Chapter 214

Sishui Pass on the other side.

Nezha and Nan Gongshi, who were the first officials of King Wu to defeat Zhou, soon followed Jiang Ziya and led the troops into the pass.

But only seeing the ice sculptures in the city of Sishuiguan, the feeling is different.

Nezha was originally the reincarnation of the Lingzhu. Even after more than ten years, he has learned some right and wrong, but he still has no humanity at all.

It can be said that at the beginning, he could kill Ao Bing and the two girls under Empress Shiji's seat without any feeling. Now, seeing the ice sculptures all over the city, he also has no feeling at all.

But regardless of the women, children and children, I was only surprised at the power of Jiang Ziya's method, which could freeze all 50 people in the city into ice sculptures overnight!Even those who hid in the house were not spared.

And couldn't help but stepped on the Hot Wheels, his eyes were shining, and he couldn't help looking around curiously, but there was still life left?

With a height of over [-] meters, seeing the ice sculpture of a child blocking the way, he shot it into pieces of ice.

The ice sculpture of women and children in a running posture was also shattered in circles.

Nangong Shi, who was short and thick behind him, was equally astonished in his heart, but at the same time, he didn't expect that the technique of practicing Qi was so powerful that he could freeze tens of thousands of people into ice sculptures overnight.

While being extremely shocked, he couldn't help but really realize for the first time the horror of the evil coach's spirit, who treats human life like nothing.

Although he also didn't feel anything, he couldn't help but be shocked by the handwriting of the Antarctic fairy with a stone on his forehead, and he knew in his heart that it wasn't Jiang Ziya who cast a spell.

But it was also a life of burning, killing and looting, and countless women, children and children were killed, so I didn't feel any feeling at all, but I was only shocked by the handwriting of the Antarctic fairy under the cult.

Soon, a steady stream of soldiers from the Western Zhou Dynasty poured into Sishui Pass, and they all started to clean up the ice sculptures in the pass while being extremely shocked.

However, Nangong Shi Nezha couldn't help being shocked by the mountain of corpses that 50 corpses could pile up.

Finally, Nangong Shi couldn't help but feel a little weird.

It can be said that the front convenience is the border gate of the Dashang Dynasty, but it is tens of miles away, and it is the Dashang Christmas Day, so how could there be no movement?And the military and civilian exchanges between the two customs?Could it be that they were all frozen into ice sculptures?

As for the bodies of Lu Xiong, the veteran guard of the Sishui Gate that Jiang Ziya knew, and Fei Zhongyouhun, they were ordered by Jiang Ziya to be left alone, and even Nezha Nangongshi dared not say anything.

At the same time, Jiang Ziya knew better that the stormy revenge of the Great Shang Dynasty would definitely come soon!Eldest brother, you still don't know the Great Shang Monarch, do you really think that you can get the Great Shang Sishuiguan by doing so?

But only Jiang Ziya knew in his heart that the Great Shang monarch was just waiting, and he should be waiting for all the 20 soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty to enter the pass.

And Di Xin really thought so, the time given to you is to wait for all your 20 soldiers and horses to enter the customs, if you don’t kill all of your 20 people from the Western Zhou Dynasty, how can you comfort my 50 dead souls of the Great Merchant!
There was no personal conquest by the imperial chariot, no deployment of the three armies, but only the silent mobilization of soldiers and horses. With the four western passes of Lintong Pass, Tong Pass, Chuanyun Pass and Jiepai Pass, a total of 50 soldiers and horses were dispatched.

But just as the 20 Western Zhou soldiers and horses at Sishui Pass carried the ice sculpture corpses for a day and slept soundly at night, the 50 soldiers and horses of the Western Siguan Great Shang Dynasty also gathered quietly in Jiepai Pass dozens of miles away.

At the same time, Qinglong Pass in the northwest and Jiameng Pass in the southwest also dispatched [-] soldiers and horses each, and rushed to the outside of Sishui Pass quietly at night.

Di Xin also thought of various possibilities. If the 20 soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty were killed by the same method as the Qi trainers, then those high-level Qi trainers under the interception would not easily come down to help.

And it is also possible to kill the royal family of the Western Zhou Dynasty overnight, but not to mention that the Chanjiao can definitely revive Na Jifa, even with the shamelessness in the original trajectory of the Chanjiao leader Yuanshi Tianzun, he will definitely dare to make himself overnight. Become a light rod.

It is obvious that since Jiang Ziya's hand in explaining education dared to regard human life as worthless, no matter if it was the frozen Qishan Mountain in the original trajectory, tens of thousands of people were also frozen to death overnight, and the real data would never be more than tens of thousands.

This time, at the frozen Sishui Pass, 50 mortal lives were killed in one night. The cause and effect were not something others dared to bear under the guidance, but Jiang Ziya had to borrow it.

Then with Jiang Ziya's wisdom, especially after being influenced by himself, he will soon realize that after being used once, he will never be used again.

And once again cast spells on ordinary soldiers and horses of the Great Shang Dynasty, even if they really have that ability.

That's why Di Xin dared to directly mobilize the four western passes of the Great Shang Dynasty, plus Qinglong Pass in the northwest, Jiameng Pass in the southwest, six passes with 60 soldiers and horses, and the Lightning Slaughter Pass against the Sishui Pass without using the Qi training of the Great Shang Dynasty. scholar.

Of course, it is not true that they will not be deployed, but only Zhang Kui, Gao Lanying and his wife, the qi trainer boss of the Great Shang Dynasty, and the four brothers of the Jiamengguan Mo family, Zhang Guifang of Qinglongguan, are only treated as ordinary soldiers.

Let's go to Tuguan with the widow and avenge my 50 soldiers and civilians!

But I only heard that 50 soldiers and civilians in Sishui Pass filled the city with ice sculptures, Zhang Kui, Gao Lanying, Zhang Guifang, even the four generals of the Mo family, couldn't help being furious.

Then there was no opinion at all, and as a result, 60 soldiers and horses surrounded Sishuiguan overnight.

Emperor Xin, Evil Lai, Yin Rui, Yu Hua, and other generals, also pretended to be ordinary soldiers, and then found a simple and honest soldier of the merchants, and replaced them with God Xin's royal uniform, and the imperial conquest!
So this day before dawn, suddenly the ground of the whole Sishui Pass trembled slightly.

The floating soil jumped up from the ground.

Everyone woke up from their sleep.

The rumble sounded as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, coming from the direction of Paiguan in the big business world.

In an instant, the sky was filled with dust, the murderous aura was lost, and the sky and the earth changed color!
It's cavalry!
There are definitely 30 cavalry!
Finally, the 20 soldiers and horses could not help but wake up in an instant, and they all knew that the shock of the hundreds of thousands of horseshoes hitting the ground was exactly what caused the earth to shake and the sky to change color.

The soldiers and horses of the Great Shang Dynasty are here!

In an instant, the 20 soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty couldn't help but panic.

Nezha's eyes flashed immediately, and he stepped on the hot wheel and rushed into the air. After stepping on both feet, the figure flew straight to the direction of Jiepaiguan.

Finally, Nezha's figure in mid-air made the 20 soldiers and horses feel at ease.

But after only a few breaths, he could see the boundless torrent in the distance, as if the stormy waves were crashing on the shore, and even in mid-air, he could clearly feel the tremors on the ground.

In an instant, even though it was Nezha's murderous nature, his eyes jumped, "How can so many people be killed?" '

As a result, as soon as the thought fell into my mind, I saw an extremely eye-catching figure in the rolling torrent like turbulent waves hitting the shore, wearing a royal costume and a crown on his head. Lord Shang? '

Thinking of my own eyes, I couldn't help but feel great hatred in my heart, but at the same time thinking of the horror of that arrow, I couldn't help but jump again.

So his eyes flashed, and he stepped on the Hot Wheels, and he simply flew towards the direction of Qianyuan Mountain between heaven and earth, "There are so many merchants and soldiers, I, Nezha, can't handle it alone, and I'd better go back and report to Master." '

However, the 20 Western Zhou soldiers and horses in Sishui Pass, including Nangong Shi, the vanguard officer on the right, are also waiting eagerly for his return.

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(End of this chapter)

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