Chapter 100

Then Di Xin, E Lai, and Li Jing, the three of them couldn't help being stunned, watching with incomparably strange eyes, almost the entire East China Sea turned green in an instant!

Countless fish and shrimps died in an instant, and the East China Sea became silent in an instant, which was also extremely strange.

But Nezha didn't feel anything yet, and kept washing in the Jiuwan River, and it was obvious that his bluish complexion began to fade quickly.

Or in other words, as he took a bath, the 'cyan' on his body also began to leave his body quickly, and entered the Jiuwan River, instantly dyeing the entire Jiuwan River green.

However, the Jiuwan River is located at the mouth of the East China Sea, and as a result, it quickly spread towards the East China Sea, almost turning the entire East China Sea green in an instant, and killing all the fish and shrimp in the East Sea in an instant.

what happened?
Li Jing's eyes froze instantly, and he was dumbfounded.

Di Xin also had a strange look that had never been seen before in his eyes.

Evil Lai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, Li Jing also realized that the East China Sea is not just the East China Sea!There are dragons from heaven and earth in it, and there is even the Dragon King Ao Guang, but he also drank wine with Li Jing, and they can be regarded as acquaintances.

It can be said that Li Jing belongs to the commander-in-chief of the first town of Dashang, and the dragon king Ao Guang is also the dragon king of the lower court in the heaven and earth outside of Dashang, and the well water does not violate the river water.

But I am the commander-in-chief of the Great Shang, and you are the Dragon King of the heaven and earth outside the Great Shang, just like two generals of two countries, and they make friends with each other, which can be regarded as a friendship.

But I don't want the demon Nezha just born, just take a bath, he can dye the East China Sea green, and kill all the fish and shrimp in the East China Sea in an instant, almost like massacring a city, and exterminate the East China Sea!
Immediately, he realized that he was in big trouble, a big disaster!Almost subconsciously couldn't help but turned around and ran away, what are you waiting for if you don't run for your life?Fortunately, he found out in an instant that there was His Majesty in front of him, and he had an invisibility talisman on him, so don't worry.

And under the incomparable shock and fear, I don't know if it was the adrenaline burst, but the reaction became faster.

And in an instant, I thought again, sure enough!Sure enough, just as His Majesty said, for that hypocritical Qi trainer Taiyi Daoist, he secretly conspired to frame me, Li Jing!

To make this monster come to Donghaikou to take a bath as soon as he was born, and to kill all the fish and shrimps in the East China Sea with poison like a massacre, and to cause such a catastrophe!Wouldn't Ao Guang, the Dragon King, come after me, Li Jing?
He even sued Dashang Chaoge. If His Majesty hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, I, Li Jing, would not have been able to escape death if he slaughtered the city like this and wiped out the lives of Donghai!Your Majesty will definitely cut off the head of me, Li Jing, to give that Dragon King Ao Guang an explanation!

really!Sure enough, it is sinister and wicked enough, such a hypocritical and sinister real Taiyi, it's a pity that His Majesty saw it with his own eyes, but he couldn't punish me for Li Jing's crime, and it's a pity that Yihai's life was lost.

Brother Ao Guang, I hope you can escape such a catastrophe, but it has nothing to do with me, Li Jing, it is all because of the hypocrisy and insidious Qi trainer Taiyi Daoist who conspired to frame me, Li Jing.

Li Jing stared wide-eyed, turned non-stop, his thoughts turned, and he watched Nezha continue to take a bath, and when he realized it, he no longer panicked in his heart.

Even more especially when he realized that there was an invisibility talisman on his body, and he could see it clearly in the dark, and he couldn't help being excited, excited, and looking forward to it in an instant.

But Di Xin Elai knew that the poison that almost dyed the entire East China Sea green was definitely the work of Fei Lian and Lu Yue, the number one poison trainer of the Three Religions. , but he was unharmed.

It can be said that the innocent people in Donghai lay their guns first, almost exterminating all life in Donghai, and really caused a catastrophe.

And at the same time, Di Xin also realized that Li Jing was the commander-in-chief of the Great Merchant Chentangguan, and belonged to the Great Merchants, not the heavens and the earth outside the Great Merchants; How could Guang go to the Heavenly Court to sue, as recorded in history?

Li Jing belongs to the Great Merchant, and is the commander-in-chief of the Great Merchant. Instead, he should find Shang Chaoge, the king of Zhou himself, and then ask himself to deal with the commander-in-chief of the Great Merchant Chen Tangguan, and give his Dragon King an explanation. But it is logical.

Can't help the flickering eyes, Di Xin couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, but seeing the poison in the green East Sea, it may be able to wipe out life in the East Sea, but it is almost certain that it will be absolutely ineffective against the dragons in the world.

Then the Dragon King Ao Guang approached Li Jing afterwards, as if he was still threatening to sue the heavens and the earth outside the big business;
If you ask Li Jing to say that you are the commander-in-chief of the Dashang Township, it is useless to sue the court. You have to go to the emperor of the Dashang Chaoge, Di Xin, to deal with me, Li Jing.

I think the Dragon King Ao Guangding will also react. Li Jing is the commander-in-chief of the Great Merchants. Of course, it will be effective to find the Great Merchants. As a Sea Dragon King, he will go to Chaoge to find himself, the Great Merchants.

If Nezha used the invisibility talisman again, in the middle of Chaoge, under the attention of all people, he would sneak attack on the Dragon King Ao Guang, uncover his reverse scales, and say as before:
'Your name!Your name!I'll kill you old loach, it's no big deal!If I don't tell you, you don't know who I am. I am none other than Ling Zhuzi, a disciple of Daoist Taiyi, a qi trainer from Qianyuan Mountain in the world.

My master said, even if you, an old idiot, are killed, it's okay! '

If the image of Nezha is exposed to the eyes of all people, and the dragon king Ao Guang is exposed, or he can also be secretly restrained first, and ask the dragon king Ao Guang to avenge his revenge first, and then prepare an audience for him...

It just so happened that Shang Qingjun and Daji also wanted to see what Nezha looked like, as did Fei Lian, Fei Zhong, You Hun, Yin Ruibai, Lu Xiong, and Chao Tian and Lei Kai, who were also hardcore generals of Chaoge.

Even Jiang Ziya, Uncle Wang Bigan, Naweizi, Jizi, Boyi Shuqi, two ancient great sages, Zhenguo Wucheng King Huang Feihu, Na Su Quanzhong, and everyone else.

Forget about my precious daughter, whoever looks at her will stain her eyes!

Then promote it again, and also publicize it to the Qi trainer Taiyi Daoist, and spread it to Xiqi, the Qi trainer between heaven and earth.

The same thought flashed in his mind, but when he thought of it, Di Xin's eyes flashed suddenly.

At the same time, the East China Sea, which had finally turned green, also changed.

But seeing in the distance suddenly there was a wave like a mountain falling, the waves were raging, the water on the flat ground was several feet long, and the water parted, and a figure appeared, with a face full of anger, holding a halberd in his hand, stepping on the waves.

Before the person arrived, he couldn't help but speak angrily.

"What an ugly child! Who are you? You poisoned a sea of ​​living beings here, and dyed my entire Eastern Sea green?"

But Nezha didn't panic at all, and directly raised his head and spoke.

"I am Nezha, the third son of Li Jing in Chentangguan. My father is guarding here. He is the commander-in-chief of a town. I just took a bath, dyed your East Sea green, poisoned some fish and shrimp, and you came here."

Li Jing, who was invisible on the shore, couldn't help but his eyes bulged, and he cheated on me again.


(End of this chapter)

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