From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 380 Bodhi First Appears, Lao Tzu Comes Again

Chapter 380 Bodhi First Appears, Lao Tzu Comes Again
Then he held a package in his hand, but it was the package that flashed in the hands of the old Taoist Bianguai who had appeared at the foot of a mountain not far from the narrow dragon mountain.

Looking through the gaps in the package, I saw that inside it was the purple gold crown with phoenix wings, golden chain mail, lotus root silk walking cloud shoes, a strange set of armor.

Then the majestic figure suddenly stepped up, looking down at the Chaos Stone in the "nothingness" under his feet, and the Yishen Cauldron appeared silently from in front of him, bursting out with endless destructive power.

With a bang, it fell towards the Chaos Stone at the 'Nothingness' below.


With a loud noise, an invisible force suddenly erupted from between the Chaos Stone and the Divine Cauldron, and surged out towards the surrounding heaven and earth in an instant. Everything it passed was turned into ashes.

But it returned to calm in an instant, but there was not even a trace left on the Chaos Stone.

At the same time, in the western religion in the far west, the Taoist temple of Bajinggong Laozi is Xuandu Mountain, the Taoist temple of Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace is Kunlun Mountain, and the Taoist temple of the two ancient gods in the extreme west is Lingshan.

Above Lingshan, there is another world, which is the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

Inside the boundless sea of ​​suffering, a figure is also sealed, but it is a thin old man with white eyebrows hanging down to his chin.

But as the divine cauldron bombarded the Chaos Stone, the skinny old man suddenly opened his eyes. The deep eyes seemed to be able to pass through endless distances, through the boundless sea of ​​bitterness, and land directly on the mountain where the majestic figure was.

Then, with a flick of the figure, a figure exactly the same as that of the thin old man with white eyebrows walked out of his body, and disappeared into the boundless sea of ​​suffering with one step.

As for the majestic figure on top of the mountain, he couldn't help but frowned and had to give up.

But it is the fairy stone that existed since the beginning of the world. More accurately, it should be called the chaos stone, because at least there were no immortals at the beginning of the world, so where did the fairy stone come from?Everything before heaven and earth was chaos, so it is more appropriate to call it the Chaos Stone.

It can be said that even the power of opening the sky failed to break it open, even Zhao Gongming's treasure Dinghaizhu, the Hunyuan Jindou born with the heaven and earth, may not be able to break it open.

As a result, he couldn't help frowning, and the majestic figure had to give up, his eyes flickering and he glanced around.

Then take a step, and the figure will flash in many places on the top of the mountain, and finally stop in front of a deep abyss, the waterway below is directly connected to the East China Sea, and a water curtain waterfall is 50 meters ahead.

And the eyes flickered and when he raised his hand, a golden sword appeared in his hand, and the golden light flashed behind the water curtain waterfall, and a cave soon appeared from behind the water curtain.

Still taking one step forward, he appeared at the hole behind the water curtain.

Then he glanced at the entrance of the cave lightly, his eyes flashed, and he swung the sword again with a golden light, and two couplets appeared on both sides of the entrance of the cave: Huaguoshan Fudi; Water Curtain Cave and Heaven!

And in an instant, traces of people's habitation were made in the cave, and the stone table, stone bowl, and stone pot were carved out of stone, but how could the stone pot be used for cooking?It can also deceive the monkeys on the mountain.

On the mountain is the flowers and fruits everywhere, and there is a group of strange monster monkeys, but they only have a good impression of the majestic figure, but they don't have a good impression of the monkeys.

And from the Bajing Palace, we know that there should be four great monkeys born in the world, or they can be called the four monkeys of the mixed world, namely the Lingming stone monkey, the six-eared macaque, the arm-armed monkey, the red-tailed horse monkey, and the four monkeys of the mixed world. Come out together, then the whole world will be turned upside down!

However, it has been searching for many years, but only one of the four great monkeys was found, the Chijima monkey, and it was hidden from everyone's eyes, and its name as a "giant" was Wuzhiqi, the giant who was once Chiyou's successor. , and seal it.

I didn't want to search for many years, but by chance, I finally found another big spirit monkey, Lingming stone monkey!Only then did I finally understand why I couldn't find it all the time.

And as expected of the Lingming Stone Monkey, it was conceived in a Chaos Stone and has not yet been born!Then since it can't be broken open, it is better to plan ahead of time and let it be reined in.

It can be said that "Huaguo Mountain" is named after me, and Shuilian Cave is my cave. You monster monkey Lingming stone monkey was born in my dojo, but you can only sit for me.

And soon it was dealt with, and then appeared in the East China Sea Dragon Palace through the waterway, and the Dragon King Ao Guang had also quietly returned to the East China Sea, but it was only obvious in front of the majestic figure, but he was just a grandson.

Then without saying much, he handed the package to Dragon King Ao Guang as the treasure of the four seas, and immediately appeared at the eye of the East China Sea.

And with a flash in his hand, there appeared one or two golden hoops with a black iron stick in the middle, which is also a magic weapon from the Bajing Palace.

Then he stood the stick on the ground, but instead of falling down, it exploded instantly, shining golden light.

Then the golden light dissipated again in an instant, leaving only a giant pillar of black iron, which was specially refined for the Bajing Palace, and only the four monkeys in the world can't pick it up, even if it can be picked up by a Daluo-level Qi trainer. People will look at a magic weapon with a stick.

But in order to ensure that it would not be taken by others, the stick was set down, and then it flew up from the sea eye in an instant, the golden sword in his hand flashed again, and five characters appeared on the stick: Ruyi Golden Cudgel !

It can be said that with a name, it is naturally considered a treasure of the owner, and it is even more important in the eyes of the East China Sea occupied by the Dragon Clan.

It was not placed in the West Sea, North Sea, or South China Sea, but only in the East China Sea adjacent to the 'Huaguo Mountain'.

Then one day in the future, it is conceivable that when the monster monkey Lingming Stone Monkey is born, Huaguo Mountain will be named for me, and Shuilian Cave will be my cave, born in my dojo, but it will steal my divine iron armor!
If the Lingming Stone Monkey was born without any possessions, he would naturally search for treasures everywhere, so the first stop must be the adjacent East China Sea.

It's completely intertwined.

But even his majestic figure couldn't think of it. At the same time as the five characters of "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" appeared, behind him also appeared a thin old man with white eyebrows hanging down to his chin.

And holding a jade ruler is also an innate magic weapon, that is, Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace, Laozi of Bajing Palace, Nuwa Empress of Wahuang Palace, and other ancient gods have never known the innate treasure of Tianzun.

Then it is directly brushed out by one foot.

In the next moment, the majestic figure was just revealed, and it turned out to be a yellow dragon, falling straight into the sea eye of the East China Sea.

Immediately afterwards, the old man with white eyebrows pressed down on the sea eye of the East China Sea with one hand, and the invisible power burst out from the sea eye of the East China Sea in an instant, and as the old man with white eyebrows pressed down with one hand, it burst out in all directions, setting off huge waves on the surface of the East China Sea.

But it was only for a moment, and then it returned to calm, and no one knew.

As if nothing had happened, only Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, couldn't help being frightened.

And no one knows that at the beginning of the world, there was a towering giant willow born in the chaos. Similarly, only a group of ancient gods knew that at the beginning of the world, in the far west, there was also a bodhi who was born in the chaos.

Emperor Xin didn't know about the scene between "Huaguo Mountain" and the East China Sea, and neither did Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of religion who entered the Jiuqu Yellow River formation.

After leaving the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and silently leading the way by the Taoist burning lamp, the Antarctic fairy still held a feather fan beside him, and the white crane boy was beside him, followed by Jiang Ziya, and flew back to Jieluxuan again on an agarwood chariot Flowered aloe.

Then Daoist Ran Deng couldn't help but ask.

"Teacher enters the formation, how about fellow Taoists?"

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke lightly.

"Three flowers are cut off, the gate of heaven is closed, and it has become a vulgar body, that is, an ordinary person."

Taoist Ran Deng once again pretended to be stupid and cooperated to ask.

"Teacher Cai entered the formation just now, why don't you break the formation and bring all the fellow Taoists out to show mercy."

Since you are silent, obviously waiting for me to ask, then I will ask the teacher.

Not wanting to finish the sentence, Yuanshi Tianzun spoke with a smile almost never before.

"Although this teaching is poor, but there are still teachers, you must ask the Taoist brother before it can be done."

But I didn't want to say that as soon as the words fell, there was a deer cry between heaven and earth, resounding through heaven and earth, and Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help smiling again.

"Brother Bajing Palace is here."

It was Di Xin who had felt it early, but didn't know it. Why did the Nuwa Empress of the Nawa Palace say to herself that she shouldn't do anything wrong to her great merchant?

So what is Empress Nuwa afraid of?
Why is it that Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the teachings of the ancient gods, and the old man of the Bajing Palace can slap himself to death with one palm, and turn the entire Chaoge into powder, but they still have to work hard to plot the days to destroy their own Great Shang Dynasty? ?

So what are the two veterans afraid of?
But it's not that the qi practitioners' Taoism between heaven and earth are like juggling, but that there is a kind of confinement of the power of heaven and earth in the dark, even the power of the ancient gods is also imprisoned.

Or it can be said that it is the protection of the common people, otherwise the existence of the Hunyuan leader of the ancient great god can completely destroy the world with a single gesture, and every Daluo-level Qi trainer is also a truly shocking and powerful existence.

But it is for the protection of the human race. For the monarch of the human race, even if it is a mortal, as the Hunyuan leader of the ancient gods, it must not be unreasonable.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and got up quickly after the words fell.

At the same time, I saw an old man with white hair, white eyebrows and beard, almost the same hairstyle as Guang Chengzi, and an old man with a crutch in his hand.

"Hongmeng dissects the mysterious and yellow scenes, and controls the five elements in the human world. Save Xuanyuan and rise to daytime, and the way of casting spells in Hanguan is always clear."

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(End of this chapter)

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