From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 167 Yun neutron takes the blame again, this Xibohou is really thick-skinned

Chapter 167 Yun neutron takes the blame again, this Xibohou is really thick-skinned
Chaoge suddenly came to decree, pardoning the crime of Xibohou Jichang, and went to Chaoge to wait for the seal.

A large group of people, carrying the Luanjia, went straight into the hall of saints to announce the decree.

'Could it be true this time? '

Even though Ji Chang's forbearance and calmness, even if he no longer believes in letting him go back to Xiqi in advance, seeing Luanjia coming and finally being able to leave Yuli, he still couldn't help being faintly excited.

He has a shiny bald head that has just been shaved, a fat head with big ears, a face full of oil, lips that seem to be painted vermilion, and breasts that are exposed.

The well-dressed attire again seemed to indicate that he might really have to leave Yuli this time.

So even if I don't believe it in my heart, I firmly believe that Fuxi's gossip will not be wrong, and at the same time hope that the Fuxi's gossip will be wrong; because only if there is a mistake, the glimmer of hope in my heart can come true.

At the same time, it also explains another problem, if Fuxi's gossip is wrong, then there must be another conspiracy of Qi practitioners from heaven and earth, just like the so-called Baizi who came to Chaoge.

'Could it be another neutron plot by the cult's elucidation and teaching?First let me go back to Xiqi, Ji Chang, and then let me continue to suffer all the way, and then have a hundred and one sons with Ji Chang? '

Being carried up to the Luanjia by eight giant men, Ji Chang's face was greasy and pained.

But he couldn't escape physically even if he wanted to, and he couldn't even walk, but he could only be carried into the Luanjia by eight giant men before he could leave Yuli.

Sitting on the Luanjia, it is a Luanjia that is open on all sides, and you can have a panoramic view of the front, back, left, and right.

Then there were 16 people, and they lifted it up together, and finally came out of the Saint Hall for the first time after nearly four years, and they couldn't help but feel a little dazed and excited.

'If he can really return to Xiqi, even though he conspired for the Qi trainer, he still has to thank the Qi trainer, but he is afraid that he will be played again. '

Because of the inconvenience of physical movement, since he almost entered the house, he never went out again.

There is no acquaintance around me, but I feel weird.

'When I was released from the prison, why didn't Youhun come and laugh at me? '

When I got out of the saint hall in the city, I saw that the people of the city were already crowded on the wide avenue, the city was full of old and young, leading sheep and carrying wine.

'Could it be that you came to see me, Ji Chang, having fun?When I, Ji Chang, didn't know, this entire city was arranged by you, Youhun;

Come whenever you come, why are you still leading the sheep?Could Gu still eat that sheep raw?Or take those sheep away? '

Ji Chang remained calm, and the 16 people just stopped when they drove out of the Hall of Saints, and Ji Chang couldn't help but move in his heart for an instant.

'Stop, someone must be coming out. '

Just as the thought came to an end, an old man suddenly rushed out of the crowd, knelt down on his knees, and spoke loudly.

"Thousands of years, today the dragon meets the clouds, the phoenix falls on the plane tree, the tiger climbs the mountain, and the crane perches on the pines and cypresses.

For seven years, Qiantui has taught me how to caress the characters, everyone knows loyalty and filial piety, all women know chastity, and the behavior is vulgar and beautiful. Residents, big or small, regardless of men and women, are all grateful to Qiantose for his kindness.Don't look good today, and don't get rain and dew again. "

The whole city was quiet, and when the voice fell, everyone was crying at the same time in an instant. Ji Chang, who was on the Luanjia, had been prepared for a long time, but he still couldn't help being stupefied when he heard it.

'Chitose?When did I, Ji Chang, get this title?For seven years, I have taught you how to caress words, how come seven years?Gu Lian has never been out of the hall of saints, but only eats and drinks every day. How have you ever seen who you are waiting for?Also taught Fuzi...

Forget it, since you, You Hun, insist on coming alone, so I will accompany you once. '

So Luan drove up but just stayed there, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I have been imprisoned for seven years, and I have no size or kindness to share with you people, and I am troubled by wine and ceremonies. I only hope that you will live up to what I have always taught. Naturally, everything will be fine, and you will enjoy the blessings of great business and peace. "

As a result, the loud voice fell, and instead it was the turn of Yuli City, all the people in the city, young and old, couldn't help being stunned.

'Seven years is seven years, anyway, it is the difficulty of seven years, since you have been taught by me, Ji Chang, but I hope you will live up to what I have always taught. '

In an instant, all the people in the city stopped crying, and they were all startled by Ji Chang's words, and were dumbfounded, "This Xibohou is really thick-skinned and shameless enough." '

Since You Hun had made arrangements to play tricks on Ji Chang on purpose, Di Xin hadn't thought about it yet, and Fei Zhong hadn't the same tune.

The 16-person Luanjia was also arranged by You Hun. Seeing that the performance was over, he also hurriedly carried Ji Chang out of Yanli.

Chaoge outside the Meridian Gate at the same time.

The civil and military officials of the Great Shang Manchu Dynasty, and the people of the Manchu Dynasty gathered together again, and finally waited for Xibo Hou Jichang to be pardoned, and it was said that he would be crowned a boasting official for three days.

The news had already spread, and it was a sensation in Chaoge in an instant.

In the past, there was no huge square outside the Meridian Gate, and the people of Chaoge could not even line up if they wanted to watch the excitement, but now it is obviously different. Almost all the people in the city, old and young, are already lining up to greet each other, and the huge square of the Meridian Gate is full of people. .

It can be said that it will be half a year, and almost everyone is looking forward to it, only Di Xin is not in a hurry.

And I know that only by waiting a long time can I give the explanation a big enough surprise. Of course, I have not been idle for half a year, and even no one is in Chaoge at all.

So when everything was ready, and as soon as he returned to Chaoge, he immediately released Xibohou, and it was time to surprise everyone.

Chaoge outside the Meridian Gate.

Still the Seven Kings of Chaoge, Wang Shubigan, Weizi, Jizi, Weiziqi, Weiziyan, Boyi Shuqi, the seven are still inseparable; Uncle Bi dry the back of his ass, no matter where it goes.

But for Xibohou's release, the six of them didn't have much feeling, but just watched the boss Wang Shu Bigan take the initiative to welcome Xibohou once again, and it turned out that he left him at his own convenience and saw the experience from watching the play, and all of them If he reacted, would there be any unexpected surprises?
Huang Feihu, Su Quanzhong and the others were all killed because of Jiaoge Yangren's misfortune, and they were also saddened by the death of a rabbit. They were terrified for half a year, but they waited for Xibo Hou Jichang to be released, and then prepared to go to Xiqi.

So seeing the news of the sudden decree of pardoning Xibohou's crimes on this day, all the people couldn't help being excited, but sincerely came to welcome Xibohou.

He has even made up his mind, but as long as Di Xin pardons Xibohou's crimes, what praise is there for him?Taking the opportunity to escape quickly, Fei Huzi quickly defected to Xiqi.

So the civil and military officials obviously lacked Jiao Ge Yang Ren, and they wanted to surprise the two of them, but they didn't want them to die so unluckily.

You Hun was also among the hundred officials, but without Jiang Ziya, it was rumored that he had resigned from office and went to live in seclusion, but no one thought much about it.



There was a sea of ​​people waiting outside the Chaoge Meridian Gate, civil and military officials, and there was a lot of clamor, and the senior doctor You Hun couldn't help laughing happily.

And beside him are the Seven Kings of Chaoge, Huang Feihu and other civil and military officials.

Seeing the happy smile, everyone couldn't help but look at him strangely.

"How could Youhun be so happy when Xibohou was released?" '

But only Uncle Wang Bigan, his hands hidden in his big sleeves were so excited that he couldn't help trembling, the corners of his mouth twitched, twitched, and twitched again, and his eyes lit up.

The old brothers Weizi and Jizi also felt weird, especially the weirdness of the villain Youxiao, which made them both think deeply.

Both Boyi and Shuqi were staring at Uncle Wang Bigan's face, and looking at his expression, they just happened to see the twitching corner of his mouth, could it be any weird?
Finally, after waiting for a long time, because of the momentary silence at the gate of the city, it triggered the effect of the entire Chaoge.

The gate of the city fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, the countless Chaoge people who greeted each other along the road were also silent for a moment.

Then a strange silence came straight to Chaoge Meridian Gate.

In an instant, the entire huge square outside the Meridian Gate was also eerily quiet, but only the sound of countless breathing remained.

'what happened? '

'Then Xibohou is here? '

The eerie silence made everyone subconsciously stretch their heads to look at the distance of the avenue.

The hands in Wang Shubigan's big sleeves couldn't help shaking again with excitement, but he only closed his eyes slightly, but he didn't notice Boyi Shuqi's two wonderful brothers, who were looking at his face strangely.



In the eerie silence of the crowds outside the Chaoge Meridian Gate, the doctor, You Hun, suddenly laughed happily again.

At the same time, a team in the distance of the road finally loomed.

But what followed was coming from a distance, the collective petrification of everyone, and an even more eerie silence.

Then, as if the Xibohou had performed some Taoism, all the people who saw him froze in an instant, and remained motionless on the spot.


(End of this chapter)

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