From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 106 Chapter 106 Jiang Ziya's Confusion

Chapter 106 Chapter [-] Jiang Ziya's confusion
However, because of his 'love of his son', Li Jing still decided to go to Chaoge to see how the Dragon King Ao Guang complained, so as to defend himself. Of course, it was actually for the sake of watching the show.

However, he lived in Chaoge for a long time, and Emperor Xinzi also gave him a house alone. After all, he is also the commander-in-chief of the Dashang Town, so he can't live in the other garden of the Dashang Palace all the time.

Even though it was known that he would abandon the pass and invest in Xiqi in the future, that house had no meaning to Di Xin. When Chaoge was expanded and Nuwa Palace was built, countless houses were built.

But now it is obviously different. Although Li Jing's character is quite amazing, he really understands that he has been being played like a monkey all the time, conspiring to frame him, and even wanting him to betray a big businessman. Unrighteous, unfaithful and unfilial people.

Although it seems that he has no integrity at all, but under the resentment in his heart, it is absolutely impossible for him to invest in Xiqi again.

So why can't it return to its original track?
It can be said that the widow authorized you, Li Zongbing, to abandon the pass and go to Na Xiqi to serve as an undercover agent for the widow. Let's cheat Na Jifa and those Qi practitioners who explain the teaching together!
As for Nezha, since he is the forerunner of the future King Wu, he must of course be made the next protagonist, and his aura must shine on the world.

Since there is also the real Taiyi behind him, as well as the explanations and teachings from heaven and earth behind him, gradually revealing his true face to the world.

It can be said that after Si Tiantai wrote a poem, poisoned the empress of the great merchant, looted the prince of the great merchant, and burned the great merchant into Tang Taimiao, he made another conspiracy to frame the general of the great merchant Chen Tangguan, and really wanted to disturb the world.

The clear trajectory is in front of you, but even you, Jiang Ziya, have to believe it, let the world know, it depends on how many days you have in the future?



When Emperor Xin returned with Elai, he asked Fei Zhong to make arrangements immediately, and put up a list to inform Chaoge Wanmin that the next day the Great Shang Monarch will hold a grand court meeting outside the Meridian Gate, and all the people can go to watch it.

Whether it is the elderly, children, beggars, or traffickers, they can all go to wait and see, and watch the great merchant king.

All officials, civil and military, must also wait outside the Meridian Gate before Mao time.

As a result, there was a sensation in Chaoge in an instant, and everyone couldn't help but curiously comment, what was the purpose of the Great Shang Monarch showing up in person and holding an unprecedented court meeting outside the Meridian Gate?

After the Great Shang Chengtang Taimiao fire, four hundred princes in the southeast have invaded the Great Shang Dongfang Youhun Pass, and the southern Sanshan Pass, shaking the world.

Now it is suddenly announced that the unprecedented grand court meeting will be held at the Meridian Gate. Even if he is competing with Uncle Wang, who was once one of the four great princes in the world, and who is at the same level as Emperor Yi, he can't figure it out.

And there is no way to see the bigger picture of Di Xin, the game between heaven and earth to explain the teachings has already begun, but when it comes to enemies, his uncle Bigan is also not qualified.

The birth of Nezha at Chentangguan can be said to be the forerunner of the future king of Wu to defeat Zhou. From the reincarnation of Lingzhuzi three years ago to Chentangguan, it can be said to be a move in the world to teach, and the game has already begun.

Although it is said that Nezha is just a pawn of Chanjiao, a chess piece of the first officer, but since the Chanjiao from heaven and earth has made your move, I can deal with it in secret.

Everything is still your conspiracy, but you dug a hole for yourself, and it has nothing to do with the widow...

Uncle Wang couldn't figure it out at all, but he really felt a little bit, as if his era had really passed, and he was no match for his nephew Di Xin at all.

The four kings of Weizi, Jizi, Weiziqi, and Weizi Yanchaoge were equally amazed and puzzled, and they couldn't help discussing with Uncle Bigan, what would Di Xin do?
Finally, even the two ancient sages, Boyi and Shuqi, couldn't help but be very curious. What's the matter with His Majesty when the court meeting was held outside the Meridian Gate?
Zhenguo Wucheng King Huang Feihu was reminiscing about the beauty of Yijiang's body, but he didn't make any fuss when he heard that he would let him escape to Xiqi alive in the future, and let him live well.

Then Yu Naxiqi faced Ji Fa every day, and then saw Yi Jiang who became the queen of Wu Wang Ji Fa, but I hope she will not be too surprised, the widow will definitely save your life, and will not let you die easily.

Chong Yingbiao of Di Xin's younger brother is also curious, and he has also taken time to meet his younger brother, but there are many things that he can't know all about, but he only knows that there is another good show to watch, so he is in his heart. Can't help but look forward to it.

Su Quanzhong and Yi Jiang couldn't help but feel happy too, not for anything else, but because they could finally see that great merchant monarch!The legendary licentious and innocent king.

Both of them wanted to meet each other a long time ago, but unfortunately, as two of them, they never had the chance, especially after seeing Di Xin's ruthless methods, even a big prince dared to kill him, and one of them, the son of a little Marquis of Jizhou To kill him is just a word.

Then Jiao Ge, Yang Ren and others in Xiqi Neiying, who were full of civil and military affairs, court songs and people, were also extremely curious and looking forward to it. The great merchant monarch appeared outside the Meridian Gate and held a grand court meeting.

But only Fei Zhong and Fei Lian, Di Xin's true confidantes, know the inside story, especially Fei Lian, who can be said to have personally created Nezha with the number one poison Qi trainer of the Three Religions, who is about to be lured to Chaoge by Di Xin. Come, I can't help but want to see him.

Even Shang Qingjun and Daji couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when they heard it, so Nezha wants to come to Chaoge?Both of them have heard the story of Nezha, the first official of the future King Wu.

Only Jiang Ziya, invisibly isolated himself, and faintly felt 'wrong'.

Although he avoided it completely and didn't dare to think about it, he still realized in his heart that the big hand who manipulated everything secretly was the explanation behind his back?

As for the trust in Di Xin, I only feel endless guilt, especially for the brotherhood of Fei Zhong who saved his life, and I don't know how to face it, and I can't help but feel more and more confused at the beginning, what should Ziya do?
That's why I started setting up fortune-telling stalls occasionally, watching all living beings and avoiding them at the same time; if it's true as I guessed in my heart, in the future, I can't disobey my teacher's order, and I can't be ashamed of the great merchant monarch and his position as prime minister, especially Fei Zhong's. Brotherhood.

But I still can't see clearly, I just feel that there is a thick fog, and the trajectory of someone's conspiracy to disrupt the world is very obvious, but what is the purpose?Could it be that the teacher behind him explained the teachings?
So I had no choice but to spend every day wasting away, waiting for the result quietly, just like when I first came down the mountain, believing that there will always be a day when it will be revealed, and I have forgotten Yi Jiang invisibly.

The great merchant monarch will appear at the Meridian Gate and hold an unprecedented court meeting. It can be said that the civil and military officials are curious and the people are looking forward to it.

Shang Qingjun, Daji, Fei Zhong, Fei Lian, Elai, Yin Ruipei, and everyone else are looking forward to the same, only Kong Xuan, a little Nezha, even if it is Di Xinfan's move to explain the world between heaven and earth, It didn't arouse its interest at all.

The result is that it is early in the morning before dawn


(End of this chapter)

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