From Nuwa Palace into incense

Chapter 90 Jiang Ziya recognizes her daughter as Yi Jiang

Chapter 90 Jiang Ziya recognizes her daughter as Yi Jiang
A sentence of fate is extremely expensive, so Di Xin couldn't help but his eyes flashed. He knew that although Jiang Ziya couldn't tell fortunes, he could read a person's fortune, and he could tell the status of a person's fate.

I don't want that little sister Daji whom I don't like, but her life is extremely expensive. Could it be that I can recruit her into the palace again and make her a noble concubine?

Doubt also flashed in the evil black eyes beside him. The woman His Majesty does not want is actually extremely expensive?
But when Su Ningxiang heard the voice, she was even more clever, so she knelt down on her knees and followed closely.

"I also ask the Prime Minister to show Ningxiang a way. Your Majesty wanted to recruit Ningxiang to enter the palace, but for some reason, Ningxiang came to Chaoge, but His Majesty ignored him and let Ningxiang fall into Chaoge without anyone. Inquire about;
Please the Prime Minister say something for Ningxiang anyway, Ningxiang is willing to worship at the Prime Minister's knee from now on, and recognize the Prime Minister as her father. "

In the end, Di Xin couldn't help but feel a strange flash in his heart, as if he was about to catch something.

I saw Jiang Ziya's expression also changed when he heard it, stroked his long white beard lightly, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Although your fate is extremely precious, you really need the help of your true face, and perhaps this is the reason why you came before the true face today;

It just so happens that although the truth has been learned for forty years, he has a family, but has nothing to do with his knees, maybe it is the fate of you and me today;
Since you are willing, if you don't worship the truth as your father, the truth will plan something for you. "

I have to say that Su Ningxiang's "smartness" can of course be said to be scheming, and she kowtowed without hesitation when she heard it directly, and called her father, Jiang Ziya, the prime minister of the great merchant, as her father.

But Jiang Ziya frowned slightly.

"From now on, since you are under my knee, you should change your name again. I have no children under my knee, why don't you name it 'Jiang', and change your name to 'Yi Jiang' for my daughter Jiang Ziya;
For the time being, go back to your elder brother Su Quanzhong, your life is very precious, as a father, I will help you, and when I find an opportunity, I will speak to His Majesty for you, and I will go back and wait. "

Su Ningxiang kowtowed respectfully again to bid farewell, not wanting to suddenly become a fortune teller, changed her name, and became the daughter of the great merchant prime minister Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya no longer had the intention to continue setting up a stall, and when he left, he closed the stall and returned.

But Di Xin, who was observing secretly, felt extremely weird in his heart, and it showed on his face without any concealment.

Evil Lai on the other side also had a strange expression, but his black eyes were full of puzzlement, and he thought His Majesty must have an answer.

After a while, Di Xin took a deep breath and spoke quietly.

"It's evil! Do you believe it or not, I saw another person's destiny?"

Elai didn't blink his eyes, but just waited quietly, knowing that he didn't need to ask, Di Xin would also say it.

But even Emperor Xin felt extremely strange in his heart. Maybe not many people knew about Jiang Ziya's daughter Yi Jiang, but Di Xin remembered it clearly.

According to historical records, Shang Qingjun is indeed the queen of the future Wu Wang Jifa, but she is the queen of the second female number one, and the first female number one is Jiang Ziya's daughter Yi Jiang!
At first, I thought it would be Jiang Ziya who gave birth later, so there was no way to green that Jifa in advance, but I didn't expect it to appear so suddenly.

And it is obvious that Jiang Ziya does not know how to tell fortunes, he only knows how to look at people's faces, and can tell a person's future status.

Because if she knew how to tell fortunes, she would never say anything to give advice to herself, to help Su Ningxiang, so as to facilitate her extremely precious fortune, and still put her hopes on herself, King Zhou.

But what he didn't know was that since Na Ji Fa had already been conferred the title of King Wu of Xiqi by himself, if he was the concubine of King Wu, his fate would be extremely precious, especially if he would be the concubine of the Lord of Xiqi in the future.

So when he realized it, Di Xin felt extremely weird. He thought he couldn't get that Ji Fa green, but now...

Suddenly Di Xin's eyes couldn't help but turn green, and he opened his mouth quietly again under Elai's waiting.

"No matter what the reason, the widow suddenly saw the destiny of that 'Yijiang', perhaps because of the name change, the widow suddenly saw his future destiny;
If the widows do not intervene forcibly and there are no accidents, then Yijiang will definitely be the queen of Xiqi Jifa in the future!
And now the widow is also not going to change anything, since he has seen his future destiny, he might as well let it be, but he can't just give it to Ji Fa in its entirety;
What the hell is that look in your eyes?Do you think the widow will still be interested in her?
You are wrong, the widow wants you to go!Just tonight, I found an excuse to meet Su Quanzhong, and happened to be fascinated by Nayi Jiang's beauty, and was bought by Su Quanzhong as a beauty, so as to open the door for him to betray Chaoge in the future;

In short, the widow doesn't care, if Jiang can still walk in that city tomorrow, let's see if the widow can beat you to death!Even if you force it, you have to take down Na Yijiang tonight!
If you are interested, you can play for a while longer, before Nezha is born, you can rest assured that Su Quanzhong will never let him get pregnant;
Afterwards, he also ordered Shangyin Ruipai, Chao Tian, ​​Lei Kai, You Hun, and other credible generals of the Forbidden Army to be "bought" by Su Quanzhong with the trick of beauties.

Even Uncle Wang Bigan, Huang Feihu, Wei Zi, Ji Zi, Wei Ziqi, Wei Ziyan, and the two brothers Boyi Shuqi, if you are interested, ask You Hun to contact them.

But there is only one point, none of you should really want to possess Na Yijiang, the widow wants her to go on the original track in the end and continue to be the queen of Naxiqi Jifa. "

After Di Xin Youyou's words fell, the corners of Di Xin's mouth were already twitching violently, and at the same time, his eyes could not help but flash.

As a result, this night, I didn't want Elai to be successfully 'bought', and I reported to Di Xin refreshed the next day.

And Di Xin took a closer look with great interest. After all, she is also the queen of the future Xiqi Jifa. She is a great merchant monarch, but she still can't help being surprised, but the future Wu Wang Jifa queen.

Then for a whole week, Na Yijiang finally recovered.

And Evil Lai is also not a good thing, but a womanizer, but he was ordered by Di Xin, and he did it as a last resort. After one night, he lost interest. Instead, he was more interested in the unborn Nezha in Chentangguan. interest.

As a result, not long after, after explaining the matter to You Hun, he was able to make friends with Su Quanzhong in an open and aboveboard manner, and then was bought by him. He didn't want to be the second one to be bought by You Hun.

Then Yin Ruibai, Chao Tian, ​​Lei Kai, and other absolutely credible generals in the Chaoge Forbidden Army were all bought by Su Quanzhong one after another, and decided to join Xiqi!And to prove it, he took him to Yuli to visit Xibo Hou Jichang, the Holy Lord of Xiqi.

But what surprised him was that although Xibo Hou Jichang was imprisoned, he had gained a lot of weight, making him almost unrecognizable.

Afterwards, Di Xin casually said that Wei Zi, Ji Zi, Wei Ziqi, Wei Ziyan and other Chaoge Four Kings were all bought by Su Quanzhong.

Only the two brothers Boyi and Shuqi, worthy of being the great sages of the ancient times, were not moved by anything at all, but only seeing the great business turmoil, the clouds rolling and the clouds calming down, it seems that everything has nothing to do with the two brothers.

And Emperor Xin would never give Jiang Ziya a chance to meet and speak. When Su Quanzhong betrays Chaoge and goes to Xiqi in the future, he will naturally bring Nayi Jiang to Xiqi, bring him back to his original track, and then become Xiqi The queen of Wu Wang Jifa.

So with the passage of time, Nezha's birth is finally getting closer and closer.


(End of this chapter)

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