From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 197 Your Emperor Xin Really Sent Huang Feihu to Gu, Huang Feihu

Chapter 197 Your Emperor Xin Really Sent Huang Feihu to Gu, Huang Feihu


Regarding what happened to Dashang Chaoge, even if there is an insider in the dark, there are five barriers, but they can't know it immediately. Instead, what happened in Xiqi can go all the way to Chaoge.

Qishan is only a hundred miles away from Sishui Pass, and Xiqi City is just beyond the natural barrier of Qishan.

In Xiqi City, it was a real change of master on this day.

No one expected that Xibohou, the sage of Xiqi who was about to rejuvenate the Zhou Dynasty, would pass away suddenly.

But at the age of 97, it is not unusual for ordinary people to die suddenly.

The only thing is Xiqi's four sages and eight horses, which can be said to be heavyweights. The horrified scene of Ji Chang before his death seems to be engraved in everyone's soul.

As a result, I had a night of nightmares, and another night of nightmares, whether it was the Four Worthies and Eight Horses, or Wu Wang Jifa, except for Jiang Ziya.

San Yisheng didn't have any nightmares that night, but Yu Fuchu felt like dying all night, so when he got up early, he became like Zeng Nangong, with two dark circles under his eyes, walking step by step.

The key is to know that Baiyue is the person of King Wu, so in the end, he can only look at Nangong Shi with great resentment, "Could it be that I offended the second son at the beginning?" '

But fortunately, not only one person had dark circles, the Four Worthies and Eight Horsemen, including Ji Fa, also had dark circles under their eyes, but as long as they fell asleep, the horrifying scene would appear in their dreams.

I have to say that when Ji Chang died, all the people present were frightened, so it was almost meaningless. I also asked Jiang Ziya, the only Qi trainer in Xiqi, how to break such a nightmare?
Jiang Ziya also saw it at the time, and he was also puzzled, "Is it because he died with resentment and resentment?" '

And I don't know that Yi Xibohou's city mansion forbears scheming, and in the end he just held his breath. If you don't let Gu die, Gu will make you wait for nightmares every day.

As a result, no one knew that when the funeral was held the next day, Ji Chang had already been turned into ashes, and the Four Worthies and Eight Juns San Yisheng could clearly feel that the 'Nightmare' had broken.

Then Jiang Ziya was even more amazed, "It's just that Ji Chang's body was left on purpose, but how many people's nightmares have really been broken?"If I had known it earlier, I would not have come up with an idea to incinerate Na Jichang's body. '

But I don't know that the white-haired and white-bearded old man who is hiding in secret and leaning on crutches has always been there, and it is what he did secretly that made the heavyweights of Xiqi seem to be trapped in a nightmare.

But I didn't want to find an extremely surprising scene. Among the four sages and eight horses, including Na San Yisheng and Wu Wang Ji Fa, all of them had affairs with Xiqi's harem, and then took advantage of the opportunity of incineration to win Ji Fa silently. Chang's body.

Since it was a level that Di Xin had never thought of, the three transcendental religions, or the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth religions,
Because Nawa Imperial Palace, Huoyun Palace, Yaochi Lake and Heavenly Court, where the same Taoist temple exists, can also be said to be a great power, or a great religion.

It's like the religion above the great Shang dynasty, if you choose the human agency dynasty, you will not choose the hero with great talent and boldness, because the more heroic the ruler, the harder it is to control.

And those who are too mediocre will also not be chosen, because you can't support them at all, just like that Donglu Jiang Wenhuan, but Xiqi is the most suitable choice.

Because it is chaotic enough, but also enough to bear, there are 99 sons, a huge palace, and the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, and there is also a certain foundation. There is also Zhou Gongdan.

However, as long as there is a great religion between heaven and earth to support it with all its strength, it can subvert the world, and the days are numbered in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

And soon Jiang Ziya also thought of a question that he had never thought of before, "I got married at the age of 72. Although I looked old, but because of my qi training, my body was not in the prime of life. It was very difficult to have a son and a half daughter." Difficult, years without success.

Xibo Hou Jichang hadn't practiced qi yet, and his body withered prematurely, which was far behind his own. How did he give birth to 70 children at his normal age, 99 years old?And those thousands of princesses? '

Since Ji Chang said "my son is young" before he died, he finally reminded Jiang Ziya of a problem that he had never cared about.

So this day, looking at King Wu Jifa who was kneeling respectfully and telling the truth, Jiang Ziya couldn't help being confused for a moment, "This Xiqi is really messy enough, and he deserves to be selected by the cult. '

He couldn't help but his eyes flickered, staring at Ji Fa whose body was trembling with excitement, he couldn't help but speak.

"May the king let Ziya take a look?"

"Father Xiang is an expert in Kunlun Mountains, please save Gu, I don't know who is secretly doing this to Gu!"

The eunuchs waiting around have already retreated, so I don't have to worry about anything.

So Wen Ting Ji Fa immediately lay down on the phoenix couch, and then exposed her bare lower body.

Jiang Ziya stared at it and couldn't help but ponder for a long time before thinking about opening his mouth.

"And no matter who is behind the murderous attack on His Majesty, there are only two methods for Ziya to grow back for His Majesty. Let's talk about Ziya, Your Majesty can decide for himself which method he wants to use."

"Father, please speak frankly."

"Hey! This method is to reap the benefits, but if you do this to others again, it will hurt the peace of heaven;
Another rule is that Ziya has a brother in that Qingfeng mountain, and I heard that he made a elixir, as long as he is urged by the five qi in his chest, and placed in the original place, new limbs can grow, no matter if it is missing eyes, ears, hands and nose, Can grow back.I don't know which method the king wants to choose? "

"Although there is someone to choose Gu, but since Xiangfu said that it hurts the peace of heaven, I will ask Xiangfu to ask the fairy elder for a pill. From now on, I will be like a reborn parent. If you come to Xiqi, The lonely will be greeted personally."

Di Xin didn't know, and Huang Feihu, who was being escorted to Xiqi, didn't know either.

A moment later, it was still Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain, Qingxu Daodezhenjun couldn't help being speechless again.

It can be said that it is fine to have both eyes gouged out, but Ji Fa, the king of Xiqi Wu, has lost his private parts, and he was murdered a few years ago, and it must have been the work of the great merchant monarch.

But I didn't care who did it, but just looked deeply at Jiang Ziya and confessed.

"Junior Brother Ziya needs to inform King Qiwu of Naxi in advance that although my elixir can make it grow back, there may be some abnormalities. I hope Junior Brother Ziya can be prepared."

Then he poured out a elixir from the gourd, took a breath, and handed it to Jiang Ziya.

Then Jiang Ziya drove down to Qingfeng Mountain without moving his expression, and returned to Xiqi, not wanting to meet Gui Zhou, and was escorted to Xiqi by Huang Gun and Huang Feihu's family.

Huang Feihu couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At the same time, the news was reported to the Xiqi Palace in an instant. Hearing that Huang Feihu, the Great Shang Zhenguo Wucheng King, betrayed the Great Shang and returned to Zhou Dynasty, he was escorted to Xiqi. Ji Fa, who was waiting excitedly in the palace, couldn't help but look extremely It's weird.

"You Dixin really sent Gu! '

But at the same time, Yi Jiang, who had just entered the palace and became Queen Wu, also received the news, and she couldn't help but froze for an instant, followed by gnashing of teeth.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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