Chapter 196
Di Xin also knew clearly that the Qi trainers of the five qi dynasty and Yuan level did not show up in person, but intervened in the king's affairs in the world.

The so-called King Wu's defeat of Zhou and the battle between Shang and Zhou were just shouting slogans first, and the Tang and Tang would be destroyed together, and the Zhou family should be prosperous. avatar.

Even the explanation and teaching can still hold their breath, but if they haven't really fully participated in it, they themselves have to hold their breath.

But he only knew where his disciples were about to appear, but he still couldn't help but shoot an arrow. Anyway, there was cause and effect, and it was useless to shoot.

The days of King Wu's conquest of Zhou have not yet begun. Could it be that you can teach Na Jifa first, and find the widows, the great merchant generals, and the widows?Then there is no need for King Wu to defeat Zhou.

So Di Xin was also waiting, waiting for the appearance of Qi trainers with three flowers gathering at the top and Wuqi Chaoyuan level, and also wanted to test how far his strength had reached.

But at the same time as practicing qi and improving every day, Kong Xuan finally spent several years refining one sword, or five swords; one can be divided into five, and they can be combined into one , It is refined with its own five-color divine light, which is in harmony with the five elements of heaven and earth.

It can be said that within the five elements of heaven and earth, it can be said that it is completely invincible, and Di Xin couldn't help being excited, wanting to try the power of the five elements sword; Gathering at the top, Qi practitioners of the Five Qi Chaoyuan level were pleasantly surprised.

But the current Nezha Huang Tianhua and his like are not qualified for Di Xin's sword at all. They only need the same arrows refined by Kong Xuan to break through their bodies one by one, and then penetrate their brains one by one.

By the way, you can also goug out the eyes of Queen Jiang of the Great Merchant, and then send them to Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Qingfeng Mountain. Let’s see if you all use the elixir in the gourd to give birth to the same eyes .


Inside Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain.

Looking at Nezha, who is kneeling and begging in front of him, with black hair and black beard, like a black Li Kui, but with a red mole on the center of his brow, the pure and moral gentleman, he couldn't help being speechless again.

At the same time, like Yun Zhongzi, he couldn't help being shocked and surprised by Nezha's attire. His face is like powder, his lips are like vermilion, that weird big red bellyband, and red trousers.

'Could it be that Daoist Taiyi has enmity with your Lingzhu?Is it like this with your lotus incarnation, or do you also have that special habit?
I don't want that Great Shang Monarch to be so brooding about the Queen's eyes being gouged out.

I think that Yang Rendang was also done secretly by the great merchant monarch, and then there was my disciple Huang Tianhua, and today it is your turn, Nezha, but I don't know who will be next? '

As a result, his eyes were fixed on Nezha's closed eye holes, and his eyes flickered for a while, and he couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have given Yang Ren those eyes in the first place.

But when I think about it again, I really don't care because of his purity and morality, "Even the vision of the elder brother Nanji Xianweng doesn't care about a brick on his forehead. You can't wait for a pair of eyes, it's better than being blind forever." be strong;

What's more, your master Taiyi Daoist, since he has the same appearance as your lotus incarnation, he will not care about the pair of eyes that Pindao gave you;
But the poor know that your master Taiyi Daoist has been preparing for many years for your lotus incarnation, even if he goes back now, he can't re-incarnate with you just because his eyes were gouged out.

Since you are asking for it yourself, I will give you another pair of eyes. '

So his eyes flickered for a moment, and he spoke directly and calmly.

"Since you are asking for help from Pindao, seeing that you are a junior under the same teaching, it is not easy for Pindao to refuse; but I want to tell you first that it may be a little strange that Pindao can give you eyes, but I don't know what to do. You may accept?"

"Thank you Master Qingxu, as long as I can let the disciple see again, the disciple can accept any kind of eyes!"

Nezha thought about it in a hurry but didn't want to kowtow.

"That's good! Come here!"

Nezha obediently walked forward on his knees.

Qingxu Daodezhen poured two pills from the gourd again, then took a breath and stuffed them into the two eye holes.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of his face like Fu Fen's face, and suddenly two children's arms grew out, like two big dicks. eyes out.

Qingxu Daodezhenjun just looked at him calmly and his eyes grew again.

As a result, Nezha's body instantly froze like Huang Tianhua's before, and remained motionless for a long time.

After a long time, he still remained motionless, obviously unable to accept the look of his eyes at all.

Then, after a long, long, long time, he stepped out of Qingfeng Mountain on a hot wheel, and returned to Qianyuan Mountain as quickly as a flash of fire.

Who dares to say ugly?Isn't it uglier than your eyes with a brick on the forehead of the big brother Nanji Xianweng?It's not the same, is it my senior brother?
But Di Xin didn't know that the actions of people from a cult could not be guessed by ordinary people.

As a result, in the Han Rong Mansion of Sishuiguan, Yu Hua, who was under the tutelage of Wen Zhong's nephew, also learned from the painful experience, first of all, he was very grateful to Di Xin for saving his life.

Because it was indeed Di Xin who saved his life, and at the same time, he felt a great shame and humiliation. Nezha, who was wearing a bellyband, not a son of man, not as good as an animal, rebellious and murdered his father, almost died under the surprise attack of a magic weapon.

If it is said that they will go out, not only will the rest lose face, but at the same time they will lose the face of the master, the face of the ancestor, and the face of the teacher.

So without further ado, he said that he would go back to the master to ask for a magic weapon, and the next time he saw Nezha, he would be beheaded by the knife, and then he left without saying a word.

In the end, Di Xin couldn't help but be determined. From now on, he only needs to keep it with him at all times. With his own Five Elements Sword, and the other blood-transforming magic sword in secret at any time, no one in this world can do without it. war!
Conspiracy widowed?Those widows dare to plot you Yuanshi Tianzun into a bare rod.

Di Xin simply waited at Sishuiguan, waiting for Yu Hua to return with the blood-melting magic knife and the butcher and training qishi BOSS magic weapon.

On the other side, Huang Feihu, who was being escorted to Xiqi, felt uncomfortable.

Huang Gun is still 'fainted', so don't worry about it, the big deal is that in the future, Xiqi will take care of the elderly. In his own capacity, can Xibohou reject his Huangmen family?
Huang Feihu also only wanted to run for his life all the way, but he didn't know that Beibohou was dead, and Xibohou, whom he had promised to join, was also dead.

And there is also an old acquaintance, but I don't know what kind of surprise it will be after seeing it.

Right now, he is already extremely uncomfortable. It can be said that he betrayed the big businessman and voted for Xiqi, but what's the matter with you, Han Rong, sending troops to escort him?So how would Xibohou think of himself, Huang Feihu?

Since you betrayed Da Shang, why did you send troops to escort Han Rong from Sishui Pass?Still unharmed?

What's even more weird is that all of them were washed and changed into brand new armor and robes, which was still inexplicable at the time.

However, after being escorted out of customs and escorted all the way to Xiqi, the second brother and four friends who were not too slow to react finally also reacted, then Han Rong was so sinister!So what should I do?

In the end, he went all the way to Xiqi, but he could only make eye contact with extreme discomfort. If he was to be escorted to Xiqi, how could he take refuge?How will we gain a foothold in Xiqi in the future?

 The third change is to ask for votes on Monday.I am currently saving manuscripts, and I will go to Shanghai for a follow-up visit at the end of the month. If there is no abnormality in my condition, I should be able to stay up properly when I come back.

(End of this chapter)

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