From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 13 Alias ​​Zhang Xin

Chapter 13 Alias ​​Zhang Xin
At this time, there is no so-called dragon chair, even the royal family logo of Dashang is a black bird, and the dragon is just a reptile-like creature, and even the future Nezha can cramp and skin, and Qi practitioners who are detached from the world are also underestimated .

Then, before everyone could react, he spoke directly.

"From today onwards, the widow will go to build a palace for Empress Nuwa in person. All affairs in the court will be handled by Concubine Shang Aifei on behalf of the widow. You can all obey the orders of Concubine Shang Aifei."

"Your Majesty must not!"

As soon as the words fell, Shang Rong was the first to stand up.

"You Shang Rong! How dare you disobey the order of the widow, Prime Minister Fang! Take it down immediately! It will be dealt with by Concubine Shang later! If anyone dares to disobey the order of Concubine Shang, it will be evil!"

"Chen is here!"

With a loud shout, Gu Zhixie clasped his fists and came out.

Zhang Xin's eyes still flashed fiercely.

"Whoever dares to disobey Shang Aifei's orders, they will all be captured! Let Shang Aifei deal with it!"


Zhang Xin flicked his big sleeves, stood up from the throne, turned around and left without giving anyone a chance to stop him.As for Fang Xiang, if he really dared to take old man Shang down, Shang Qingjun would be able to kill him.

In an instant, the hall fell silent.

Evil eyes flashed fiercely, scanning the hall.

Shang Qingjun's beautiful eyes also seemed to become sharper, as if he could see through people's hearts, and he couldn't help but feel agitated. He never dreamed that he would one day sit on the throne of the great merchant.

But he couldn't help but a thought flashed through his mind, if it was Jifa of the Western Zhou Dynasty, would he be willing to entrust such power?Entrusting everything to himself in this way, and even bearing the infamy of a licentious king for himself?
The thought just passed by in a flash. You don't need to think about it. There is no way in the world that there will be another king who can trust a woman so much.But couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart.

At the same time, he clearly sensed the strange atmosphere in the hall, almost like a glow on his back!The feeling of being watched by everyone at the same time.

Uncle Wang's face was full of "clouds", but why didn't he stop it?Could it be that he just hoped that His Majesty would be so absurd and so lewd, that it would embarrass his father.

Almost everyone's face was ashen, but under the evil power of the ancients, no one dared to stand up. Even Huang Feihu, King of Zhen Guo Wucheng, could only turn black.

I don't want His Majesty to be so ridiculous!Let a harem sit on the court!

Zhang Xin also knew in his heart that he had no intention of intrigue with these people at all, he just needed to crush them directly, the widow wanted to kill you just a word!My real enemies are those Qi practitioners who are detached from the world.

It's just better to use Shang Qingjun, a strange woman who seems to have a very high IQ, should be enough to deal with all the old foxes, and even Xibohou Jichang can give her a surprise!On the other hand, I can spare more time to plan, and then wait for those Qi practitioners to come over.

It was also overnight that Zhang Xin suddenly thought that it seemed that Shang Qingjun was more suitable than himself to do these obvious things, and his IQ was enough to deal with all the old foxes. He was obviously credible, so he might as well give him his trust.

If he is willing to bear children for himself based on his personality, then what is so unbelievable?I also want to hide in the dark, and then wait to surprise the other party.

Don't you want to see the widow's licentiousness?The widow is now starting to show you the licentiousness!It's never been done before, let the harem go to court instead of the widows, and those Qi practitioners, surprise, right?
It is precisely because of this that, thinking of all the problems that Shang Qingjun may face, Zhang Xin accompanied him to become a "faint monarch", and couldn't bear to wake him up early in the morning, and then went to court.

Instead, he really slept with him until nearly noon, but he didn't know that Shang Qingjun had already woken up, and he just felt his majesty who was lewd and innocent on the surface, but in fact considerate, and couldn't help but feel his heart. move.

And there is the scheming future courtier Fei Zhong in the court, and the ancient evil Lai Wen and Wu to assist together, there is nothing to worry about, just let go and act as the agent of the great merchant monarch, as a harem!
Leaving all the stunned civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty behind and leaving it to Shang Qingjun to clean up, Zhang Xin went directly to Kong Xuan.

Since a separate residence has been set aside for him in the royal palace, and at the same time he sits in the Dashang Palace, he will only appear by Zhang Xin's side when Zhang Xin needs it.

Wen Zhong has been transferred away from the mountain, and everything has been arranged properly. There is an intelligent woman Shang Qingjun in the court to deal with it. Zhang Xin only feels relieved, or relaxed like never before.

At least for the time being, there should be nothing wrong, but even the original King Zhou himself is obviously not something the other party can deal with, otherwise there will be no future "Nu Wa Palace offering incense" to supplement.

"Your Majesty is indeed different."

Standing outside the southern city gate of Chaoge, still dressed in a black and solemn royal dress, with gold thread piercing the edge, piercing the black bird with the Dashang logo, and a crown on his head, it was Zhang Xin's deliberate act once again, which caused countless people to stand far away. Onlookers kneel and worship.

Look, that's His Majesty...

Countless quiet voices came, but Zhang Xin just pretended not to hear them.

"What about women? The Nuwa empress made humans, but women are not the same. Why can't they be the king of the Shang Dynasty? In addition, can you call me Di Xin directly, or Zhang Xin? I am going to give myself a pseudonym Zhang Xin, he will use the name Zhang Xin when he goes out in the future, and all of them will be handed over to Qingjun.

And I kept forgetting to ask my elder brother, regarding cultivation, is there any technique of transformation that can be cultivated?Otherwise, when going out in the future, it will be easily recognized by others, which is also inconvenient. "

After it was obvious that Kong Xuan's strength was close to the level of the leader, his eyes were always shining with confidence, as if looking down on all sentient beings, and he couldn't help standing side by side with Zhang Xin with his hands behind his back.

"The issue of titles has already been mentioned. Since Kong Xuan has sworn brothers with His Majesty, no matter how you call him, His Majesty is still Kong Xuan's brother. Does Your Majesty always call himself Chaotic?

As for the art of transformation, it is just a small way, but if His Majesty wants to practice it, with His Majesty's aptitude, it will be very fast. If you change your appearance, it is indeed convenient. "

Zhang Xin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, it was impossible that he didn't have the technique of transformation, so in the eyes of the qi practitioners and monsters of this period, the technique of transformation was nothing but a small way, but the small way also had its moments of great achievements!

"That would be great! After my brother and I leave Chaoge, I will change my appearance and call myself Zhang Xin. How can I cultivate?"

Kong Xuan couldn't help smiling proudly again, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Kong Xuan has taught His Majesty the way of cultivation, and he can help His Majesty again. I will find my own way when I return to the palace brother!"

In an instant, Zhang Xin's heart was moved, and the five-color divine light!It must be the five-color divine light!
"Okay! It's just that today I want to fulfill my original oath. Now that I have become the king of the Great Shang Dynasty, I will start to work as a king and build a palace for Empress Nuwa;
Walk!Brother, and together with the widow. "

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(End of this chapter)

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