From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 168 Hope You, Ji Fa, Don’t Get Too Excited When Seeing You

Chapter 168 Hope You, Ji Fa, Don’t Get Too Excited When Seeing You (Part 4)
As the 16 people drove all the way from the road, all the Chaoge people who came to meet each other also turned one-sidedly towards the Meridian Gate, and the figures froze in pieces, in an extremely strange silence.

But when the 16 people came up, a huge figure with a shiny bald head, fat head and big ears, a shiny face, thick lips were also red, and a look of suffering.

'Who is that? '

Everyone's thinking froze instantly.

'Shouldn't it be Lord Xibo who came? '

Outside Chaoge Meridian Gate, You Hun was still laughing happily.



Finally, the 16 people Luanjia also appeared in the field of vision outside the Meridian Gate.

Huang Feihu, who was extremely excited and looking forward to seeing the figure on Yuanluan's car, couldn't help being startled.

'Who is that? '

And also the body froze instantly, eyes widened, shocked and unbelievable, there are people who look like that?Could it be the person in the cult?
My mind was instantly blurred, my thinking was confused, and my eyes were straight.

However, when seeing a person whose appearance is different from ordinary people, the first thing that comes to mind is Nezha, the disciple of Chanjiao, whose face is like powder, and lips are like vermilion.

Could it be that such a weird appearance is exactly the style of the person in the cult?

The younger brother Su Quanzhong beside him also stared wide-eyed and opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded and shocked.

Beside him, Chong Yingbiao, the son of Beibohou, who seems to have been forgotten long ago, couldn't help but slanted his mouth, grinned again and again, and his eyes were full of inexplicable excitement. That ghostly look.

It's a pity that Jiao Ge Yang Ren died unluckily, otherwise I don't know what kind of surprise it will be.

The two brothers Boyi and Shuqi saw it clearly, and they were also dumbfounded for an instant.

'Uh! '

'Who is that?Why such a weird image? '

The two brothers are worthy of the great sages of the ancient times, and they can still think normally.

Uncle Weizi and Jizi saw it clearly, as if they were struck by lightning in the same instant, their bodies froze, their faces froze, their eyes froze, and their thinking also froze.

All the officials, civil and military, couldn't help being shocked, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that someone could look like this?Who is it?

Finally, 16 people stopped in front of Chaoge Meridian Gate Square, facing Chaoge civil and military officials, and Chaoge Wanmin on the square.

Where to go, where to stop, it is not for Ji Chang to decide.

The 16 people stopped him, obviously to make him talk, and if he didn't speak a few words, it was impossible for the 16 people to carry him away.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, not to mention that he is worthy of the name of Xibo Hou Jichang. Back then, how could the world not be shocked that a man had four breasts?
Isn't it a symbol of his saint image now?

So seeing everyone's shock, but only with pained expressions on their faces, they looked at Uncle Wang Bigan, who had an excited expression on his face, at least he knew his identity earlier.

And the loud voice had to speak.

"Officer Ji Chang, I haven't seen all the lords for a few years, once His Majesty He Meng grants an amnesty today, it's all the blessings of the lords, so that we can see the light of day again."

'Hi Bohou? '

The loud voice fell, and everyone was struck by lightning again in an instant, and once again they collectively froze and petrified, dumbfounded.

'Is that Xibohou? '

Huang Feihu almost popped his eyes out of their sockets.

Su Quanzhong also had an incomparably weird expression on his face, and he couldn't believe it.

'The monster is Xibohou? '


You Hun still laughed discordantly, and of course he took the initiative to take the blame for Di Xin, but this is due to me, You Hun!Are you shocked?surprise?
'Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! '

You Hun almost couldn't help laughing up to the sky, but he still had to hold back, and then continued hehehehe.

The old brothers Weizi and Jizi were also stunned when they heard this, they were speechless in shock and disbelief.

'This is Xibo Hou Jichang?Why haven't you seen him for so many years, and turned into such a monster? '

Finally, it was the turn of Boyi and Shuqi brothers to be shocked. After hearing this, the two of them couldn't help being dumbfounded, and even thought instantly, "Your Majesty's method is really unexpected!" ! ! '

The 16-person Luan drove Ji Chang couldn't help but look pained, he really didn't care about his image in his heart, if he cared, he would have committed suicide long ago because of his four breasts, his toughness of mind is beyond comparison to ordinary people.

Finally, the loud voice fell, and the crowds outside the Meridian Gate, civil and military officials, were all stunned, and 16 people let one of them go, carried him and turned around and entered the Meridian Gate.

But leaving the eyeballs all over the place outside the afternoon door, everyone couldn't help being shocked and weird to the point where they couldn't recover.

'Is that Xibohou? '

'Then Xibohou has become like that? '

'That You smiled so happily, could it be that he did it secretly? '

"With such a means, I'm afraid that even Na Youhun can't do it..."

'Could it be another cloud neutron conspiracy under the teaching of the cult?Just like when Si Tiantai wrote a poem back then, he intentionally turned Na Xibohou into a monster, and then blamed the great merchant monarch, in order to disturb the world? '

The 16 people drove away on the huge figure of Xibo Hou Jichang.

Immediately afterwards, various discussions about the crowds of people in the square outside the Meridian Gate spread.

And even Wang Shu Bigan, Boyi Shuqi, Huang Feihu and others couldn't help thinking of it when they heard about it.

'Turning that Xibohou into such an appearance, and that Di Xin is not a faint king, when he turned Xibohou into a monster, wouldn't he also add the name of Xibohou to himself?
It didn't benefit Na Di Xin at all, and such a method, such a weird image, could it be the usual conspiracy method used by the cult to explain and teach? '

Referring to Nezha's appearance before and after, it turns out that Wang Shu Bigan and Boyi Shuqi also became suspicious.

The appearance of Nezha under the explanation is definitely not made by His Majesty, his face is like powder, and his lips are like vermilion. Isn't the image of Xibohou at this time also like that Nezha?Is the image you like for that cult's elucidation and teaching?
And everyone didn't know that under the Western Tongguan, there was also Nezha No. [-] waiting for Xibohou to recognize his father. Di Xin couldn't help but look forward to it, and hoped that both father and son would not be too surprised.

This big business is still the world of few people. If you teach and train one, you will get one.

Xiqi sage?I hope you, Ji Fa, will not be too excited when you see it, and you will not be too surprised in the future with your teaching and training.

But what Ji Chang didn't expect was that he was carried into the Meridian Gate by 16 people and then into the Nine Halls.

The one who waited was not to meet the long-lost emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin, but to receive an edict from the female official.

"Added Xibo Hou Jichang as the King of Wen in Xiqi, specialize in conquest, gave Baiyan and Huang Yue, and sat in Xiqi. Every month, he added [-] shi, two civil servants, and two military generals. After three days of boasting the officials, he sent Qing Rong back. "

It almost made him unbelievable, that Di Xin really wanted to let him go?

As a result, he was carried out of the Meridian Gate in a trance and he couldn't believe it. There was no banquet that should have been given, and he should go back to you Xiqi earlier to surprise you with all the civil and military people in Xiqi.

However, boasting officials also have to boast, and tell the people of Dashang Chaoge to take a good look at you, the sage of Xiqi.

So 16 people, Luanjia, carried him out of the Meridian Gate, and put him on the high platform outside the Meridian Gate. It was the high platform where Nezha performed the big show of removing bones and cutting flesh to return his parents.

In an instant, there was an eerie silence among the crowds outside the Meridian Gate. At the same time, one person announced the decree that Huang Feihu, King Wucheng of Zhenguo, was in charge of preparing him as King Wen Xibohou for three days, and then sent him back to Xiqi with honor.

What no one knew was that Emperor Xin of the Great Shang, Queen of the Great Shang Shang Qingjun, and the concubine Daji, who was also favored by Emperor Xin, were all standing in the crowd outside the Meridian Gate.


(End of this chapter)

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