From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 574 The Poisoned Jin Zha Mu Zha

Chapter 574 The Poisoned Jin Zha Mu Zha
"This general's words are very true. At this time, dragons and snakes are mixed, and right and wrong cannot be distinguished. How do you know that we are not Jiang Shangzhi's ears? The general has no choice but to doubt.

But I don't know if the poor Taoist came here, even though he is traveling in the clouds, there is still a reason for it.My uncle died at the hands of Jiang Shang in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and I wanted to avenge this hatred many times, but I was alone and unable to move forward;
Now here are the soldiers of the special fake generals, making meritorious service for the court at the top, repaying the family's personal grievances at the bottom, and serving the general at the middle, how could he have any other intentions.Since the general has suspicions, why should the poor be so trivial here!

But if I confess that I have a little sincerity, I should resign. "

Sure enough, he pretended to be the coach of Penglai Island in the East China Sea.

Because the Great Shang Dynasty has a natural trust value for coaches and morale, but you say you are, you are?If you want to cut off the morale of the coach, don't take one bite at a time, one mouth at one ear.

After speaking, the two turned around and left, clapping their hands more exaggeratedly and laughing.

And the same crucial issue is that clapping hands right now means that the Great Shang Dynasty has not yet risen, just like the current age of mythology does not even have a single festival, there is no Spring Festival, let alone any other festivals, the only festival is established by the Great Shang monarch Christmas day.

Therefore, there is no act of clapping at all. If anyone suddenly claps and laughs, it will make people think that there is a disease in the brain. It is definitely a disease in the brain.

In the great business world, no one in the whole world would clap their hands inexplicably. The qi practitioners under the interception, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and the Mistress Sanxiao, are even less likely to clap their hands and laugh insanely .

In addition to teaching!

It seems that it was started by Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of religion, or from the old man of Bajing Palace with his brain.

Then he taught the disciples of the gray-haired Twelve Golden Immortal Qi Practitioners, Guang Chengzi clapped his hands and laughed, Taiyi Daoist clapped his hands and laughed, and the Twelve Golden Immortals clapped their hands and laughed together.

But he didn't know that he clapped his hands and laughed as if his brain was sick, and instantly exposed his identity as a person who explained and taught morality.

Then the two of them turned around and left, Dou Rong and Lieutenant Yao Zhongze couldn't help but look strange in their eyes, clapping their hands and laughing?Why do the moralists who explain and teach like to clap their hands and laugh?

Is it to make fun of people?

Both of them couldn't help but look strangely, and just watched them leave. I don't believe you two, let's see how you two can pass the Wandering Soul Pass?
Of course, he also deliberately cooperated with the lieutenant general Yao Zhong.

Then seeing that the two of them were about to leave the commander's mansion, Dou Rong couldn't help thinking and said softly on purpose: "How many Taoists in the world should we attack Xiqi? Is it Jiang Shangmen?

What's more, I have a lot of soldiers in the pass, if it's just these two, I can't do anything, so how can I doubt him?According to my opinion, he is a man of integrity, and he is sincere in his intentions, so he should not be missed. "

Although Jiang Shang has many disciples.

There are "many" disciples of the three generations of Chanjiao, but I don't know how many thousands of years, there are only a few official three-generation disciples who have been recruited in the past ten years, not even two hands.

Obviously, it was deliberately ironic and did not accept disciples, but it was obviously impossible to tell from the IQ of the two clapping their hands and laughing. Dou Rong was obviously talking irony, so he had to take the bait.

Immediately afterwards, Dou Rong immediately ordered: "Quickly invite the Taoist to come back."

Jin Zha and Mu Zha, who had finally walked out of the commander's mansion, could not help but feel relieved at the same time, as they had already taken half of the downstream soul gate.

Immediately, a tower-like imperial guard of the Wandering Soul Pass caught up with the two of them, and also calmly said: "Two masters, my master is here to invite you."

However, since he knew that Jin Zha and Mu Zha would come one day, and he also knew that the General Soldier of Youhun Guan was loyal to the Great Shang and never betrayed him until his death, as the confidant General Soldier of the Great Shang Monarch, it is naturally impossible not to guarantee his safety .

Dou Rong, the commander-in-chief of Youhunguan, is an ordinary general, but Di Xin has arranged bodyguards for him, so he is really not afraid of the arrival of Jin Zha and Mu Zha.

The guards like iron towers are the bodyguards arranged by the Great Shang Monarch for the General Soldier of Youhun Pass.

But Jin Zha didn't know it, his identity had already been exposed. Not only Dou Rong knew the two of them, but his words and deeds were clearly eloquent.

As a result, after hearing this, I couldn't help but feel agitated, and instead stopped my body and said solemnly: "Emperor and Empress Dowager, learn from my heart. I will give the head of the world's princes to your master, but your master refused to accept it, but believed in it." The suspicion of partiality made me feel unwise, and now I will definitely not go back!"

Can't go back?

Even the iron tower-like guards couldn't help hearing a momentary strangeness flash in their eyes.

So I had to cooperate and said: "If the master doesn't go back, I don't dare to see the master."

Finally, Mu Zha on the side also cooperated and said: "Brother Dao, since General Dou has come to invite the two of us back, let's see how he treats us. If you respect me, we will act for him; if you don't respect me, we will not come again." Late."

The two of them were invited back with half push.

And Dou Rong also knows that it was Di Xin who had ordered him long ago. When Sun De and Xu Ren arrive at Youhun Pass, Youhun Pass can be abandoned and Dou Zongbing, you can put it down and rest for a while. up.

So when seeing the two of them, Dou Rong, the general soldier of Youhunguan, and Yao Zhong, the deputy general, couldn't help feeling relieved.

It was as if the task had finally been completed, and he had stuck to the Wandering Soul Pass for 14 years.

So the next step is a retirement program presented by the Great Shang Monarch, namely the two brothers Jin Zha and Mu Zha who are aliased as Sun De and Xu Ren.

Since then, he acted in no hurry, and when the two of them were poisoned, he abandoned the Wandering Soul Gate, and the rest was His Majesty's plan.

So once again, the two of them were respectfully invited into the commander's mansion, and immediately arranged a banquet for them.

Dou Rong also began to be respectful, and after inviting the two to sit down, he immediately said respectfully: "Bucai has never had a face with the teacher, and it is difficult to guard against the enemy, and the deputy general of Bucai has no choice but to be suspicious.

It's just that my knowledge is shallow and I can't make a decision. I often offend the elders.Today, Jiang Shang gathered troops in Mengjin, and people's hearts were shaken;

Jiang Wenhuan was at the base of the city, attacking day and night. He didn't know how to solve the world's downturn. "

I, Dou Rong, will obey the two of you.

Dou Rong looked excited, the lieutenant still accompanied him, and there were also a few tower-like guards standing in the house.

Seeing Jin Zha hearing this, he also pretended to be thinking, and then he said: "According to the humble opinion of the poor: Jiang Shang resists the enemy Mengjin. Although there are hundreds of princes, they are just mobs, each of them is of one mind, and they have been separated for a long time;

Only Jiang Wenhuan's soldiers are approaching the city, and they can't fight hard, so they should be captured by tactics.It cooperates with the princes, and walks on its own without fighting.Then use the victorious teacher to hide behind Mengjin. Although Jiang Shang can do it, An Deyu will plan for it.

He relied on the princes of the world, and when the princes heard that Jiang Wenhuan was captured on the East Road, they were defeated, and the others naturally disintegrated; "

Dou Rong, a veteran with grizzled hair and beard, was full of respect and excitement, with an attitude of listening attentively, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart, can you, the person who explains the teachings, stop the "yes" of the moral people?
As Jin Zha's voice fell, just as a servant came up to order wine.

Not wanting Jin Zha, he said lightly: "The poor are fasting, and they don't eat or drink."

Dou Rong couldn't help being startled, of course he was pretending on purpose, he asked in confusion, "Why did the teacher make such a statement? It is rumored that every time the teacher and teacher go to the Peach Blossom Fair in Yaochi, there will be that immortal wine, as well as all kinds of dragon, liver and phoenix. The marrow is delicious.

Why is it that teachers and teachers can eat wine, and eat the delicious delicacies of dragon liver and phoenix marrow, but the teacher is fasting? "

Dou Rong looked puzzled, but he couldn't help but said in his heart: "You, the person who explains the teachings, really likes to pretend?"Still fasting?Could it be that he didn't drink a drop of the fairy wine at the flat peach party, and he never ate the dragon liver and phoenix marrow?Wouldn't that not give that Yaochi Golden Mother face? '


Finally, Jin Zha's round face was choked directly, as if he suddenly realized that he had cheated himself?It is only subconsciously saying that he is fasting in order to show that he is a moral person.

But when Dou Rong asked, he couldn't help thinking that the Buddha in Western Buddhism cannibalizes people, and it seems that the master did have immortal wine and the dragon liver and phoenix marrow when he went to the Peach Festival. Could it be that the master has never eaten it?Wouldn't that not give that Yaochi Golden Mother face?Why do I say fasting?
In an instant, I couldn't help but choked on myself.

Finally, Mu Zha's expression changed, and he couldn't help but said: "Brother Dao, although we are different from the teacher, we usually keep fast, and since President Dou invites us, it's okay to eat some if you don't."


With a round face, Jin Zha had no choice but to deliberately pretend to be a little embarrassed and went downhill.

Dou Rong immediately raised the wine bottle respectfully, and said, "Teachers, please, I will apologize to the two teachers for trusting the two teachers before, and invite the two teachers to drink this glass of water and wine."

Dou Rong raised his head and drank it.

Jin Zha and Mu Zha had no choice but to follow closely.

As a result, the moment he drank it, his body couldn't help shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the complexions of the two of them turned black at the same time, white foam came out of their mouths, and their eyes turned white at the same time.


 The third change is asking for tickets and subscription support.

(End of this chapter)

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