From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 57: General Xiqi was born, Lei Zhenzi

Chapter 57: General Xiqi was born, Lei Zhenzi

Outside Xiqi City.

As expected, Xibo Hou Jichang only brought fifty entourages with him, and reluctantly set out on the road.

But this trip will be difficult for seven years. It can be said that there are many dangers, and the real danger is extremely dangerous, because there is obviously a slight possibility of death, so I have to cheer up and can only do everything possible to survive.

As long as I persist for seven years, I think there will be a day when I will return, but I don't know that this is just the beginning, and it is impossible to think of the "nightmare" that will follow.

Outside the city of Xiqi, the entire civil and military affairs of Xiqi, the senior doctor San Yisheng, the general Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Zhao Gong, Bi Gong, Rong Gong, Xin Jia, Xin Mian, Tai Dian, Hong Yao, and the four sages and eight Jun, with the eldest son Bo Yikao, and the second son Ji Fa.

As well as 24 concubines, hundreds of side palaces, 99 sons, and hundreds of princes and daughters, they couldn't help seeing them off together.

The Kowloon imperial seat is even set up, and all officials will practice together.

But even at this time in Xiqi, the so-called dragon is not a sacred creature. The royal family of the Great Shang respects the mysterious bird, and Xiqi seems to imitate it. Xiqi spread.

The so-called Fengming Qishan, Xiqi has given birth to a holy master, and it is also to gather "people's hearts", but it is just a step to replace business.

I saw that everyone could not help but look "dignified", since they all clearly knew Xibohou's trip and why they had to go, it was all because of a poem by Yun Zhongzi who interpreted the coach's morale that day, and had to go to Chaoge to prove his innocence, Xiqi has absolutely no intention of anti-business.

The eldest son Bo Yikao had a worried expression on his face, wishing he could sing in court on behalf of Marquis Xibo.

The second son, Ji Fa, had a calm expression and his eyes shone brightly.

The rest of the "Hundred Officials" also had different expressions.

Xibo Hou Jichang raised the wine bottle and couldn't help but open his mouth.

"We are farewell to Zhuqing today, but it will be difficult for seven years, and there will be a time to meet again in the future..."

I, Ji Chang, will be Xiqi. Knowing that this trip will be difficult for seven years, I will go there without hesitation. After seven years, I, Ji Chang, will come back.

Then he pointed to Boyi Kao again.

"My son! As long as your brother is in harmony, I have no worries."

The atmosphere was heavy and solemn, since the entire army and people of Xiqi already knew that his Xibo Hou Jichang was going to suffer for Chaoge, and suffering for the whole of Xiqi, it could be said that he was a fool, and of course it was also to unite the hearts of the people.

But only the future King of Martial Arts, Ji Fa, obviously became colder and more suspicious after losing his lower body, so his eyes could not help but dim.

Then the father and son, the monarch and his ministers "wept tears" and said goodbye.

Seven years is not just a number for everyone, whether Xiqi will still be the same after seven years, can Junhou really be the master when he comes back?

Concubine 24 is worried.

Hundreds of people are in panic.

The ninety-nine sons have their own ideas, but they have divided into countless factions.

Some people stand on the side of the elder son Bo Yi, while others are loyal to the second son Ji Fa.

But with 99 sons, how can one be single-minded?
But for the day when he will be replaced by Shang in the future, Ji Chang can only "reluctantly" abandon everything, and go to Chaoge alone to endure the seven years of danger and hardship.

I also have to say that he deserves to be called a generation of heroes, King Wen.

As for how much it hurts and why it hurts, only he himself can know.

99 sons are at home, there are hundreds of little "princesses", hundreds of side palaces like flowers and jade...

As a result, they walked all the way and soon reached the foot of Qishan Mountain.

On the Qishan Mountain far away, in a very secret place, Di Xin, Daji, Shang Qingjun, and Fei Lian have also laid in ambush.

The evil came from hiding in the pit in advance, and changed into the same clothes as the fifty attendants in advance. With Fei Lian's speed, it was enough time for Ji Chang and his party to run countless times.

As a result, several people felt extremely weird, not thinking that His Majesty would disregard the status of the monarch for the sake of Ji Chang, and there were times like this, but even Fei Lian felt weird in his heart.

Even when he was in front of his eyes, he still couldn't believe that His Majesty was still so "cute".

But at the same time, I can't help but look forward to it. I don't know how many years I have lived, but I have never deceived people like this, especially if I deceived a big prince; Chi Youjun was mainly able to do this at the beginning, but I don't know that Xuanyuan Huangdi will What is it like?Could he still become the current emperor of the Three Emperors?
Then even looking at the crowd, what made Elai, Daji, and Shang Qingjun couldn't help being excited was that they brought fifty entourages with them exactly.

But twenty riders are in the front, thirty riders are in the back, and there is a carriage in the middle, and the person sitting in it is Jichang, Marquis of Xibo, on the only way under Qishan Mountain...

Suddenly there was a "boom".

In an instant, more than a dozen riders were swallowed by a big pit.

There were screams, screams in panic, and horses neighing, and there was a sudden chaos.

Fei Lian's eyes flickered quietly.

Di Xin also looked at it quietly, but only the two daughters of Daji, Shang Qingjun, looked strange, but their eyes sparkled, but they were still not as shocked as the news that Di Xin had castrated Ji Fa.

The majestic king of the Shang Dynasty, even ran to Xiqi with Elai himself, and then sent the second son of Xibohou Ji to be castrated!It's not because of Shang Qingjun, but even Daji doesn't believe it.

But Di Xin said it and left it behind, but he also left "traces" on both sides of the pit. It can be said that only Qi practitioners can leave, traces without traces!

Because there is no abnormality, it is an abnormality in itself!Who can make the trap so that no abnormalities can be seen?Where did the soil go in a big pit more than ten meters deep?

Obviously, only the Taoism of "Qi practitioners" can do it, so who would want to put Ji Chang to death without any trace?With Ji Chang's wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to think of it.

As a result, just as Ji Chang saw the big pit in front of him and frowned deeply, Di Xin Feilian and Daji Shang Qingjun also left quietly.

But the veterans all have to worry about this journey, and they have to be suspicious all the way, which Qi trainer in the world will kill his Xibohou Jichang?

But it is impossible to shrink back and be afraid, because this trip is doomed to be more or less dangerous, and it is extremely dangerous.

Di Xin's purpose was equally simple, one was just to dig a hole for him, and the other was to dig another hole for Yun Zhongzi, obviously it was done by Qi practitioners, wanting to kill Ji Chang.

The only one who knew the time of Jichang's departure was Xiqi's Chinese and military officials, and it was obviously one of those people, leaving a doubt in his heart that could never be solved.

Unless it was Daji and Shang Qingjun's betrayal, or Fei Lian's wickedness, he would never know that the huge pit that almost swallowed him today was actually prepared by the great Shang monarch who was about to meet.

In addition, countless "surprises" have been prepared for him. Soon at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, he will happen to meet that qi trainer Yun Zhongzi. I don't know what will happen?
There is even a surprise of the birth of Baizi Lei Zhenzi waiting for him.

But what Di Xin didn't know was that at the same time as he was leaving, he didn't know that Ji Chang immediately made another hexagram in shock, but instead his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help murmuring.

"Original Gu should have a hundred sons, but now there are ninety-nine, but it should be this way. When a star is born, it will be a sign of the orphan, but there will be one in the end..."

It's just not a short time to go all the way
 Happy new year everyone, happy new year everyone, happy new year everyone, important things are said three times, if you like the book, please bookmark it, vote for it, and the reward is even more grateful, thank you Tianya.

(End of this chapter)

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