From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 398 The First Woman

Chapter 398

The corners of Nangong Shi and Mao Gongsui's mouths twitched.

Four sages and eight handsome men, San Yisheng have strange eyes.

Huang Feihu was at a loss, and his second brother and four friends couldn't help but look weird.

Jiang Ziya was stunned.

Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, and Long Xubao were astonished.

It seems that the forgotten mascot of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Bai Jian, the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan, is still hanging in the middle of the Western Zhou formation.

The weird thing is that Yuanshi Tianzun personally arranged for Jiang Ziya to collect it, but he didn't even look at it when he appeared in front of the Western Zhou Dynasty, as if it didn't exist.

Except for Fearful Sun and Tu Xingsun on the reed canopy, there is no one who can maintain a normal expression.

And Tu Xingsun's IQ is at the feet of everyone.

"This is the person who was taken from King Wu's tent for disciples, isn't it King Wu?"

But even if the IQ points are not enough, looking at the expressions of everyone on the reed canopy, one can't help but wonder if it's really not King Wu.

So the voice fell, and seeing that no one spoke, he couldn't help but continue.

"At that time, the disciple saw that this person was with the queen..."

"Evil! Don't talk nonsense!"

But before he finished speaking, Fear Liusun just yelled calmly, and finally couldn't help remembering that even if he didn't need Jiang Ziya's introduction, he already knew all the people in the Western Zhou Dynasty formation main person.

And even though he was sitting quietly with his eyes closed on the reed canopy with green and hanging flowers, he could still hear and observe the words and deeds of the people in the Western Zhou formation within a few days, and know the identity of Zhou Gongdan.

But it is the first candidate for the Holy Lord of the Western Zhou Dynasty in case King Wu has an accident.

After being drank by Liusun, Tu Xingsun didn't dare to say more in an instant.

San Yisheng hurriedly ordered people to help Zhou Gongdan off the awning, but Zhou Gongdan could only look dead, with his wisdom he could understand instantly that the matter between himself and the queen might have been exposed by Tu Xingsun.

But so what if it is exposed, although Zhou Gongdan and Na Jifa are called blood brothers, everyone in Xiqi knows that they are not blood brothers at all.

But everyone in Xiqi knows it well, but no one dares to say it. Once 'father Xibo Hou Jichang' didn't even have a son before the age of 75, which has already explained a problem. That 'father' didn't have any at all. Fertility.

Then how can my 99 brothers and thousands of sisters and princesses be related by blood?
Zhou Gongdan can also have sex with the queen of the second elder brother Wu Wang Jifa.

Once Duke Zhou was helped down from the awning, Jiang Ziya already knew about the chaos in Xiqi, so he opened his mouth quietly.

"According to Brother Dao, since Tu Xingsun and Deng Chanyu are married, how about General Yi Nan's suggestion and ask Tu Xingsun to rescue Nezha and Huang Tianhua, and at the same time tie Deng Chanyu here;
Taking advantage of today's auspicious day, I married Deng Chanyu and made a beautiful couple. After thinking about it, Deng Jiugong surrendered himself. I don't know what you think? "

Nangong Shi's calm eyes flashed a trace of resentment, "This Jiang Ziya's geriatric disease really happens from time to time. My surname is Nangong, but it's not Nan." '

And everyone on the Lupeng, including Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Lei Zhenzi, can understand in an instant that the relationship between husband and wife can be forcibly tied.

Only Yang Jian, after seeing the beauty of his 'cousin' Princess Longji, no longer looked at Deng Chanyu's peach-like red face, completely dismissed her, and simply kept silent.

Tu Xingsun couldn't help being excited and overjoyed when he heard this, and forgot about the matter of King Wu, he hurriedly raised his head and looked up at Fear Liusun expectantly.

It's a pity that he is so short that he can't even reach his knees, and he has a huge belly on his back. As a result, he can only see the stomach of the master, but not his fat face .

As for the beauty of the Queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty, although I still miss it in my heart, but I also have a feeling that I can't tell it. Anyway, I know how to do it, so I can go find the Queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty at any time.

Then, under the excited anticipation that he couldn't help, the voice of Master fearing to keep grandchildren came from his belly immediately.

"The same is true of Pingdao. It's not too late, Tu Xingsun, you have to make amends for your crimes, and then go and rescue your junior brother Nezha and Huang Tianhua.

You and Deng Jiugong's daughter are also married, so you can tie her up by the way, and take advantage of today's good day to make you a good couple. "

"The disciple will go now."

Tu Xingsun couldn't help but excitedly turned around and jumped off the reed canopy, and his figure disappeared from the ground.

But afraid of leaving grandson, he opened his mouth lightly.

"If you talk about the time of worshiping the sect, Tu Xingsun explained to me the first three-generation disciple under the sect. He was accepted by me a hundred years ago, so he can be regarded as the senior brother of Yang Jian and others."

As a result, as soon as the words fell, the figures of Nezha and Huang Tianhua emerged from the ground together, and then the figure of Tu Xingsun sank into the ground again in a flash.

Everyone couldn't help being a little weird when they heard it, "You are afraid that you will accept an apprentice if you keep your grandson, and you will also accept an apprentice who looks exactly like you, which will make the apprentice more destined for husband and wife, and make the first woman appear under Chanjiao's sect." '

But this time Tu Xingsun did not reappear immediately, Jiang Ziya simply arranged for San Yisheng to prepare a new house for Tu Xingsun, of course it was to prepare a treasure account for the good deeds of the couple.

Afraid of Liusun, he personally explained to Nezha and Huang Tianhua that they were just brothers from the same school...

And soon, without any surprise, Deng Chanyu, who was only 1.4 meters tall and had a round head and face, was bound firmly by the immortal rope.

And it was obvious that Tu Xingsun was unable to do ideological work, so he stuffed a cloth in his mouth, and then his two big eyes were streaming with tears.

Seeing being tied up in front of the Western Zhou formation, he couldn't help but panicked in his big eyes.

But, can't bear it?

Thinking of the death of his brother Fei Zhong, thinking of 50 people at Sishui Pass being frozen into ice sculptures overnight, and thinking of Deng Jiugong's desire to surrender to the Western Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Ziya really couldn't bear it.

If you can't bear it, who has ever been unable to bear it for the 50 people who lived in Sishuiguan, the old and the weak, women and children, and their hearts have long since died, so they can't help but become indifferent, the indifference to the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the people who explained the teachings.

At the same time, he had to be indifferent, even if he couldn't bear it, he couldn't change anything at all. Fear Liusun had already said that the two were destined to be husband and wife, so how could Jiang Ziya save Deng Chanyu?
Since he is powerless to change, powerless to bear, then he can only be indifferent, even Jiang Ziya's own life is not in his own hands, so what right does he have to be unbearable to others.

So she completely pretended she didn't see Deng Chanyu's tears streaming down, and ordered.

"Help Ms. Deng to the battle, I have set up a treasure tent for the two of you, and let's talk about it after you become husband and wife."

Although Tu Xingsun is only less than 68 centimeters tall, he can easily stand up to Deng Chanyu. Hearing this, he couldn't help but carried Deng Chanyu and left with excitement.

And someone led it to Yibao tent soon.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Jiang Ziya ordered San Yisheng to prepare a new treasure tent for Tu Xingsun, and San Yisheng prepared a treasure tent near Lu Peng in front of the battle.

Tu Xingsun carried Deng Chanyu on his shoulders and walked away. He couldn't help but calm down for a moment on the reed canopy. Everyone quietly 'waited' together, waiting for Tu Xingsun to become a good couple. movement.

Then almost immediately, Deng Chanyu's uniquely timid, but extremely angry and panic voice came from inside Yu Bao's tent.

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(End of this chapter)

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