From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 216 There will be a day with this world full of bones

Chapter 216 One day with the bones of the common people

Almost everyone is still immersed in the shock that the Western Zhou Dynasty has taken Dashangboshuiguan. It can be said that the city is full of ice sculptures overnight, but they don’t know that the 20 soldiers and horses who occupied Dashangboshuiguan in the Western Zhou Dynasty were killed in just one day. .

Even the Antarctic fairy couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The good news here has just been announced to the world, at least everything that should be known has been known; Sishui Pass.

However, Hegaichengtang's vitality was exhausted, and the world should be lost, and the Holy Lord of the Western Zhou Dynasty had been born, but he didn't expect that the good news here had just been announced to the world, and the morale of the coalition forces of the [-] princes in the southeast would also be greatly boosted.

As a result, the extremely embarrassing Sishui Pass was lost at the next moment, all 20 soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty were killed, and Nezha fled back to Qianyuan Mountain alone. How can this be explained?
The Antarctic fairy couldn't help being dumbfounded, especially the most embarrassing thing was that it was clearly teaching Jiang Ziya to cast spells on the frozen Sishui Pass, why did everyone think it was him who cast spells?
Since it was Nezha who said it, how could it be wrong?
It can be said that I have to bear the blame for myself for a while, at least I am afraid that the name of the Frozen Sishui Pass will fall on my head.

So I couldn't help but feel bitter in my calm and expression, especially when Nezha said "I feel very unbearable", you Nezha would also feel unbearable?
Can't bear that you can leave the 20 soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty and escape back to Qianyuan Mountain alone?
Of course, Nezha could clearly feel the surprise of Taiyi Daoist and Nanji Xianweng, and also said in his heart, "I just said, Master Master, you also take it seriously..."

But for Daoist Taiyi, it has nothing to do with it at all. He still has a benevolent and kind face, a kind and respectable old man with a white beard, and slightly frowns, wearing a Taoist robe with a Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram.

In Sishui Pass, Di Xin also sits directly, but as an incarnation. On the bright side, Sishui Pass replaces Zhang Guifang, and then Di Xin, E Lai, Yin Ruibai, Yu Hua, Chong Yingbiao, etc. are also there.

As for the 70 corpses, it is already extremely shocking in terms of numbers. Even if you see it with your own eyes, the shock is unimaginable. There are many things that need to be dealt with.

At the same time, a monument and a statue should be erected for the Antarctic fairy to commemorate his achievements in freezing Sishuiguan. 50 dead souls and 70 skeletons will remember you Antarctic fairy.

But I don't know how the ancient gods will feel in the future when they step on the bones of the common people and see the immortal monument of the Antarctic fairy...

The Antarctic Immortal didn't know that the Great Shang Monarch was preparing a surprise for him, and Ji Fa in Xiqi City couldn't help but be excited and surprised, too.

It can be said that it is just the time when the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed, and the Zhou family will be prosperous. Seeing that the king is coming to the world, he is just outside Xiqi City, under the attention of all people, and he is going to bring Xiqi civil and military officials to conquer in person, so that he can live there forever. merit.

The civil and military officials also couldn't help being extremely excited. Everyone was dressed neatly, but waiting for the prime minister Jiang Ziya to be under the eyes of everyone, please drive in person.

It is still the worship platform under Xiqi City.

Wu Wang Jifa was dressed in a phoenix robe and royal costume, and her eyes were full of benevolence for the suffering of the audience.

The entire Xiqi generals, Bo Da, Bo Shi, Zhong Tu, Zhong Hu, Shu Ye, Shu Xia, Ji Sui, Ji Yu, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Zhao Gong, Lu Gongwang, Xin Jia, Xin Mian, Tai Dian, Hong Yao,

Huang Feihu and other younger brothers and four friends, San Yisheng civil and military officials, were also well prepared, couldn't help being extremely excited, and waited to follow King Wu's personal conquest, break the five barriers, and kill the court song.

There was silence in the city of Xiqi.

On the stage of worshiping the general, Jiang Ziya was still dressed in plain white Taoist uniform, spotless, with white hair like silk, shawl falling down, with a calm and solemn expression.

Then, under the attention of everyone again, he bowed in front of Wu Wang Jifa, and spoke loudly.

"Jiang Shang is so lucky. The first king, Gu Pin, failed to repay the tricks, and the great king worshiped him as a general. The prosperity of knowing and meeting is rare in ancient and modern times. How dare you not follow the power of a dog and a horse to repay your deep kindness!

Today's big victory at Sishuiguan is a sign that the king of Shang was disrespectful to heaven, licentious, cruel and innocent, slaughtered wantonly, conquered against the sky, worried about the people's grievances, and killed himself. The number of days when the Zhou family should be prosperous.

At this time, when Zhou was evil and prospered, the princes of the world wanted to meet Mengjin together, and at the request of Zhunchen and others, Xu Yidong marched.All the surnames are jubilant, and the soldiers are enthusiastic.

The minister is very grateful, and he is only afraid day and night: his talents are sparse and his virtue is poor, and he is afraid that he will not be repaid; he admires Wang Yan, but he is really ashamed of his axe.

The king of special kindness, work hard, be respectful to the heavens, go to the camp personally, entrust the power of heaven at your fingertips, take all measures better than the previous preparations, and enter the five levels early.I would like to invite you to personally enlist, so as to follow the wishes of heaven and man. "

It was obvious that Jiang Ziya had made the effort, and since Sishuiguan had been taken, he invited King Wu to march in person. Everyone knew it, but couldn't help being excited.

Especially when they heard that Chengtang was destroyed and the Zhou family was prosperous, Huang Feihu and everyone else couldn't help but feel extremely excited, but they will all be the founding ministers in the future.

After Ji Fa heard it, he also couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart. When the soup is destroyed, the Zhou family should be happy!Hastily helped Jiang Ziya up with his own hands, and Wen Sheng spoke slowly.

"Father Xiang's actions are in line with Tianxin."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, a figure stepped on the hot wheel from the sky and the earth, as if counting the time.

In an instant, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the figure. Could it be that Nezha, the left-handed forerunner who rebelled and killed his father?
But while everyone couldn't help being extremely excited, there was a discordant figure on the stage of worshiping the general; it was Bai Jian, the commander-in-chief of the Western Zhou Dynasty, who was once the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan, and who also used his soul and body. Stand on the platform of worshiping generals.

It can be said that the general military officer of the Western Zhou Dynasty is second only to Wu Wang Jifa and the prime minister Jiang Ziya.

And in the entire high worship platform, there were only three figures.

As a result, there was a mass of black hair on the chest, a mass of black hair on the crotch, and a mass of black hair on the head and face. The naked figure with a face as black as the bottom of a pot always attracted everyone's attention.

What's even more amazing is that he doesn't feel anything, or like the people in the cult, he doesn't feel his image at all.

Seeing the appearance of Nezha, the first officer on the left, stepping on the hot wheel, Ji Fa, who was dressed in a phoenix robe and royal attire on the stage, couldn't help being overjoyed.

"It turned out to be the first officer on the left side of the lonely king. I don't know what happened to the Sishui Pass at this time?"

Jiang Ziya remained calm.

Everyone can't help but look forward to the latest news about Sishui Pass, which is the Sishui Xiongguan, a great merchant that Xiqi has been looking at for hundreds of years.

But even Jiang Ziya didn't know that the one who felt the most affectionate in Nezha's heart at this time was his uncle, so he couldn't help but feel moved when he heard it, frowned slightly, and then stepped on the hot wheel in mid-air and spoke.

Ji Fa couldn't help but look at his weird eyes all the time, and then thought of his "third eye" back then, and didn't want Nezha to grow on his face.

"Back to your lord, Uncle Ziya, it was Master Uncle Nanji Immortal who cast a spell yesterday and froze the Sishui Pass, causing the city of Sishui Pass to be filled with ice sculptures overnight, killing 50 people;

The disciple couldn't bear it, so he entrusted it to Nangong Shi, and returned to Qianyuan Mountain, but he didn't know what happened at this time? "

 The second change is to ask for votes on Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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