From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 105: Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Nezha Goes to Chaoge
And Nezha didn't stop all the way, until he arrived at the Qianyuan Mountain between heaven and earth, unexpectedly there was a boy waiting for him.

It is Jinxia Tongzi who is the second disciple of Daoist Taiyi, but he knows Nezha's identity without seeing him, and he directly calls him senior brother.

Nezha also took it for granted.

But in the eyes of Li Jing and Mrs. Yin, they both seemed to have opened their eyes, and instantly saw a different meaning.

That Jinxia boy has been waiting for a long time, didn't he know that Nezha would come?Had I known that Nezha would cause trouble?Apparently it was exactly what the real Taiyi ordered!

Then how did the real Taiyi know about it?What is the number of days guessed?

And Nezha naturally responded, obviously, as I said before, he was not an ordinary person, the so-called "destiny" reincarnated in Chentangguan, I am afraid that it was for today's conspiracy, everything was planned by the real Taiyi long ago of.

Especially after Di Xin's conjectures were verified time and time again, in Li Jing's eyes, he couldn't help but feel even more hatred in his heart.

Madam Yin, who was beside her calmly, also felt great hatred in her heart. She had been stuffed with an ugly monster for three years for no reason, and she was still an ordinary man?But when I think about it, I just feel disgusted in my heart, and I am simply humiliated.

Follow Nezha directly and silently into the Golden Light Cave.

But seeing Taiyi Daoist is also sitting on the Biyou bed, still wearing a crown with tied hair, wearing a Taoist suit of Taiji diagram, with double buns on his head, wide-sleeved robe, and a dust whisk in one hand, he looks very kind and kind.

Seeing Nezha coming forward to kneel and worship, he couldn't help but raise his eyelids lightly, and asked each other.

"Nezha, you are not at Chentang Pass, what can you say here?"

However, he was right beside Daoist Taiyi, never would have imagined that there would be four people, Di Xin, the emperor of the Great Shang, and Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentang Pass, watching from the sidelines.

It can be said to use the other's way to give back to the other body. Di Xinzi also thought of the invisibility talisman he was about to use for Nezha, and then thought of using the invisibility talisman to let Li Jing see the true face of his teaching.

You only use it once, but you can use it countless times for inspiration.

And Di Xin also didn't think of it until Nezha was born, and almost ignored the invisibility talisman.

Li Jing on the side also couldn't help widening his eyes, under the great hatred in his heart, he was both extremely novel and excited, but also couldn't help being nervous, he didn't think that His Majesty's invisibility talisman could not be seen through even the Qi trainers on this famous mountain in the world, it is really a good thing!
But when Nezha heard about it, he opened his mouth obediently.

"Master Qi, thanks to Master's grace, this disciple was born in Chentangguan, a great merchant, and has been born today. He only felt chaotic and his body smelled extremely bad, so he went to take a bath in the Jiuwan River outside Chentangguan;

Unexpectedly, it dyed the East China Sea green, and poisoned some fish and shrimps to death. Ao Bing, the son of the Dragon King Ao Guang, came to deceive me, and I accidentally injured his life in a fit of anger;

Ao Guang didn't want that, so he went to Chentangguan, wanting to report to the heaven behind him, the disciple was afraid that he had caused trouble, so he had to go up the mountain to beg the master to pardon the disciple's ignorance, and pray for help. "

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed respectfully.

But Li Jing and Mrs. Yin, who were watching in secret, seemed to have opened their eyes as if they were prophets, and instantly saw through the 'problems' in their words.

If he was really ignorant, then why did he hide the fact that Ao Binglong tendon was pulled?
And Di Xin also knew that although there were some mistakes in what Nezha said, they all concealed the fact that Ao Bing had cramps. So is it really just a naive and ignorant newborn on the surface?

When the evil came, it was just watching calmly with black eyes, ready to risk his life to protect Di Xin's safety at any time.

But when he saw Daoist Taiyi, his eyes flashed, and he stared at Nezha who bowed and kowtowed and spoke slowly.

"Although you were ignorant and accidentally injured Ao Bing, but this is the number of days.

Although Ao Guang is the dragon king of that side between heaven and earth, how can he be dismissed as ignorant of the elephant in the sky?Using this small matter to desecrate the court of that day is ignorant of the matter. "

accidental injury!

But the word 'accidental injury' was Li Jing's reaction, and he couldn't help but hear it instantly, and couldn't help but his big eyes flashed, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

The master and apprentice are equally hypocritical, treacherous and shameless, they said 'miss' and hurt Ao Bing's life, so is it called a miss without blinking an eye?Is that going to dye the entire East China Sea green and kill 'some' fish and shrimp with poison?Who is bullying whom?
What's more, I don't want the benevolent and amiable real Taiyi to say the same thing as 'accidental injury'!
Is that called accidental injury?Even the Third Prince of the Human Dragon King was beaten to death, and even the dragon's tendons were convulsed too much, just a sentence of accidental injury?Also this 'little thing'?
Li Jing couldn't help cursing in his heart, Di Xin Elai kept his expression on his face, and Mrs. Yin also just watched quietly, keeping his expression on.

But seeing Master Taiyi's voice fell, his eyes flashed again, and he spoke again.

"Nezha, come here."

When Nezha heard this, he got up obediently and stepped forward.

Daoist Taiyi directly used his fingers to draw a talisman on his chest a few times, then disappeared in a flash, and spoke again.

"My teacher has drawn an invisibility talisman on your chest, tomorrow you can go invisibly and wait under the gate of that court in advance;
When the Dragon King Ao Guang showed up, he would suddenly attack him from the dark, and even if he did it, it would be fine even if he was killed;
After the matter is over, you can go back to Chentangguan, the great merchant, and say to Li Jing and his wife: "If you have something to do, you still have to be a teacher, and you will never interfere with your parents." 'You go. "

Seeing that Nezha heard this, he thanked him respectfully, and then drove up to Tudun again and turned back, and Master Taiyi also instantly recovered his benevolent and kind face.

And I didn't know Mrs. Li Jingyin had left earlier, and after hearing about it, I thought about it from a different angle, and the more I thought about it, the more I hated it. It was really hypocritical and insidious, and secretly ordered the disciple to attack again, saying that it would be okay to kill him.

But you killed the Dragon King and returned to me, Li Jing, and Chen Tangguan. Aren't you trying to blame me, Li Jing, and the great merchant, Chen Tangguan?
Sure enough, they are plotting to disrupt the world!What a big conspiracy!

It was Si Tiantai writing poems again, plundering the prince of the great merchant, poisoning Queen Jiang of the great merchant, and burning the great merchant to become Tang Taimiao!Now they are plotting to frame me, Li Jing, and the plot started three years ago!
wrong!I'm afraid it started from the birth of Jin Zha and Mu Zha, what a big conspiracy!
All the way back, as if enlightened, finally Li Jing's mind became clearer than ever before, and he connected everything together.

But when he returned to Chentangguan one step earlier, seeing Nezha returning in Tudun, before he landed, he simply pointed and shouted in an 'atmosphere'.

"You scoundrel! You still know you're back. I just heard the news. I didn't expect that Dragon King Ao Guang to bluff a shot! It's not that he's going to report to the court tomorrow, but he's going to sing there. Sue my family to the Great Shang Monarch! But what should I do?"

It is obvious that Nezha's eyes are sharp, and it can be seen that the light in his pupils flickers faintly, and he opens his mouth as soon as he lands.

"Father, don't panic! Isn't it the Song of the Great Shang Dynasty? I will go there tomorrow. I have already obtained the method of disposition from the master, and I will not let the Dragon King interfere with my parents. I also want to go there Check out the song."


Li Jing couldn't help but widen his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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