Chapter 397

Soon the two Golden Retriever Boys went to the Sishui Guanxi Qi formation one step ahead. It was amazing that the two of them didn't even have names.

However, the two of them were enlightened by the old Taoist Bianguai, but they looked like real human boys. When they went to the Western Zhou Dynasty to ask to see Jiang Ziya, everyone couldn't help being weird in an instant.

Love you, Yang Jian, went to look for the source of Tu Xingsun, but found a magic weapon for himself, and took in two apprentices, even taking off his robes.

But it's only half a day, not wanting to wait for Yang Jian to come back, Jiang Ziya's heart moved, and he directly speculated from Tu Xingsun's appearance and image, could it be that some Taoist brother usually accepted him as a disciple?

As for the logic, it is also very simple, just because of the image of Tu Xingsun, it seems a little familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere, and only the disciples of Chanjiao can have such a strange and surprising appearance.

So he was completely like Shen Gongbao, directly and effortlessly, stunned by all the veterans in Nangong Shi in front of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and reported the name of explaining the teachings before the formation, and even fooled Tu Xingsun with a few words.

As a result, when Yang Jian came back in a radiant yellow robe of Deng Deng, Fear Liusun also followed, and what he saw was Tu Xingsun's small figure kneeling on the reed canopy.

Everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty felt extremely strange in their hearts. They didn't want to speculate from their appearance that they were really students of Chanjiao!The same door actually pinched each other!
Then, being only 68 centimeters tall, he knelt down on the reed canopy, and in an instant, only [-] centimeters were left.

As a result, looking at it from a close distance, especially when the fearful grandson came immediately, everyone couldn't help feeling weirder, and finally found that Tu Xingsun's appearance was exactly the same as the fearful grandson.

And fearing that the grandson would fall into the golden light technique, he was not as polite as Jiang Ziya, so he just spoke with a gloomy face.

"You bastard! I went back after breaking the Ten Jue Formation. I have never checked the binding of the fairy rope, but you stole it. Tell the truth, who instigated it?"

Everyone's eyes can't help but fall on Tu Xingsun. Even though they have seen the big sarcoma on the forehead of the Anji Xianweng, and the monster images of Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, they still feel that the image of Tu Xingsun is more interesting.

Especially the appearance that is exactly the same as that of the feared grandson, not a big little thing.

And since Tu Xingsun has practiced in Suolong Mountain for a hundred years, fearing that Liu Sun also knows the IQ of his 'disciple' like the back of his hand, he would never run down the mountain and instead help the Great Shang Dynasty.

But he only thought about other things in his heart, and he didn't care when he went back to the mountain. Even if he found that the fairy binding rope was gone, he just thought it was an 'apprentice' to play with.

Then there is only one possibility for Tu Xingsun to go down the mountain and help the Great Shang Dynasty instead!He was fooled and instigated by others!
When Tu Xingsun heard about it, he didn't dare to conspire at all, and he answered honestly when he opened his mouth.

"The master came to break the formation, and the disciple was playing in the high mountains. He met a person who came and asked the disciple's name. The disciple told him the name, and the disciple also asked him; he said it was Shen Gongbao, a disciple of Chanjiao.

He sees that I can't achieve Taoism and become a fairy, so I have to accept the wealth and honor in the world.He recommended me to make contributions under Deng Jiugong's command.

Master, my disciple was confused for a while, but the rich and the noble want what everyone wants, and the poor and the humble hate everyone, so the disciple got a greedy and ignorant thought, so he stole the teacher's fairy rope, two gourds of elixir, and walked down the world.I hope that the master's Taoist heart is merciful everywhere, so let the disciple be spared! "

Shen Gongbao!
After hearing this, Jiang Ziya almost couldn't help the expression on his face, and smiled slightly in his heart, "If you are a good brother, let the disciples of Chanjiao become enemies with each other." '

Although the words are a bit messy, but after all, it is very good to be able to be fooled down the mountain so easily.

Hearing that he was afraid of leaving his grandson behind, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Huh! That Shen Gongbao has long been expelled from Yuxu Palace by your master master, and now he is worshiped by that sectarian sect. How can he still be my sect?"

Want to use Shen Gongbao to get rid of the crime?

Jiang Ziya remained calm, but his heart moved. I, Jiang Ziya, am an idiot. Don't blame the Daoist brother, so I spoke immediately.

"Brother Dao, it seems that this kind of beast has ruined my religion, and it will be reported quickly!"

The muscles on Nangong Shi's old man's face couldn't help but twitch, but seeing that Tu Xingsun and Fearing Sun had exactly the same appearance, it was absolutely impossible for him to agree to kill this 'apprentice'.

Afraid to keep Sun Wenting, he obviously couldn't help frowning slightly and speaking.

"If it's ignorant to offend, it should be beheaded. But there is a saying that this man Zi Yagong is useful in other places, and can help Xiqi."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but glared fiercely at the fearful grandson at his feet, and spoke again.

"You bastard! What have you done? You still don't follow the truth!"

Tu Xingsun still answered honestly, not daring to lift his head.

"I tell the truth to the master: the disciple used the master's immortal rope to capture Nezha once, and Huang Tianhua was captured the second time.

Marshal Deng and his disciple He Gong saw that I had repeatedly won famous men, so they betrothed their daughter to me and wanted to be their son-in-law;

Being urged by him, the disciple had no choice but to practice the technique on the ground, so he went to King Wu's treasure tent in the formation at night and took King Wu.How dare you say a false word in front of Master. "

Take King Wu?

Fearing to keep Sun Wen, he couldn't help pondering, but he wasn't thinking about King Wu.

Jiang Ziya, Nangong Shixi Zhou and the others couldn't help showing their doubts.

Take Wu Wang from Wu Wang's account?Didn't King Wu have returned to Xiqi Palace, why did he take King Wu again?
Jiang Ziya couldn't help but looked at Tu Xingsun in doubt and asked.

"Wu Wang has returned to the Xiqi Palace to rest, why did you take Wu Wang in Wu Wang's tent again?"

"I don't know, I went to King Wu's treasure tent, but I saw a person who was having a good time with the queen, who else could it be if it wasn't King Wu? So this disciple took him, and he is being held in Sishui Pass at this time."

After the honest words fell, everyone in Xizhou couldn't help but look extremely weird in an instant.

"When you were happy, you went to get it. Didn't the queen's body have been seen by you, a dwarf?Could it be that King Wu has returned to the formation? '

And Jiang Ziya also just felt weird, as if something was wrong, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Since that's the case, hurry up and save King Wu first."

"The disciple takes orders."

In the end, he agreed, and seeing that Filiusun was still pondering, the small figure jumped off the reed canopy and disappeared directly from the ground.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but look at Fear Liusun and speak.

"What is Dao brother thinking?"

Afraid to leave grandson slightly frowned.

"Zi Yagong, I was just a poor man to do the fortune-telling. The animal and the woman should have a bond. The previous life is determined, and the matter is not accidental. If only one person is able to attack, it will be perfect. If this woman comes, her father will not be long. Also Zhou Chen."

When the voice fell, everyone Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Yang Jian, even Lei Zhenzi and Jiang Ziya could instantly hear that they had feelings for your "apprentice", but they were destined to be with that Deng Chanyu, and they didn't hesitate to turn to your "apprentice" '.

And Jiang Ziya also pretended to frown.

"I and Deng Jiugong are enemies of the enemy country, how can we get all of this?"

Afraid of leaving grandchildren, he opened his mouth indifferently.

"Wu Wang Hong Fu is the king of Tao. The number of days has been fixed, so I am not afraid that it will not be complete."

What does it have to do with King Wu?Even King Wu was taken by your 'apprentice'.

Finally Nangong Shi couldn't help but interrupt after hearing this.

"Since General Tu has a predestined relationship with Miss Deng Chanyu, why bother? Let's ask General Tu to also capture Miss Deng Chanyu. When they get married and become husband and wife, then Deng Jiugong will return to Zhou."

And only Di Xin knew that Deng Chanyu was really kidnapped by Tu Xingsun in the original trajectory, and then he used force to succeed.

Moreover, it is recorded in later generations that Jiang Ziya ordered him to be kidnapped first, then forcibly arranged a marriage, and then forcibly made a good deed, making the two husband and wife, and finally let Chanjiao have his first woman.

Obviously, without Di Xin's intervention, Deng Chanyu still couldn't escape her original fate. She would be tied up by Jiang Ziya, and then let Tu Xingsun use force to make the two of them a husband and wife; But it is tied and strong.

But he didn't want to lose his voice, but seeing a flash of light under the canopy, Zhou Gongdan was carried by Tu Xingsun to emerge from the ground and flew towards the canopy.

In an instant, everyone on the reed canopy couldn't help but stunned.

The old man Nangong Shi couldn't help but twitch the muscles on his black face.

"Is it Zhou Gongdan who is having a good time with the queen, and was taken away by his grandson?" '

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(End of this chapter)

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