Chapter 215
But what I don't want to wait for is the boundless torrent, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore. First of all, there is a rain of arrows all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, round after round.

As a result, when a round of arrows rained down, almost tens of thousands looked up in a daze, while the Western Zhou soldiers and horses who were waiting for the return of Qi practitioner and vanguard officer Nezha fell to the ground.

Finally, Nangong Shi couldn't help but wake up in an instant, and hurriedly went straight to close the door.

However, the morale of the army has been broken, let alone the commander-in-chief, it is inevitable to lose!The only thing left is to be slaughtered. He knows better than anyone else that the only thing he can do right now is to run for his life.

Jiang Ziya has returned to Xiqi City to announce the good news to the king, and if Nezha is gone and never returns, it may be more or less ominous.

But looking at the trembling of the ground, he immediately deduced that when at least 30 soldiers and horses of the Shang Dynasty came to kill them, they would not run for their lives, but waited to die.

However, I didn't want to rush to the gate to find out that outside the gate, at some time, there were already soldiers and horses of the Great Shang Dynasty waiting in full battle. They also seemed to be boundless, with guns like forests, and Sishuiguan was besieged in groups.

Thinking of the ice sculptures all over the city at Sishui Pass, he instantly understood that even his identity as Nangong Shi would not be able to survive this time!How can he compare with that great merchant veteran, Lu Xiong, and especially Fei Zhong, the great merchant's confidant?

But as a butcher who also burned, killed and plundered for a lifetime in the Western Zhou Dynasty, he would never be captured without a fight, and he was ruthless at all, and he couldn't have any loyal soldiers, and he had already fled around.

But the danger of Dashangsi Water Pass can be said to be one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it. The only way to escape is the torrent that comes from the turbulent waves.
So with a sudden change in his mind, he directly drew out his sword and stabbed the two panicked soldiers, then quickly smeared blood all over his body, rolled on the spot, and simply lay down with the two corpses.

The only chance to survive, but only by taking a gamble, and only by surviving to the end can there be a chance of survival.

At the same time, the one-sided massacre in the pass has also begun.

"Kill them all!!!"

An incomparably cruel voice came from a distance, but even Nangong Shi, who had burned, killed and looted all his life, heard it, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

The screams were endless.

The ground was still trembling slightly.

It is impossible for the 20 soldiers and horses in the Western Zhou Dynasty to be killed in an instant.

Then there is every moment of suffering.

There was blood slowly flowing from the bluestone ground.

I don't know how much time passed, and finally someone shouted clearly again in the pass.

"Catch Nangong Shi alive!!!"

"Catch Nangong Shi alive!!!"

"Catch Nangong Shi alive!!!"

Clear shouts sounded continuously.

The fierce Nangong Shi couldn't help but move his big eyes, "Catch me Nangong Shi alive?"Could it be that Nangong Shi couldn't find me and wanted to trick me out?Fei Zhong, the confidant of the Great Shang Monarch, has become an ice sculpture, how could he let me off, Nangong Shi?And wait and see...'

But as soon as the thought fell, an eager voice sounded immediately.

"I am Nangong Shi! Don't kill me! I am Nangong Shi, the Great General of the Western Zhou Dynasty!!!"

Once again, Nangong couldn't help but move his eyeballs, and then another voice sounded.

"I'm Nangong Shi! Don't kill me! He's a fake! He's a fake!"

"I am Nangong Shi!! He is a fake! Don't kill me!"

Nangong who fell under the two corpses couldn't help being stunned.

And at the same time in Qianyuan Mountain, unbeknownst to Nezha, the master uncle Nanji Xianweng was also discussing something with Master Taiyi Zhenren on Qianyuan Mountain.

It can be said that he is a master of elucidation and teaching, and he can sit in the position of master master of teaching, not only relying on his cultivation of qi, but also his terrifying wisdom and scheming.

But there is no comparison, at least there are five, six, seven, or even eight people under Chanjiao, all of whom his elder brother has no confidence to overcome.

But he still relied on his age and wit and scheming to sit on the position of the master teacher, so it can be seen that his 'wisdom and scheming' is definitely on par with the real Taiyi.

And Daoist Yi Taiyi is sinister, despicable and shameless, but also superficially benevolent and kind, kind and respectable, and he is the master of Nezha, the first official who protects Zhou and Zhou.

The two have a common language since then, and discuss together how to proceed with the next King Wu's defeat of Zhou?
But I didn't want to be discussing here, Nezha suddenly stepped back on the wind and fire wheels, and the two of them couldn't help but look at Nezha for an instant.

Then before Daoist Taiyi could speak, Nanji Xianweng couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Hehe, Nezha, why are you not at Sishuiguan, assisting your uncle Jiang Ziya, and returning to Qianyuan Mountain where your master is?"

Nezha also did not expect that Master Uncle Nanji Xianweng, who seemed uglier than Lei Zhenzi, was actually in the Master's Qianyuan Mountain, and he couldn't help but reply respectfully.

"Back to Master Uncle, but I was defeated."

"Hehehe, didn't you just take the big merchant Sishui Pass yesterday, how could you lose?"

Nanji Xianweng subconsciously smiled and said, he didn't believe what Nezha said, but only the real Taiyi on the opposite side couldn't help but his expression moved slightly, he regarded it as a real defeat!
Finally, Nanji Xianweng's voice fell, and he reacted immediately, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Nezha, you mean, your Uncle Jiang Ziya's 20 Western Zhou soldiers were defeated?"

"Well! Uncle Master, I'm defeated."

Nezha nodded honestly.

Nanji Xianweng couldn't help but was slightly stunned again, his eyes were full of how is it possible?Subconsciously, he asked again.

"Even if you are invincible to Nezha, the big businessman who is heretic, wouldn't your Uncle Jiang Ziya hang up his exemption card first, and then ask you to call for reinforcements, how could he be defeated?"

Nezha also couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and spoke.

"Can I still get a free card? But that big businessman is just like the master. He didn't announce the war at all, and no one came to call the battle. Suddenly, countless soldiers and horses came to kill him early in the morning. The disciple saw that he was invincible, so he came to the master. Reported."

Nanji Xianweng couldn't help being stunned again, what does it mean to be like me?
"Then what about your uncle Jiang Ziya?"

"Uncle Ziya returned to Xiqi City last night, and ordered me to guard the gate with Nangong Shi. It's okay. It's just that the 20 troops from the Western Zhou Dynasty may not survive."

Finally, Master Taiyi couldn't help but frowned slightly and nodded.

"As long as Nezha you have nothing to do, it's fine. I don't think that the great Shang monarch will not fight with us. With such troops and horses, we are only a few hundred thousand in the Western Zhou Dynasty. How can we succeed in defeating Zhou?"

"I would like to report to Master and Master, this disciple always feels that it seems inappropriate for Master to cast a spell to freeze all the 50 ordinary people in the pass into ice sculptures.

That's why the Great Shang Monarch was enraged, and Master Xue didn't fight with us, and directly slaughtered the pass with several times his troops;

The ice sculptures all over the city, even my disciple couldn't bear to look at them, if what my disciple said was wrong, I would like to ask Master and Master to forgive me. "

Nezha bowed down and dared not look up.

Master Taiyi couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes were full of strangeness in an instant, and his eyes were fixed on him, "Do you find it unbearable?" '

Nanji Xianweng also couldn't help being stunned again when he heard it again, and a strange look flashed in his eyes for an instant, and when he looked at Nezha who bowed and bowed his head, he felt weird just like the real Taiyi, "Do you feel that you can't bear it?" '

"The person who cast the spell to freeze Sishuiguan is your uncle Jiang Ziya, how could it be me?"

"Isn't the great master teaching Ziya Shishu to cast spells? Everyone knows that the master cast spells."


As the words fell, even Nanji Xianweng couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

But neither of them knew, Nezha also had a sudden realization in his heart, "I just said, Master Master, you also take it seriously."What does it feel like to be unbearable?I don't know, I just feel that it should be said so. '

"Forget it, Nezha, you should go back to Naxiqi first, so as to protect your uncle Jiang Ziya."

Little did they know that at the same time, Dashang Sishuiguan had also replaced Zhang Guifang who could single out the entire Xiqi, and at the same time was using 70 corpses to pile up a city of bones that truly shocked the world!

Di Xin knew that in the future, Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the teachings of the ancient gods, and Lao Tzu, the leader of the human way, would also appear in person to help King Wu defeat Zhou, just to overthrow himself, King Zhou.

But this time, I'm afraid that Xuanyuan Huangdi, the lord of the three emperors, will also intervene, but the location is precisely at this Sishui Pass, and I will set up a "stage" for you and other ancient gods who are above the common people.

The widow will use these 70 skeletons to build a stage for you, so that in the future, you can step on the bones of the common people and live the days you have been waiting for.

At the same time, Ji Fa in Xiqi City couldn't help being excited.

 The first update, ask for votes on Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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