, but walks straight forward following the smell.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, she pushed aside a bush and saw a blood-soaked boy sitting in front of a pine tree.

She couldn't see his face clearly, even when she approached the boy, the sun shone through the pine needles on his face, the girl still couldn't see his face clearly, she only knew that he was very beautiful.

She was more beautiful than anyone she had ever seen, like an angel.

The boy closed his eyes, motionless and peaceful, if not for the slight ups and downs in his heart, the girl would have thought he was dead.

The girl squatted beside him, reaching out to grab his wrist.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes and raised his head, holding her hand behind his back. His eyes were one blue and one green, and there was a faint cold light in them, like a messenger from hell, carrying a chilling murderous aura.

"Who are you?" The young man was stunned when he saw the person in front of him clearly, his hands relaxed a little, but he didn't let go completely, "What do you want to do?"

The girl seemed not to be afraid. Under the sun, her blue eyes were as calm as a calm lake. She said, "I just want to see your injuries."

The boy raised his eyebrows, looked her up and down, "Little girl, are you not afraid of me?"

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

"With so much blood on my body, aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?"

"You have blood on your body because you were injured. There is no causal relationship between this and whether you are a bad person, let alone a logical relationship. Of course, judging from the wounds on your body, your blood loss does not make you just like this." Too much blood, most of the blood on your body should belong to others, but this does not mean that you are a bad person, because the other party may also be a bad person."


Where did this weird kid come from?

The boy's lips moved, but before he could say anything, the girl had already put down the backpack on her back, took out a cloth bag and opened it, which turned out to be a set of gold needles!
The young man was completely stunned for a moment. Could this little girl want to do acupuncture for him?
As if to prove his idea, the girl picked up a gold needle and said, "Don't worry, I sterilized this set of gold needles in the morning, and there shouldn't be any major problems."

The corner of the teenager's mouth twitched. The question is, is it disinfected?The issue is--

"Do you know medical skills? Don't mess around..."

Before she finished speaking, the golden needle in the girl's hand had already landed on one of the young man's acupuncture points, and the speed was so fast that he had no time to stop it.

To his surprise, apart from some soreness and numbness, there was no pain at all where the golden needle was pierced. Could it be that this young girl really knows how to heal?
Just as the young man was in a daze, the girl lifted the needle and inserted several more needles in a row, all of which were fast and accurate. Soon, the bleeding on the young man's body stopped.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful as a little doll!" The boy admired sincerely, but his tone was not too surprised.

The girl was serious, and said in a flat tone: "Whether a person is powerful or not is not determined by his age, but by his IQ. I don't think you are stupid, why don't you even understand such a simple truth."


He quietly watched the girl pull out the golden needle, and took out a small bottle of iodophor to clean and bandage the wound for him.There was no fear in the whole process, and the technique was more proficient than that of a professionally trained nurse, just like something we would do every day.

"What's your name?" The boy couldn't help asking again.

"My name is..." The girl opened her mouth and was about to speak when there was a loud "bang" in her ear.

(End of this chapter)

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