From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 58 Ji Fa, Ji Fa

Chapter 58 Ji Fa, Ji Fa

Not long after Xibo Hou Jichang continued on the road, Chaoge's will also reached Xiqi.

But to everyone's surprise, the decree was not given to Xibo Hou Jichang, but rather strangely, it was given to the second son Jifa.

All the civil and military forces in Xiqi will jointly receive the order.

When the decree of conferring Xibohou's second son, Ji Fa, as "Xiqiwu King" was read out, almost everyone seemed to be struck by lightning.

San Yisheng, the minister of Xibohou Tuogu, who was wearing the horn belt, couldn't help but widen his eyes in astonishment and shock, his face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't recover, so he named his second son Ji Fa the King of Xiqi Wu?To rule Xiqi on behalf of Xibohou?

How could Nadi Xin?
Bo Yikao gritted his teeth, pressed his hands to the ground and couldn't help the blue veins bulging. He was also extremely shocked, and he named Ji Fa the King of Xiqi Wu!Replacing Xibohou in charge of Xiqi!

General Xiqi Nan Gongshi, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Xin Jia, Tai Dian, Four Worthies and Eight Horses all seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Everyone was shocked and stunned, and then the first realization was that it was Nadi Xin who deliberately tried to alienate!
To confer the title of second son Ji Fa as King Wu, isn't it clear that the second son Ji Fa is going to fight against Xi Bohou?

Almost everyone couldn't help thinking immediately, it seems that Chao Ge also has a master, could it be that Uncle Wang Bigan?Uncle Wang Bigan and Emperor Xin hated to seize the throne, so it was impossible to help him in this way and deal with the prince.

Then the conspiracy to split Xiqi in this way should be the result of Jiang Ziya, the courtier of Chaoge. It is rumored that he has studied Taoism in Kunlun for 40 years. It should be on him.

As expected, Junhou was in trouble for seven years. Emperor Xin was going to keep Junhou in Chaoge, but he ordered to support the second son, Ji Fa. It can cause civil strife in Xiqi.

If the second son, Ji Fa, becomes King Wu and governs Xiqi, what about Bo Yi Kao?
The key is that the second son, Ji Fa, has to accept the order, but after accepting the order, what position should Bo Yikao be in?It is obvious that the second son, Ji Fa, is going to fight against Xibohou, and at the same time split Xiqi again!
Of course, there are still things that everyone can't think of, and the even better point is that even if it is still impossible to escape the King Wu's defeat, this "King Wu" was conferred by Emperor Xin, and he will never be able to escape the name of King Wu in the future.

Unless you don't call him King Wu, but the "number of days" has been set for King Wu to defeat Zhou, if you don't call him King Wu, can the number of days be changed?

And when you "King Wu" really get up, the widow will put Ji Chang back for you at that time, I don't know what will happen to you in the Western Zhou Dynasty?
At the same time, when you accept the decree, it is regarded as taking refuge in the widow, but no matter how you behave on the surface, your King Wu is given by the widow, even if one day you will still be the king of Wu...

It doesn't matter, the widow gave you an order in advance, telling you to raise troops to attack the widow, it depends on whether you dare to listen to this order?

Then I will tell you that the widow will arrange Jiang Ziya for you, and Nezha Yang Jian will let them assist you!The Qi trainers who explain the teachings, I will tell you in advance, and the Qi trainers who explain the teachings will be arranged to help you soon, you just have to send the chant.

Everyone who helps you is "arranged" for you by the widow!It's up to you whether you believe it or not!
It was as if all Xiqi's civil and military forces had been struck by lightning, but Ji Fa became calmer after his lower body was gone. First of all, he clearly thought of why he was named King of Xiqi Wu?

And in an instant, he understood the conspiracy, which was to replace his father, Lord Xibo, and alienate Xiqi at the same time.

In the end, when everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but let out a cold snort in their hearts, I'm afraid you, Di Xin, underestimated Gu!The hatred of taking away his wife has never been forgotten for a single day!
At the same time, on the surface, he accepted the order calmly, this Wu Wanggu really made it up!

Waiting for Xiqi, all the civil and military personnel could not help but retreat silently with their own thoughts, and those who did not want to proclaim their decree to Chaoge privately begged to meet their new Xiqi Wuwang Jifa.

But I don't know who has a higher position than King Xiqiwu and Xibohou.

In a hall, for the sake of "convenience", Ji Fa, the second son of Xibohou, no longer has any servants around him, so he is not afraid of inconvenience in speaking.

The person who announced the decree was even more mysterious, and he spoke directly.

"His Royal Highness Wu Wang can rest assured, His Majesty's original intention was to form an alliance with His Royal Highness Wu Wang, and to fight against Wang Shu Bigan's alliance, that Dong Bohou and Nan Bohou;

However, Xibohou has not expressed his position to help, and His Majesty is also forced to recruit Xibohou into Chaoge, and wants to be named Sangong.

As for Xiqi, His Royal Highness King Wu is in charge, and it is enough to secretly form an alliance with His Majesty, and there is no need to do anything, and His Majesty will send another order in the future.

And in order to show sincerity, His Majesty has already made arrangements, Dr. Xiqi Sanyi will come to serve His Highness King Wu soon. "

Ji Fa's face was still gloomy, his eyes were dim, but he was not moved at all.

"I'm afraid that His Majesty doesn't have the ability to do so. Let Dr. Sanyi be loyal to Gu. Dr. Sanyi is the father's confidant. Although he is quite close to Gu, Gu knows that he will never betray his father;

Could it be that His Majesty is so sincere? "

"Hmph! It's just a doctor of Xiqi, let alone Na San Yisheng. In order to show his sincerity, His Majesty will even send his confidant Jiang Ziya to serve His Highness Wuwang in the future!
But even if it is the Qi practitioners in the world, His Majesty will let them come to His Highness Wu Wang one by one, and to assist His Highness Wu Wang, His Majesty only needs to act according to His Majesty's will! "

Ji Fa couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort in his heart.

Could it be that Di Xin is a lonely idiot?Sending his confidant Jiang Ziya, how could Gu trust and use him?There are also Qi practitioners from heaven and earth who are also sent to Gu's side, wanting Gu to obey his orders, but it is a delusion!

"What's your name?"

"The villain, You Hun, is a confidant of Chao Ge's senior official Fei Zhong, and he has the trust of His Majesty and the Prime Minister Jiang Ziya, so I let the villain personally tell His Highness King Wu that His Majesty wants to form an alliance with His Highness King Wu."

However, Di Xin only found out later that there really was a person called "You Hun", who could be said to be the two courtiers of Chaoge who were originally called together with Fei Zhong, but it was actually Fei Zhong who started it, and it was also the original "recruitment order". As a result, Qi You Hun surfaced.

And the difference from Fei Zhong is that Fei Zhong is a person with real feelings, but he is a real villain.

It was as if Fei Zhong could have real brotherly feelings for Jiang Ziya, and was even willing to take the knife for Jiang Ziya, but in Qi Youhun's heart, he didn't at all, and he acted completely according to Di Xin's wishes.

As for allegiance, there is no problem, but there is only one point, there is a principle, but there is no lower limit for a villain's heart!Fei Zhong wouldn't harm Jiang Ziya, but Youhun could do it.

Of course, it was also what Di Xin meant. Since Fei Zhong really had brotherly feelings for Jiang Ziya, it would be difficult to treat Jiang Ziya like he did before, ruin his reputation, and be accused of being unkind, unjust, loyal, and unfilial.

But widows can use Yang conspiracy!
And dignifiedly sent you Jiang Ziya to the side of Wu Wang Ji Fa, it was the widow who asked you Jiang Ziya to serve that Wu Wang Ji Fa, so you Jiang Ziya can stay there with peace of mind.

Even betraying the widow, it was the widow who asked you to "betray", so as to save you Jiang Ziya from being difficult, and the widow has done his utmost to you, Jiang Ziya, and the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is not in vain.

At the same time, San Yisheng was also judging the situation, and after thinking about it, he immediately made up his mind: Since the king is in trouble for seven years and cannot return to Xiqi, it is better to assist His Highness King Wu with all his strength.

But he didn't know that he had jumped into Di Xin's pit invisibly, and it was a series of pits.

And at the foot of Yanshan Mountain on the other side
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(End of this chapter)

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