From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 104 Chapter 104 Good One 'Fate'

Chapter 104 Chapter [-] What a 'fate'

After waiting for the great dragon king between heaven and earth, Li Jing went straight to the back garden, feeling even more excited in his heart.

It can be said that he has lived for countless years, of course it is only a few decades, but he has never felt that he has everything under control. Even the great dragon king in the world cannot escape Li Jing's palm!

And being led by the nose by Li Jing, he was completely played by the palm of his hand, telling you to go to Chaoge, you have to go to Chaoge, and that Nezha who is in the backyard.

Want to conspire to put the blame on me, Li Jing?This time, let's see who cheats whom!
I don't want to run into Mrs. Yin on the road, of course it's not a coincidence, but the husband and wife have discussed it, and Mrs. Yin will watch over Nezha, so they can't run into each other.

Since it was also explained by Di Xin, although there was a good scene when Nezha met Ao Guang, the Dragon King, it would not be easy to lead Nezha to Chaoge, and then let everyone watch the show together.

It can be said, 'Uncle!The little nephew didn't know, he made a mistake for a while, and hoped that his uncle would forgive him; '

I beat your son to death, and pulled your son's dragon tendon. Now I return the dragon tendon to you, and I just apologize; see?I didn't even move the dragon's tendons, so I just give it back to you.

It's as if I killed your son and then skinned your son. Now I apologize and return your son's skin to you, isn't it okay?

Di Xin really didn't understand why so many people would like Nezha in future generations.

But I have to miss such a good scene, even if I don't miss it, it's just that Li Jing and his wife saw it, and then there was Dragon King Ao Guang, but it didn't make much sense.

Then it's better to let Nezha be the protagonist, and go to Chaoge to play a play first, and then I will publicize it to you. This is the pioneer of King Wu's defeat of Zhou!
So when Ao Guang, the dragon king, waited for him to leave, Li Jing immediately went to the back garden to look for Nezha.

Di Xin Elai and the two of them also did not leave in a hurry, otherwise they would not have asked the Dragon King to go to Chaoge tomorrow, and stayed to deal with the couple together, naturally it was also to give Li Jing a feeling.

It can be said that you, Li Jing, are not facing the Qi practitioners in the world alone, there is a widow behind you, the great merchant monarch, to face with you!Then what are you afraid of?
And it obviously gave Li Jing more confidence, so he wasn't afraid of even a great sect in the world.

In the end, when I met Mrs. Yin, it was obvious that Mrs. Yin couldn't help being excited. In this era of no entertainment, acting defrauds people, especially those who conspire to plot against the couple. feel.

What's more, there is a great merchant monarch behind him, so even Mrs. Yin is also extremely cooperative.

Seeing Li Jing going straight to the back garden, he couldn't help but asked in doubt.

"Who is coming to visit?"

Li Jing's expression also changed, and Di Xin Elai simply didn't disturb the couple's performance, so there will be good shows for Li Jing to let him see clearly the true colors of the teachings between heaven and earth.

As long as you and your husband know that there is a widow, and there is a widow who is here to support you and your husband.

Li Jing also changed his expression, and spoke loudly.

"It's my old friend Ao Guang who came to visit and said that the entire East China Sea has been poisoned and turned green, and all the fish and shrimps have died; I don't know which beast is inferior, and the hands of the vicious and wicked people have come to slander my son. What Nezha did.

I think that although my son is ugly, he is also a kind-hearted person, and he worships under the qi trainer of the mountain man, how could he do such a thing that is inhumane and inferior to an animal? "

Li Jing spoke loudly, and couldn't help but stare round his eyes, and shouted loudly towards the back garden.

"Where is Nezha?"

Don't want the words to fall, Nezha's figure appeared immediately.

His face is still like blue indigo, his hair is like cinnabar, his eyes are sharp, his teeth are protruding from his lips, but he doesn't know what it will be like if he meets that thunderbolt?
An absolute Lei Zhenzi No. [-], like twins, even Di Xin couldn't help being dumbfounded at that time, with an incomparably strange look in his eyes, isn't it too much of a coincidence?
But right now, all kinds of poisons absorbed for more than three years have been reflected to the unlucky Donghai, causing Donghai to lie innocently, and now his body has turned into a red light, and the red light recedes slightly.

Still bare buttocks, a gold bracelet on the wrist, and a piece of red silk on the belly, but the little snail and the two little balls underneath are gone.

Seeing its appearance, Li Jing couldn't help but speak again.

"What is my son doing here?"

But Nezha had no expression on his face, and his voice was that of a clear boy, which had to be said to be weird.

"I went to the Jiuwan River to take a bath before, and accidentally dyed the East China Sea green, and some fish and shrimp died. I don't want a little dragon named Ao Bing to deceive me;

In the end, I beat him to death in a circle, thinking that the dragon tendon is the most precious, so the child drew it, thinking that it would be used as a dragon tendon sash for his father. "

Hearing that Li Jing couldn't help but his eyes bulging, he was shocked and furious, of course it was just acting, since he heard Nezha's "that Li Jing" by the Jiuwan River, how could he be regarded as his father?
I don't want a little devil to bully Li Jing face to face.

Immediately, I couldn't help it, I was shocked and angry, and I panicked and opened my mouth.

"What a wicked beast! You have caused such a catastrophe!
I don't want me, Li Jing, to practice qi and seek immortality, but give birth to such a good son as you. Although he looks a little ugly, but I, Li Jing, don't despise you, but you have caused this disaster;

The Dragon King Ao Guang has already said that he will report to the heaven behind him, thinking that tomorrow my family will die because of it..."

Forget it, let Madam act!
And if it is said to be Chaoge, the original trajectory may be changed again, so it is better to say that the dragon king Ao Guang went to the heaven, and the real Taiyi will inevitably make the same arrangement as the original.

After Nezha returns to Chentangguan, he only needs to tell him that Ao Guang, the Dragon King, changed his way to Chaoge.

Li Jing rolled his eyes, and quickly slammed Mrs. Yin beside him.

Mrs. Yin couldn't help crying in panic when she heard this.

"You child, I have been pregnant with you for more than three years, I have suffered so much, I have suffered so much, I have given birth to you with great difficulty, but you have caused such a disaster..."

Li Jing hurriedly wiped away tears too.

Finally, Nezha couldn't help walking out with his butt naked, and couldn't bear to speak.

"Forget it! Today, the child will make it clear that the reason why I look different from my parents is because I am not an ordinary person;

It is the disciple of Daoist Taiyi, a qi trainer in Qianyuan Mountain, reincarnated in response to the number of days, but he is also the third son of his father and mother because of his predestined relationship with his father and mother;

Since father and mother are so afraid of things, it means that one person does the work and the other is in charge. I don't want to implicate the two of you. I will ask my master on Qianyuan Mountain, and I will definitely have an idea to deal with it. "

After finishing speaking, the cries of Mrs. Li Jingyin and Mrs. Li stopped abruptly, it was a "destiny".

I saw that he directly grabbed a handful of soil on the spot, looked at the sky and sprinkled it, and then drove on the soil to escape, which was the direction that the former qi practitioner Taiyi came from.

In the end, they arrived at Qianyuan Mountain in an instant, but they didn't know that there were four people following behind them. Li Jing used the earth escape to lead Mrs. Yin, and Di Xin and Elai used the talisman of the Qi trainer to fly.

However, even Daoist Taiyi could never have imagined that the Great Shang Monarch Di Xin would visit his Qianyuan Mountain quietly with his courtiers using an invisibility talisman.


(End of this chapter)

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