From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 12 Surprise for You

Chapter 12 Surprise for You

"Head up."

Zhang Xin's voice was light, and his black eyes couldn't help but deepen.

Hearing this, Shang Qingjun raised his head immediately, but his beautiful eyes still shone with stubbornness.

"You mean, as long as the widow explains the reason, you are willing to go to the court for the widow and handle the affairs of the court for the widow?"

"Your Majesty is not allowed to deceive Lord Qing!"

"You are the first person who dared to speak to the widow like this, so you are different from others."

Zhang Xin couldn't help squinting his eyes, and spoke quietly again.

"Then just listen carefully, the widow wants you to go to court in place of the widow, that is, to take the blame for the widow, if the widow is licentious, and one day everyone betrays their relatives, you will also be reviled, and you will even bear the eternal infamy!

Since you are so smart, you should also understand the situation of the widow. The widow just wants you to block the sword for the widow, so the widow can continue to fulfill their wish and have an adulterous relationship with Daji! "

The voice fell, and Daji, who had not spoken, couldn't help but looked moved. At the same time, a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes. It was unexpected that Zhang Xin was so intentional, and even more surprised that Zhang Xin would really say it, and what to say to her. Shang Qingjun's trust.

Zhang Xin continued to remain calm.

Shang Qingjun obviously trembled when he heard it, but his beautiful eyes still shone with stubbornness, and he looked at Zhang Xin without any dodge.

There was a moment of silence, and then Meimu looked directly into Zhang Xin's eyes and opened her mouth.

"Qingjun doesn't believe it, doesn't believe His Majesty's intentions, Qingjun only believes that His Majesty entrusts everything to him, and is more willing to bear the infamy of lewdness and immorality. Qing Jun promised to send it to Naxi Zhou Ji;
Qing Jun just wants His Majesty to know that since Qing Jun is already His Majesty's concubine and can gain His Majesty's trust, Qing Jun will never let His Majesty down, and if there is such a bad reputation, Qing Jun is willing to bear it for His Majesty;

But Qing Jun still has one request, if His Majesty grants it, Qing Jun will not be afraid of violating the rules, and will go to court on behalf of His Majesty in the royal clothes, handle state affairs, and block everything in the dark for His Majesty! "

"Do I mean that?"

After finally listening, Zhang Xin couldn't help but move slightly in his heart. He touched his chin with doubts in his eyes, and couldn't help showing a smile from the heart again on his face. He was too serious and tired, so he might as well take advantage of everything before it started. Steal half a day of floating life, accompanied by such a beautiful woman.

He couldn't help but look at Daji with a "strange" expression.

"Daji, do you really mean this?"

Daji had never seen "Your Majesty" so casually before, so she couldn't help but smile slyly, and opened her mouth.

"Your Majesty is obviously interested in people, and he is jealous of Jifa of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but he still refuses to admit it. Even Daji is going to be jealous; otherwise, why not let Daji go to court on behalf of His Majesty? Although Daji is a woman, she also wants to try it." Try the feeling of being king in the world, holding the power of life and death."

"Forget it, you get up and talk, since you have become the widow's woman, the widow will not really treat you like that, as long as you treat the widow with sincerity, the widow will live up to you, and tell me what is your request?"

Finally, Zhang Xin couldn't help but waved his hand.

Shang Qingjun also got up directly, and was not used to Zhang Xin's casualness for a while.

"Qing Jun only wants His Majesty's permission to let Qing Jun stay with His Majesty every night?"

Zhang Xin was taken aback, is this considered a request?
"Qing Jun only wants to give birth to a son and a half daughter for His Majesty, thinking that His Majesty will never doubt Qing Jun's heart again."

Zhang Xin's eyes flickered involuntarily.

"There are only two sons in the widow's life."

"Qingjun doesn't believe in fate."

But after finishing speaking, he couldn't help but realize the problem in the words of "Your Majesty".

"Besides, how does His Majesty know that he is destined to have only two sons, and that Sisters Jiang and Sister Huang in the palace conceived males? Considering the name of Xibo Hou Renyi, there are still 99 sons. How can His Majesty, the Great Shang Monarch, have only two sons."

Zhang Xin remained calm and revealed the secret again.

"The widow knows it. If you don't believe me, you can make a bet with the widow."

"If Lord Qing can conceive a son and a half for His Majesty..."

"The widow will make you queen in the future!"

Zhang Xin blurted out subconsciously.

The result was another night of debauchery, with two girls pushing at the same time!I was going to save some strength for Shang Qingjun, so that he could go to the court during the day, and then deal with the group of old foxes, and surprise the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, but he didn't expect him to have a beautiful body lying beside him, admiring the two people's licentiousness.

In the end, both Zhang Xin and Daji couldn't help but feel embarrassed, so they had to pull them together again!
So when he was in a rare good mood, he was licentious again in the middle of the night, and he was late for the court the next day. Licentiousness has no morals, the widow just wants to be licentious!And it's two girls pushing together!If you have the ability, go to Shang Rong.

But I don't want the old minister to hear that Zhong Gang left, and the news that Zhang Xin was promiscuous with two women in the palace spread out.

Of course, Zhang Xin did it on purpose and let Fei Zhong reveal it, so you all should be envious and jealous!If you don't see hope for you, how can you bump into it?There is also the Qi trainer who is explaining the teaching.

But the key point is that you are licentious, but you are late for court!

As a result, all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty could only wait in the hall with staring eyes, and they all knew that His Majesty spent almost the whole night in adultery last night, with the daughter of the Marquis of Jizhou and the daughter of the Minister of Commerce.

Uncle Wang's face was covered with clouds.

Shang Rong looked uncomfortable, since everyone knew that he had a daughter, he didn't want Shang Qingjun, the genius doctor in Chaoge City in the past, to be so lewd with His Majesty!
Qingshi Mei Bo also seemed to be brewing anger, Zhang Xin also remembered that he seemed to be chopped into meat paste by himself in the future!

But after seeing everything clearly, Zhang Xinzi no longer believed in the original, only believed in those who had never betrayed Chaoge or himself; he only kept them in his heart, why would he chop them into flesh in the future Sauce?I'm afraid it's not the same as what I understand.

Then there is Huang Feihu, the king of Zhenguo Wucheng, and Li Jing, the unlucky general soldier of Chen Tangguan, who is still left in Chaoge, and he has to follow him to the court. with.

He also knew in his heart that His Majesty was licentious last night...

Finally, it was almost noon, and the majesty came late.

The still black and solemn king's clothes, with gold thread piercing the border, pierced the black bird, the symbol of the Great Merchants, with a "crown" on the top of the head, and the eyes are still sharp and compelling.

But who is holding hands beside him?

Seeing the same black and solemn royal clothes, and the same "crown" on the head, everyone couldn't help but stare blankly.

It seems a little familiar...

Finally, Shang Rong was the first to realize that his eyes popped involuntarily, which almost caused a heart attack.

Everyone else couldn't help but froze in astonishment, unable to react at all.

Zhang Xin's sharp eyes flashed, this is what he wanted, shocked, right?surprise?Knowing that there are definitely people who can't help but be surprised, I am so absurd.

He flicked his sleeves violently, sat on the throne, and supported Shang Qingjun to sit on the side, completely ignoring everyone's stunned gazes.

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(End of this chapter)

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