From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 101 Chapter 101 Poof!Nezha Nezha

Chapter 101 Chapter [-] Poof!Nezha Nezha
That indifferent tone made Li Jing's eyes bulge when he was invisible on the shore, but Di Xin's eyes flashed, but he knew that Nezha had no deeper intentions at the moment.

It can be said that if you ask, I will answer immediately, isn't it just dyeing your East China Sea green?Then poison some fish and shrimp to death, but you also found them?

At the moment of his awakening, he understood the identity of his own Lingzhu, but after all, it was the reincarnation of the 'Lingzhu'. It was originally just a magic weapon to explain and teach, and he had no feelings, let alone right or wrong.

But the people who came to hear about it couldn't help being even more angry. The third son of Li Jing, the general soldier of the Great Merchant Chen Tangguan?Can he poison himself to a sea of ​​living beings?

"What an ugly kid! How dare you speak so boldly by dyeing my East Sea green and exterminating countless creatures in my East Sea!"

With a loud shout, he directly swung his halberd towards Nezha.

Di Xin, who was hidden in the dark, also understood that it was not because he talked too much nonsense. Since Nezha had reported his identity as the son of the general soldier of Chen Tangguan, he could no longer kill him casually, but had to give a good excuse.

Otherwise, if he killed the son of Dashang Yizhen's chief soldier for no reason, Dashang can also invite Qi fighters to deal with him, Donghai, or even skin him as a Sea Dragon King, the so-called cause and effect.

It can be said that there are eight hundred vassal kingdoms in the world of Great Shang, sitting in four wilds and six unions, and the eight wildernesses in the universe. Although they have not really unified the universe, they still have the status of a great merchant. If there is a 600-year dynasty, there will always be Qi practitioners who are willing For the great merchants, to serve the great merchants.

No matter how angry the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was, he had to be scruples and talk nonsense before making a move.

But he only stabbed out with a halberd, but he didn't expect that the ugly child just lowered his head, easily dodged it, and spoke again.

"Don't wait! Who are you? Give me a name, I have a reason."

The person who came was obviously surprised, but he did not expect to be easily dodged by him.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but suppressed his anger. Obviously he was not a completely brainless and reckless person. He knew that the 600-year-old Shang dynasty had been in a state of panic, and there were countless strange people and strange people, and there were Qi practitioners from heaven and earth to help.

And at the moment, the son of Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan, a great merchant who can be called his neighbor, was able to easily avoid one of the tricks of the third prince of the Sea Dragon King.

But I saw that it was a little brat with bare buttocks, I had already seen it, but it was covered in red light, with a piece of red silk on its belly, and a little 'snail' under the red silk.

But it's not intentional to look at its 'little snail', but a child with bare buttocks, who can always be spotted at a glance, and there is also a gold bracelet on his right hand.

But if you don't look at the head and face, although the red light is quite weird, but it is still a normal child.

But looking at the face again, the face is like indigo, the hair is like cinnabar, the eyes are sharp, and the teeth are protruding, but what comes out of the lips is the knowledge of the third prince of the great dragon king in the world, and it has to be said to be extremely ugly.

But the eyes flashed, and the first realization was that Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan, a great merchant who was called a neighbor but who belonged to a different side, was obviously a human being. A monster or an ugly child?
So I thought in my heart, so I didn't rush to do it anymore, and just spoke coldly.

"Gu is Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea! But I don't know that Li Jing is clearly a human being, how could he give birth to such an ugly monster like you? Could it be that he lied and wanted to blame the great merchant Chen Tangguan General Soldier?"

Li Jing, who was hidden in the dark, couldn't help but his eyes lit up. As a neighbor who also had a drink with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he considered himself the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

How would the evil beast answer?
Di Xin's eyes were dim, and he remained calm.

The evil on one side is the same, but it is only hidden on Di Xin's side, and it is the most difficult to see the depth.

But when Nezha heard it, he finally couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Hmph! You are actually the son of that Ao Guang. It's okay to tell you. That Li Jing is my father; The body is reincarnated and born in response to the number of days.

You are just a little dragon, yet you dare to boast arrogantly in front of me, which annoys me, even your father, Dragon King, I dare to skin him. "

Nezha's voice was light, but he spoke coldly without any emotion.

Before the voice fell, Li Jing, who was invisible on the shore, couldn't help his eyes twitching again, sure enough!It really was the conspiracy of the hypocritical Qi trainer Taiyi Zhenren!It turned out that he was his disciple, but he was reincarnated in my wife's belly for more than three years, and when he was born, he came to play tricks on me.

Li Jing's eyes widened involuntarily.

Di Xin also couldn't help but his eyes flashed, not wanting to let Nezha reveal his identity in advance under the butterfly effect.

Just because he was genetically altered by Fei Lian, who was once Chi You's junior brother, and Lu Yue, the number one poison gas trainer of the three religions, Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said a word more.

If he didn't want the result, Nezha let Qi Nezha subconsciously reveal his "identity".

It can be said that in the eyes of Bao Lingzhu, who teaches and suppresses teachings, the so-called dragon clan between heaven and earth is nothing more than a small dragon!
That Li Jing is not his real father, but he was reincarnated in the body of Mrs. Li Jing, born according to the number of days.

It was completely due to the butterfly effect of cause and effect, and was provoked by a sentence that the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea should not have said, so he subconsciously revealed his identity unprepared without thinking about it.

Because he was not born in the appearance of "Lei Zhenzi", the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea would never say that he is ugly, how could Li Jing give birth to such an ugly monster?
But the subtle changes are obviously more interesting, especially if he still admits his identity in front of Li Jing, it is completely tantamount to admitting the conspiracy of the real Taiyi in the dark.

Di Xin simply remained calm, but his eyes flashed, ready to control Nezha with his divine power at any time, and he just watched with twinkling eyes when he was evil, and at the same time, the trajectory of everything became clearer and clearer in his heart.

But seeing Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he finally couldn't help being furious again, and shouted.

"What a thief! How dare you be so rude!"

Furiously, he stabbed out again with a halberd.

But Nezha's bare buttocked figure also flew up against the water, and flew up from the Jiuwan River in a hurry, looking at the painted halberd on his chest without any fear, and flew upside down to the bank.

It's just a coincidence that it happened to land in front of Di Xin, E Lai, and Li Jing who were using the invisibility talisman.

Then I saw his little hand grabbing the red silk on his belly, and then stretched out his eyes, and in an instant, there was a seven-foot Huntian silk, like a thousand balls of fire...

But it was too late to wrap it around Ao Bing below, and his body suddenly fell straight to the ground with a bang.

Li Jing didn't have time to react, but only stared round his eyes.

Nezha was obviously confused for the same moment, what happened?I just felt that my body could no longer move.

The evil eyes lighted faintly.

Ao Bing, who was holding the painting halberd, also only felt a light in front of the painting halberd, and the light of the halberd also stabbed straight down obliquely, and pierced into Nezha's back door very strangely.



(End of this chapter)

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