From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 575 Behind the Miraculous Yang Jian and Yuan Hong

Chapter 575 Behind the Miraculous Yang Jian and Yuan Hong
The two fell headfirst at the same time.

Veteran Dou Rong couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but said: "I don't think the poison that Dr. Fei Lian gave is so poisonous that even Qi practitioners can't escape it."

And what Fei Lian gave was naturally given by the Great Shang Monarch.

At the same time, the voice fell, and he immediately ordered: "Let's arrange it, and immediately abandon the Wandering Soul Gate."

Immediately the two guards walked out without saying a word.

Lieutenant General Yao Zhong couldn't help but wondered, "Will you kill these two?"

Veteran Dou Rong said directly: "Doctor Fei Lian once said that this Jin Zha was killed. If the Western leader can also be resurrected, the killing is meaningless;

This Mu Zha can be killed, but the one who can be killed must not be the person who explained the teachings, and Brother Yao, look, this Mu Zha seems to be really similar to that Li Jing;

So maybe this Mu Zha is really the son of Li Jing, but he was taken away by the real Puxian. "

But since the two were poisoned, it was impossible to keep them intact.

Yao Zhong also flashed his eyes, and said: "If you don't want to hang both of them on the flagpole, let's leave the whole body of the wood Zha, and Jin Zha will strip him naked, cut off his lower body, and hang them on the flagpole together .”

Veteran Dou Rong couldn't help but the corner of his mouth twitched, and said: "Brother Yao, you will deal with it, and I will arrange to abandon the Wandering Soul Pass."

Therefore, Jin Zha and Mu Zha had already communicated with Donglu Jiang Wenhuan. Jiang Wenhuan knew that the two had entered Youhun Pass as internal traitors, but he was planning to cooperate internally and externally, so he couldn't help but stop attacking Youhun Pass for 14 years.

Then Youhunguan couldn't help but quiet down inside and outside.

During the day, there are still soldiers and horses stationed at the Wandering Soul Gate.

But at night, they began to withdraw the soldiers and horses silently.

What's more, the old and weak women and children who have already decided to abandon Wandering Soul Pass, but have no big merchants, soldiers and horses besides food and grass.

Soon the soldiers and horses withdrew silently, and there were only two tall flagpoles left in Wandering Soul Pass.

On the flagpole are the unlucky Jinzha and Muzha who were hoisted.

Mu Zha was fine, he was tied up directly, and no torture was imposed on him.

But Jin Zha was unlucky.

Not only was his lower body cut off, but a spear was stabbed through the door.

Qi trainers who explain teaching?I'll play you to death too!

And similarly, the death of Zhang Kui's mother in Mianchi has also been reported to Wandering Soul Pass, don't you like shit and pee?
So Jin Zha was not only stripped naked, but also his lower body was cut off, a spear was stuck in the door, and he was also poured with feces and urine.

And the mouth, abdomen, and ears were all filled with excrement and urine.

Then only on the second night, all of a sudden, the Wandering Soul Pass became very quiet.

But even in the daytime, seeing the Wandering Soul closed without the large merchants and soldiers stationed there, it seems like Zhuge Liang's empty city plan of the later generations of the earth.

As a result, Donglu Jiang Wenhuan, who had not captured the lower soul pass in 14 years of attacking, did not dare to act rashly at all.

Then how could Dou Rong, a veteran of the great merchants, leave an empty Wandering Soul Pass with Jiang Wenhuan?This is especially the case when the instructor's Qishi disciples, Jin Zha and Mu Zha, have also entered the Wandering Soul Pass.

So there was no signal from Youhun Pass, even though Youhun Pass was empty and the Youhun Pass became quiet, Jiang Wenhuan still did not take any action.

On the contrary, under the gleam of his eyes, he concluded that it must be the conspiracy of Jin Zha and Mu Zha!You only need to wait, and you can easily take down the Dashang Wandering Soul Pass that has not been taken down for 14 years by combining internal and external strategies.

So Jiang Wenhuan continued to stand still.

On the other side, after Mengjin great merchant Wu Wenhua was strangely burned to ashes by the fire, the remaining soldiers and horses of the six hundred princes also gathered again.

As a result, the remaining four of Yuan Hongmeishan's six brothers came out one after another to die.

But at the same time, no one knows that in the writings of the "historian" of the Western Zhou Dynasty, they are the seven "monsters" of Meishan known to Yun Zhongzi, a Qi trainer who has lived for tens of thousands of years. But he didn't know the remaining four brothers.

It can be said: "Yuan Hong heard the report, knew that Wu Wenhua had been burned to death, and was unhappy. He was sitting alone wondering, and suddenly reported: "There is a tuotou outside the gate asking to see you."...'

As for the seven "monsters" of Meishan that Yun Zhongzi knew, they could be called the seven brothers of Meishan who became righteous.

The first one who came out immediately to die was the fourth of the seven brothers who were sworn brothers by Meishan, and his name was Zhu Zizhen.

But I also have to say that the seven brothers of Meishan Jieyi are very powerful. I don't want Yang Jian to have a three-pointed double-edged sword, and Huang Deng Deng's big flower robe and precious clothes. After dozens of fights, they can't beat Zhu Zizhen.

As a result, the old trick was repeated, and the one who changed the pattern turned Zhu Zizhen into a pig, and then the one who changed the pattern immediately got into the mouth of Zhu Zizhen's transformed pig.

In an instant, Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Li Jing, Wei Hu, San Yisheng of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Nangong Shi and other veterans, Wu Wang Jifa, and the six hundred princes all couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Even Yuan Hong in the big business camp was also dumbfounded, so what kind of tricks is Yang Jian going to play?He was already sent to his death, but he slipped into Zhu Zizhen's belly?
But I had to pretend not to know.

But Zhu Zizhen was nothing but a clone created by his supernatural powers, so his death was just a fake death. As for being seen, the clone was transformed with Zhu Zizhen's essence and blood. Who can tell the difference?

On the contrary, the one who confronted Yang Jian, no one knew, was always Yuan Hong alone, but out of loyalty, he planned for the six brothers, so as to prevent a fatal calamity, and at the same time, he could form a karma with the great merchant.

What's more, only he himself knows that even if he dies forever, he won't say anything. In fact, it's not that he came to help the Great Shang Dynasty on his own initiative to make a karma with the Great Shang monarch, but an unexpected person called Its Yuan Hong came.

Not only was he asked to help the Great Shang Dynasty, but he was also given a karma with the Great Shang monarch, and he could even be exchanged for his death.

Obviously it shows one point, that is, Yuan Hong is really dead, and it is impossible to really die, otherwise, what is the use of karma with the Great Shang Monarch?
However, it is necessary to be able to survive first before there can be cause and effect, so obviously even if the body dies, it is impossible to really die, and absolutely believe in that person.

On the contrary, no one knew, and what he couldn't help hesitating in his heart was, should he die or not die?Should he die in exchange for a greater cause and effect, or just pretend to retreat?

In the end, he didn't want to change Zhu Zizhen back to his human body in a calm manner, and Yang Jian, who was in the belly of 'Zhu Zizhen', started acting as a ghost.

And suddenly, in Zhu Zizhen's belly, he said: "Zhu Taoist, do you know who I am?"

Yuan Hong outside couldn't help grinning.

However, although the current Zhu Zizhen was transformed by the essence and blood of Zhu Zizhen's real body, in fact, it was Yuan Hong who used his avatar, and the real Zhu Zizhen was at the side.

So after hearing this, Yuan Hong's thoughts moved directly, and he also pretended to be shocked and asked: "Who are you? Where are you?"

Yang Jian immediately opened his mouth and said in his stomach: "I am Yang Jian, the real disciple of Yuding Daoist in Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain. I am already in your belly. You only know how to eat blood, and you don't know how many living beings you ate in Meishan. Today, your karma You're full of sins, I'll mess with your guts!"

Yuan Hong almost didn't laugh for a moment, could it be that Yang Jian didn't know that he was really blinded by the real person Yuding, who said that the monsters eat blood?How can eating blood be able to practice transformation and attain the Tao?

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian didn't even know the simplest common sense of heaven and earth. The monster race also cultivated by relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the Buddhas taught by the West were the ones who ate blood.

What's more, is his brain missing? Since 'Zhu Zizhen' was able to fight with him regardless of the outcome, it shows that he is also a qi trainer who gathers three flowers and tops five qi.

It can be said that if it is counted according to the twelve golden immortals in the teaching, but it also has the Tao body of the golden immortals, so it is a threat to mess with the liver and intestines in the abdomen?
Don't you know that the golden fairy body with three flowers gathered on top of five qi, even without a physical body, is threatening to mess with the liver and intestines in the belly of 'Zhu Zizhen'.

Immediately realized, since Yuan Hong almost didn't make him burst out laughing, Yang Jian's IQ and savvy were not false, if he had known that Yang Jian liked excrement, then the avatar of 'Zhu Zizhen' should be filled with excrement and excrement.

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(End of this chapter)

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