Forensic mad wife protector

Chapter 200 Saved a little girl

Chapter 200 Saved a little girl (fourth update)

There was a pain in the back of Eve's head, as well as a dull pain in her shoulders, back, and thighs.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the snow-white ceiling. When I moved my eyes to the left, I saw black silk sheets and quilts.

Realizing that she fell asleep and rolled out of bed, Eve rubbed the center of her brows, propped herself up on the floor, and sat up, recalling the dream before she woke up.

Unlike before, she vaguely remembered a few scenes from this dream.

In the dream, there was a teenager who seemed to be injured, sitting on the ground leaning against a tree.Beside the boy, there is a little girl holding a golden needle in her hand and piercing the boy.

Although she couldn't see their faces clearly, her intuition told her that it was her and Lucifer.

Eve didn't know if it was because she was thinking day by day and dreaming at night, or if Lucifer's hypnosis on her was gradually losing its effect, which gave her signs of recovering her memory.When she tried to go deeper into the memory, her head started to hurt.

Pounding the bed a little annoyed, she scratched her hair vigorously.

The moment she stood up, she suddenly raised her eyes, staring at her right hand in a daze.

She remembered that the little girl in the dream seemed to have a needle stuck in the Tanzhong acupoint on the boy's heart.

That position was in charge of the heart, which proved that the boy's heart had been severely injured, and there should be a lot of blood.

Whether it's internal bleeding caused by a blunt instrument injury or massive bleeding caused by a sharp instrument injury, there should be scars on the bones!
Thinking like this, Eve turned around and ran out. She was going to check again to see if there were any wounds on the corpse's ribs that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

In the autopsy room, Qin Jinhui was standing in front of the autopsy table, re-examining the ribs one by one.

Hearing the hurried footsteps, he looked up and saw Eve coming down alone, he was stunned, "Why are you the only one, where are Mr. Jiang and the others?"

Only then did Eve realize that she was so anxious just now that she didn't realize that Jiang Xuhan was not in the room.

At this point, he should be with Xu Boyu and the others.

She was anxious to check the ribs of the deceased, so without thinking too much, she walked quickly to the autopsy table and asked, "Any new discoveries?"

Qin Jinhui shook his head, and suddenly remembered something, he said: "By the way, I contacted my father half an hour ago and asked him about the deserted island. He said that we had indeed been there back then. Saved a little girl from shipwreck."

Eve stopped putting on the gloves, and raised her eyes suddenly, "Little girl?"

"Well, a little girl who looks like an Asian." Qin Jinhui lowered his eyes as if recalling, "He said that the little girl looked about seven or eight years old, wearing a lifejacket, wearing a He was washed up on the shallows of a deserted island with a lifebuoy in his arms, and was unconscious when he was found."

A little girl like an Asian?
When she was a child, except for her eyes, other facial features had not yet opened, so she did look more Asian.

Her heart tightened suddenly, and Eve felt that something was coming out of her mind. She asked, "Is she alone? Is there no one else beside her?"

"She was the only one. At that time, we were preparing to leave the deserted island. After we found her, we rescued her and brought her back to Zhongnan."

"and after?"

"My father sent her to the hospital, and went out to go through the admission procedures. When he came back, she disappeared. He searched around but couldn't find him, and he didn't know the name of the other party, so he called the police. What happened to him I didn’t pay attention either, because I was also sick at the time.”

Eve's mind was spinning rapidly, and she always felt as if she was going to grab something, but it disappeared all of a sudden, and she couldn't grab it no matter what.

She looked at Qin Jinhui fixedly, and asked word by word: "What were you doing when you found the little girl?"

"Me?" Qin Jinhui frowned and tilted his head, "I don't know, but I should not be with my father, because he said that after he found the little girl, he went looking for me everywhere and found my father. At that time, I also passed out, and I lay unconscious on the beach. When I returned to Zhongnan, I started to have a high fever, which lasted for three days. He said that it was very dangerous at that time, and I was almost burned to death. gone."

There are many shadows in Eve's eyes, and his eyes are tightly entangled with Qin Jinhui's eyes, his dark pupils are reflected in his azure blue eyes, "After you recovered from that illness, did you find that sometimes something was wrong with you? ?”

Qin Jinhui was stunned for a while, not knowing why, "What does this mean?"

Eve looked at him calmly, then shook her head, "No, I'm just afraid that you will have some sequelae."

"Haha," Qin Jinhui chuckled, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry, that sudden illness didn't affect my IQ at all, and my father also said that I'm smarter than before after being ill."

Eve bent the corner of her lips very lightly, but said nothing.

It seemed that Qin Jinhui really didn't know the existence of another personality.Moreover, his parents probably didn't find out either. Is that personality hidden too well, or has he never appeared at all in these years?

Over there, Qin Jinhui has already lowered his head and continued working. Eve thought to herself, whether there is any antibacterial agent in the research institute, maybe, I can try to prick him secretly?
Thinking wildly, Qin Jinhui suddenly said: "Tell me, is it possible that that girl is a survivor on that shipwreck? If so, as long as you find her, you may be able to find out what happened on the ship that day. What a pity , if it wasn't because I was sick that day, my mother had to take care of me and didn't care about other things, otherwise she wouldn't have just let her leave quietly."

Hearing what he said, Eve suddenly raised her eyes, "Does your father remember what that little girl looked like? Can you ask him to draw a portrait based on the little girl's appearance?"

Qin Jinhui was stunned for a moment, and said: "I should remember it. Are you planning to use the portrait to find the little girl back then? However, that little girl was only seven or eight years old at that time. Ten years have passed, so even if she is still in M China, the appearance must be different from ten years ago."

"The eve system has a function that can calculate a person's future appearance based on her appearance when she was a child. We have done tens of thousands of experiments, and the results are very accurate. The images obtained are almost the same as the experimental subjects."

Eve said so, but what she really thought in her heart was that she wanted to see if that little girl was really her.

The little girl was in a coma when she was discovered, and Qin Jinhui's father couldn't see the color of her eyes, otherwise, she would be more sure that the person was her.

Hearing what she said, Qin Jinhui took off his gloves, "I'll call him again and ask."

Eve nodded and watched Qin Jinhui dial the phone. On the surface, she looked very calm, but her heart was full of turmoil. She always felt that the truth was very close to her.

 Are you surprised that Jiageng, who was caught by surprise and attacked him by surprise?Surprised or not?Are you unhappy?
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(End of this chapter)

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